The station
Jace stroked Gear's face lovingly, glad that it was all over for him before Gear awoke with a groan "Hey, what's wrong sweetheart?" He asked concerned turning Gear's head towards him

White had been walking around trying to speed up his own labour but grinned and turned when he heard Gear moaning "Oh no, did I miscount?" He asked before laughing at Gear. He waddled back over and sat down "Oh, looks like I missed one" he grinned
Gear's eyes went wide " N-no..I can' tired. I.. ugghhh." anther pain overwhelmed him forcing the baby to drop he could feel it pressing down on his pelvis but it moved so slowly, it felt big, perhaps even slightly bigger then the first one had been gear arched his back and cried out he was still half panicked it hadn't sunk in just yet that he was going to have to deal with this.
Jace was in shock for a moment before anger took over him and he got up going to the end of the bed and punched White right on the jaw, White groaned and then turned and spat on Jace but Jace just wiped it off, uncaring as he went back to Gear's side and turned Gear's face to his own, he kissed him gently "Gear, you're going to be okay, it's just one more and then you're done, okay? Now, did you bring any of those energy shot needles with you in that bag?" He asked stroking his cheek "I know you're tired but you have to do this, okay?"
Gear whimpered but he gave a small nod, "The.. second .. pocket..." Gear was trying to think properly trying to be logical but it was hard when he was in so much pain already. "Jace.. help me.. change positions." It was the only other thing he could think of that would help, finding a position that could let gravity do some of the work for him.
Jace nodded and quickly went and grabbed the little vial and a needle before coming back, he gently helped Gear change position so that he was crouching on the floor so hopefully gravity would help, at least at the start, he picked up the needle and pushed it into Gear's stomach, he knew the contractions would be worse but at least Gear would have the energy to push through them

White knelt down next to Gear sighing "You realise you're not the only pregnant one here and it's hard to get down on the floor right?" He said shaking his head "Plus, the bed would have been better because your legs are shaking so violently you'll probably fall and hurt yourself before the child is crowned"
Gear tossed white a glare "I don't care what's comfortable for you. This is you're fault." there was anger in his words but he knew white was right his legs were shaking. IT didn't matter it was helping he could feel it bringing to baby down Some of his energy had returned but the contractions were horrible he wasn't sure he was going to survive this. IT hurt to much, but he had to try. Crying out in pain he began pushing again moving the baby further down.
Jace had his arms wrapped around Gear trying to keep him steady "You're going well Gear, so good darling" he said kissing his cheek gently "Once the baby reaches crowning we'll get you back on the bed okay? I think that would be better for you, okay?" Have said softly rubbing his back gently

White smirked, he was going to be a horrible doctor when Gear got back on the bed and he didn't care, they had done this to him and they needed him "Hurry up Gear, we haven't got all day" he chuckled rolling his eyes
Gear nodded he didn't want to but he knew it would help, what ever would get this thing out of him was fine. Anther contraction moved threw him and he pushed making slow progress. He did finnaly get the head to begin crowning but it had taken awhile even with the help of gravity on his side.
White smirked watching him in pain "He's crowning, let's get him back into the bed" he said to Jace and grabbed Gear's other arm pulling him up with Jace to lay back on the bed. He pushed a finger inside running his finger around the girth of its head, it was about the same size of the first one.

Jace helped lift him onto the bed and rubbed his back gently "You're going so well my love, just breathe, you can do this okay? Your stomach is almost deflated apart from where the child is so this is definitely the last one" he said smiling gently and brushing his hair back
Gear looked back at Jace and nodded. "I love you.." He said softly before his body tensed and he was bearing down again crying out and trying force the child out of him. This was white's fault.. as soon as Gear could he would make white pay. He arched his back feeling the way he ran his fingure around the skull. "b-burns!"
Jace smiled gently at him "I love you too" he said softly holding his hand gently rubbing the back of it "I know it burns Gear but you need to push through that, okay? You're going so well" he said smiling encouragingly at him and rubbing his back helping him lean forward when he needed to.

White grinned watching as the head started to emerge, once it was half way out and Gear had stopped o take a break he had his hand on the child's head and chuckled maliciously before pushing the child back inside of Gear watching his reaction happily (so evil, hahah)
Gear's entire body went rigid his breath caught and he screamed clutching at Jace's hand "I'm.. going to kill you." he was breathing hard unsure of Jace had seen or understood what had just happened from the angle he was sitting. There were actuly tears at the Corner's of his eyes, Gear had been so close to having the head out and now he had to start again. (XD, I like it. lol)
Jace cried out a little at the immense pain Gear had just caused his hand before realising what had happened "You're a monster!" He yelled at the man shaking angrily, he really wanted to make him pay for what he had done to them and especially to Gear

White chuckled softly "That's what you get for making me pregnant and trusting me to help you without implications" he grinned at them both "Ready for the baby to crown again Gear?" He laughed softly
Gear cursed at him taking a moment to rest he steadied his breathing and pushed again, like before it took about 2 contractions before the head was halfway out, he ad attempted to keep pushing worried white would try something again but he couldn't , Gear was to tired. He thought about the implications he had with him.. just wait.. gear was going to make sure the doctor had pay back for what he was doing.. Karma if you will.
Jace pushed Gear's hair back out of his face gently "Keep going Gear, you're so close darling" he said kissing the side of his head gently and rubbing the back of his hand lightly "You're so strong" he said gently rubbing his back gently.

White left him to push this time, being nice this time as he held the head gently. "Keep going Gear, we don't have all day, some more of us need to have these babies soon you know" he chuckled darkly
Gear gave anther push freeing the head come free he leaned back and tried to relax a moment before working on the shoulders but he didn't have long to rest and he had to push again. Gear cried out clutching Jace's hand
Jace rubbed the back of Gear's hand gently "You're so strong and so brave and so soon this will be over and we'll be nearly home and we'll be a little happy family" he smiled gently at Gear and helped him sit up a bit to help him push "Take a really deep breath and push" he said rubbing Gear's back

White held the head steady and groaned as another contraction ran through his body, his contractions had started to get closer together and he knew it wouldn't be too long until he was birthing his own children.
Gear heard white groan, he was almost happy the man deserved this. leaning foreword gear pushed again his body was shaking with effort he was tired the shot was wearing off he gripped Jace's hand crying out as he felt the shoulders coming out of him.
Jace grabbed the cloth wiping Gear's face gently, he could see how tired Gear was becoming and he knew that he didn't have much left. He kissed Gear's cheek gently "You're so strong my love" he said softly rubbing the back of Gear's hand gently "Just a few more and it's over" he said softly rubbing Gear's back gently

White held the child steady sighing a little, he almost felt like pushing the child back in again but he knew that they wouldn't help him at all if he did much else, it was okay though, he had many plans for Jace's birth
Gear grit his teeth he was exhausted. "I-I can't.." The shoulders were stretching him wide he pushed again trying to make sure the baby didn't get stuck but even his pushing had grown a bit weaker. Gear let out a cry and leaned foreword again bearing down he couldn't think clearly any more he was to tired and in to much pain.

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