The station
Jace smiled sadly up at Gear "I only birthed twins last time and they weren't even big and I nearly died...I can't really be positive about this and I want you to be need to be strong and continue on with your life, you're probably only in love with me because of the situation, you'll find someone else, you're a catch, you will"

White grunted a little looking over at Gear "Fine, just waiting for the head to turn" he said glaring a bit at him.
Gear held no sympathy for white if he didn't need him he would have reached over and shoved him back on the bed. He could be cruel, kill him where he was. He had every reason to.

"It isn't just the situation." Gear said looking back at Jace "it isn't I mean it...I..look you'll... you'll be ok." He didn't believe that. He already knew Jace probably wouldn't live but he had ideas on how to save him. This time Gear was in charge just as much as White was. He could help. HE could do something..
Jace looked at Gear sadly, knowing that Gear was terrified. He wrapped an arm around him and tucked his face into his neck rubbing his side gently, he held back tears his grip tightening on Gear a little as a contraction rolled through him again, they were starting to get closer together and he was already so tired.

White breathes heavily groaning and making guttural sounds as he pushed breathlessly, after several attempts of pushing and contractions going through him he finally pushed one of the shoulders out.
Gear No longer had his attention on white it stayed on Jace he wrapped him up in his arms and held him tightly. "It's alright." Scare, yes of course he was but he knew how to be brave. He had spent the last year doing that. "Come on, Come sit down." He wanted Jace to rest a bit while he still could... if he still could Gear wasn't sure. He ran a hand threw Jace's hair and smiled lightly trying to comfort him as much as Gear knew Jace was trying to do the same to him.
Jace sat down next to Gear breathing heavily, his cheeks flushed from exertion already. He smiled gently at Gear. He rubbed his large stomach trying to soothe whatever was inside of him so he could close his eyes, even if it was just for a couple of minutes. He squeezed Gear's hand lightly and tucked his face into Gear's neck a little, feeling almost selfish for wanting the attention while White was in labour
Gear didn't pay much attention to White anymore his focus had fallen on Jace for the moment. He came over resting a hand on Jace's belly to try and help calm the children. "you're ok, just close your eyes." Gear said keeping his voice soft and quiet.
Jace felt a couple of tears roll down his cheeks lightly and he sniffled a little "I don't want to die" he said brokenly opening his eyes to look at Gear, his whole body shaking and the tears falling freely now down his cheeks and dropping onto his large stomach. He looked up hearing a sigh of relief out of White as the first child was born.
Gear stayed right where he was holding jace close, "I'm right here, no matter what happens you'll be ok." He kissed Jace softly trying to comfort him. He knew this wasn't going to be easy but there was a part of him that still wanted to belive the male could live.
Jace nodded sniffling and rubbing at his eyes, he curled into Gears side as much as he could tucking his face into Gears neck and tightening his grip on him. He cried out as a painful contraction rolled through him, "I don't want to do this, I don't" he said terrified. He heard White grunting and moaning trying to push the second child out.

White breathed heavily leaning up and pushing with as much strength as he could muster. He glared over at Gear "Thought you were going to help me in exchange for my help?" He muttered and pushed again groaning loudly
"You don't want my help, If I have to come over there I won't be helping. Staying over here is helping." Gear pointed out while at the same time trying to sooth Jace running a hand along his back and trying to calm him. "It's alright I'm right here." He said trying to calm him.
Jace looked at Gear terrified and nodded squeezing his hand gently whimpering a little in pain "Can you help me walk around for a bit? I feel like I'm close but I need to help them along a bit" he said biting his lip a little and rubbing the back of his neck
Gear nodded and helped him up to walk around stopping whenever Jace needed to all the while also keeping an eye on white who appeared to having a bit of trouble with the second child. He considered helping simply because they would need him soon.
Jace breathes heavily every time a contraction passed through him, he could see that White was struggling and wanted to keep Gear to himself but knew they would need him, he pulled out of Gears arms "You need to go help him" he said breathlessly and cried out as a harsh contraction rolled through him almost falling to the floor but adamant that he should help White

(So I had an idea for after this, I know you don't like smut so we don't have to play it but I was thinking they get back to earth and either they have sex(which we don't play) and then one of them ends up pregnant but like full 9 months pregnancy because of something in the first needle they were given. Or if you want to make it like a full to with the storyline maybe they get back to Earth, spend a few months together and think they aren't compatible, break up, then meet up another few months later and have like a one night stand and then the same sort of idea and they come back together because of it? If you don't like those ideas I can think of some more ?)
Gear nodded, "Alright just keep breathing ok?" Gear went over to white and, as much as he hated to do it actually helped him supporting the baby's had as it came out so it wouldn't keep sliding back. White was no longer insulting him he was to focused on pushing and trying to get the baby out a few time he cried out when the head reached it's widest point.

(I like the idea of the first one but also, what would you think of an alien species invading earth at some point because we could also do something with that.)
Jace chuckled softly "I'll try to" he said breathlessly and waddled over to a wall crouching down, his back against it, his whole body was now covered in sweat. He looked over as Gear helped White birth the other child.

White grunted and cried out as he kept pushing as hard as he could, his face covered in sweat and bright red, he spread his legs as much as he could screaming out as he pushed the head out finally.

(Yeah, sure, what sort of alien this time? :) )
"Just a bit more." Gear said pulling slightly on the child trying to speed things along rather then simply hurt him. He needed white alive after all. "Come on keep going."

(hmmm I'm not sure, anything in mind?)
White grunted and groaned loudly as the contractions wracked his body, he pushed hard again screaming out as he felt little movement as he grunted and groaned loudly "Get the fucker out of me!" He muttered pushing again desperately.

(I'm not sure either, though we've still got a while to figure something out. Also, I reckon that White should be super cruel to Jace because he knows that Gear didn't bring any more needles that impregnate people with them and he is still just an evil person, haha)
Gear watched as one of the shoulder poped out and was soon fallowed by the next one "One more push." Gear said, though he could probably have tugged the child free he really wanted to make White suffer just a few moments longer.

(true, true, White cane be cruel but I'm going to warn you that if he does that Gear will probably kill him before they get back to earth XD )
White grunted breathing heavily before pushing again, sighing in relief as he felt the child finally slide free. He laid back exhausted falling to sleep immediately, he couldn't wait to enact his revenge on them, especially Gear.

Jace breathes heavily through another contraction. It had been 4 hours since White had finished giving birth and Jace's contractions were now pretty much one on top of the other with only a few seconds of breathing time before another contraction started "Gear...Gear, it's starting" he groaned out feeling the first child start to move down.

(Yeah, but White knows that Gear needs him until Jace has finished birthing and possibly for a bit after so he doesn't really care, plus he might as well die or get sent back to the station cause we're not going to really use him after this, lol, I love the evilness of him)
Gear came over quickly "Alright, alright you're doing good just breath." Gear was tired, though he hid it well and he doubted that Jace and white would see. Still, he had delivered just a little over a day ago now and sense then he had only slept an hour or so right after he delivered. His muscles were still sore but he didn't show it, he didn't need Jace to worry.

"White wake up." If gear could deliver 3 children and only take an hours rest he was certain that white could be back up with a 4 hour nap. "Get over her." he growled.

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