C The Dynamic (w/ Hyenadog)

Alex chuckled once again at that as he then moved to turn onto his back, taking Tika with him to sit in his lap with his knot binding them together tightly, his other hand stroked the fur of his leg while he played with his bellybutton,"Twins..."He tilted his head the other way and smiled softly at that, he's always wanted a big family and he was finally getting one,"Oh yeah?"He watched as the hyena's hands went to two separate places on his rounded middle, his own hands moving towards those places as well,"Oh..."He rose his eyebrows and smiled softly at the soft thumps against his palms, he had no words as he simply watched and felt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika gasped when Alex rolled them over, shifting himself as his position pressed the alpha's cock deeper. "not identicle twins, just two pups." He said, smiling down at him. He sighed, relaxing atop his mate, letting him feel the movement within his belly. "this feels good..." He muttered, tail wagging a little behind him.

He felt his cock twitch within the other as he sat fully on his waist, humming as his eyes closed briefly,"Still technically twins... Fraternal."He ran his hands around to rub his back slowly as he laid down against his chest in relaxation,'What does?"He asked, me touching you?"He tilted his head some and smiled at him, running his hands down to play with his wiggling tail.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika slowly laid down on Alex, closing his eyes and making a pleased noise. "Everything." He sighed. "Being here, with you...the sex. Having a home. It all feels good." He chuckled, making a happy noise at the back rub. Tail wiggling more when it was touched.

Alex rested his head against his and sighed with a soft smile as the other spoke, pressing a bit firmer to make the rub into a slow massage as he closed his own eyes,"I'm glad you think so."He replied and nuzzled the top of his head, he didn't say much else then and a nap was in order afterwards. Things didn't change much, the room they had made love in became Tika's and he stayed there now, Alex made a few trips back up to the penthouse with him to collect some of his things for the transition and settled him into their home. The scent of the place didn't change much when he began staying and the other omega's and beta's took to him well, just as the children had, as a few more months passed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika made a relaxed noise as Alex nuzzled his head, shifting himself to get really comfortable before drifting off to a nice gentle nap. Alex's back rub really helped him relax more.
He found it funny that they picked his room by stumbling into it for sex, but he didn't mind. He liked the room. He enjoyed moving things into it, making it his own space. He finally took things out of his box and put them up. Some old grainy photos of his family, a few old toys, and a stuffed bear in need of a bath. But they went on a shelf.
His belly continued to grow, making him arch his back more as he walked. The pups had gotten more active as the weeks went on, but they were quickly running out of space on his small body. He was glad the rest of Alex's family were there to help him out. Now he was getting worried as his due date loomed.

Winston placed down everyone's breakfast plate and the remainders of what he fixed, humming as he did so as Alex watched him with a light smile. He was still half sleep, not getting much rest because of Tika's recent increase in sex drive, or at least his constant need to be knotted. His cock was sore and he kissed his second mate on his neck softly when he poured him some coffee,"Thank you."The coyote squeezed him gently and then looked to his wife as she cut up Erin's omlet, then towards his newest mate as he reached out to scratch behind his ears. Then stroke the fur of his belly gently,"Feeling good?"He asked him and used his other hand to lift up the mug and take a sip of the steaming liquid.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika was a little embarrassed by how much he craved sex, but he couldn't help it. The release he got helped relieve his anxiety regarding the upcoming birth. But now his drive was starting to drop, a sign it wouldn't be much longer.
He yawned softly, sitting back in his chair. One hand resting on the top of his tight belly, idly rubbing it. He watched Winston set out their food, thanking him quietly before his attention shifted to Alex's hand scratching his ear and then rubbing his belly. "I feel alright. I think they ran out of space." He said, rubbing his belly.

Gwen smiled to the young hyena, "shouldn't be too long now." She said, glancing to Alex. "Keep a close eye on him. His belly could drop any time now." She warned, wanting him to be ready for it.

"Yeah? I could see that."He laughed softly and leaned over to kiss the space between his eyebrows,"Maybe we should go ahead and put you on bedrest."He joked lightly, then met Gwen's eyes as she looked to him,"I know, I know."He nodded gently and stroked the long fur of her head,"We should go out as a family before the twins get here, before you start nesting."He smiled, then rolled up his sleeves before grabbing his fork and knife to cut into his omlet,"Any ideas on where?"He glanced around the table at his family's faces curiously, filling his mouth.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika chuckled, closing his eyes at the kiss. "I'm not that big." He laughed, shaking his head. He leaned into his touch, idly eating his breakfast. "I'd like that. Going out for some fresh air." He said, smiling brightly.
Gwen nodded as she ate, "how about a trip to the park?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I guess you aren't."He replied,"But you are a bit bigger than Gwen was, or Winston, so it's new to me."He chewed what was in his mouth, looking between his oldest and newest mate as they spoke, raising his eyebrow and looking to Winston with the kids as he shrugged indifferent to wherever they went. The girls too, since he would think the park would be entertaining either way for the two young girls,"Sure, we'll do that then. It's not to vigorous either so i think it'll be good for Tika."He reached to squeeze his knee while taking a sip of coffee.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I am?" He asked, nibbling his lip when Alex said he was bigger than what he'd experienced before. He looked at the others at the table, ears twitching. "I think a good walk will be nice." He said, looking back up at Alex.

Gwen smiled, finishing her breakfast. "Alright, once we're all done here, we'll head out for a nice walk." She said, looking to the children. "And some time at the playground."

Alex nodded slightly, not saying much else about it as he finished up his own food as well, then his coffee before Winston was coming back around to collect plates, the girls cheered in excitement and the alpha moved to wrap his arms around Tika and lift him into his lap. "This is going to be nice."He said and rubbed his omega's back, kissing him softly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika made a small noise when Alex pulled him into his lap, leaning into his hands and making a purring noise and sighing. He made a face, hand moving Alex's to a different spot. "Cramps..." He mumbled, looking to him. He had been having practice contractions for a few days now, but he had been told that was normal.

Gwen got up and moved to help Winston with the dishes and to usher the children to get ready to go out.

The coyote looked him over curiously,"You sure?"He asked him gently,"We Don't have to go, you can stay here and rest."He rubbed the space with his thumb now and his other hand ran over his large middle, stroking the fur there and glancing up at the girls and Gwen who ran off to get washed up and dressed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika shook his head, giving Alex a reassuring smile. "No, I should be fine. Moving around might help." He said, giving him a gentle kiss on the side of his muzzle. He slid off Alex's lap, reaching for his hands. "Come on, let's get ready too." He said, tail wagging behind him.

Alex watched his face for a moment then nods,"Okay."He nuzzled the top of his head and smiled at the kiss, helping him gently to stand up and intertwining their fingers. As he got up to his feet, following behind his omega like a giant puppy, purring at him and walking with him to his bedroom.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika walked to his bedroom with Alex, going to get himself dressed. He gave a little turn to show off his outfit, tail still wiggling behind him. By the time he was done, Gwen had finished with the girls and was going to put them in the car. Just waiting for Alex and Tika to come down.

Alex had been staying with Tika in his room for now as the pups grew larger inside of him and so he had some of his own clothes inside of the closet as well. After pulling on a dress shirt and jeans, his attention was drawn towards the hyena when he did a little twirl, he smiled at him and came forwards. His arms wrapping around him,"Handsome."He murmured, nuzzling him once again and rubbing his back slowly,"Let's go."He stroked his fur and then took his hand again to lead him back out of the room and down the stairs to see Winston carrying Helena out the front door.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika made a happy noise when Alex hugged him, nuzzling against him gently. He liked Alex staying with him, he cuddled against him when he slept.
He followed Alex, smiling at little Helena as they followed Winston out to the car. He climbed into the car with them, buckling in and smiling to Alex. "This is going to be a nice day." He said, looking back to the kids.

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