The station
Jace held onto Gear tightly "I'm sorry that you haven't got to rest much" he said softly "I'm sorry that you're so tired" he said kissing Gear's cheek gently before crying out and spreading his legs a little as the contraction went through him quickly "I need to push, I need to get on the bed" he said shaking violently. He felt guilty that he was forcing Gear to be with him when he knew how exhausted and sore he would be, plus he had most of his weight leaning on Gear.
Gear nodded and slowly helped Jace moved toward the bed. "It's alright, don't worry about me." He said giving Jace a kiss on the forehead. "I'll help you get on the bed but standing might actually help, having gravity on your side might be good. Gear pointed out as he went to go force white off the bed. White grumbled and complained but he soon moved.
Jace leaned against him breathing heavily "My legs won't stop shaking, I can't stand for any longer" he said softly and cried out as another contraction rolled through him, he gritted his teeth and pushed even though he was not yet on the bed. Once the contraction was over he looked up at Gear, his face bright red from exertion "Can you sit behind me to support me, I don't know if I'll be able to keep sitting up and stuff, I'm so exhausted"
Gear nodded, he was happy with that idea considering he was to tired to just stand at Jace's side he probably would have suggested it if Jace hadn't. "Alright here." He helped Jace up onto the bed and got behind him as white moved into position he was almost grinning Gear didn't like that grin the way he was looking at Jace.
Jace leaned back against Gear and took his hand gently breathing heavily. He looked up at Gear feeling tears fall down his cheeks from thinking of what was about to happen and the absolute fear he was going to die "I love you Gear, just remember that okay? I love you more than I've ever loved someone in my life" he said and laid his head back against Gears shoulder as he felt a contraction roll through him, he spread his legs crying out as he pushed as hard as he could, clenching his teeth as he did so
"Shhh, you're going to be alright you're strong." Gear soothed though he knew already this was going to be a horrible process for him. He tried to keep Jace calm and collected.

"You'll have to push harder then that if you want to make any real progress Jace." White said watching him, half taunting even though it was the truth.
Jace smiled weakly at Gear, not really believing his words. He looked at White and nodded taking a deep breath as another contraction went through him, he leaned forward and pushed hard groaning and grunting as he did so, he felt quite a bit of movement so knew this was an average sized baby, he was terrified for the toddler sized baby or babies, he wasn't quite sure which.
"Good there ya go, that was progress." white watched him smiling he was waiting for something though it was unclear what and Gear still didn't like that look in his eyes.

Gear supported JAce as he sat up and pushed "There ya go, just like that one."
Jace moaned loudly leaning back against Gear, panting a little, he was already so exhausted and didn't really know how he was going to do this, he squeezed Gear's hand gently before grasping onto it tightly and crying out as he leaned forward pushing again spreading his legs further out as he felt the child start to get quite close to his hole
That, was what White had been waiting for he reached foreword and closed Jace's legs, not completely but enough to cause him pain as it would go against what his body wanted him to do. instead of create more room for the baby to pass white had created less.

Gear growled at him, had he been able to he would have gotten up and shoved white out of the way, he wished he had brought more of the needles with. How dare he, after all of this hurt Jace.
Jace cried out a little "Stop it!" He cried out and grunted and groaned loudly pushing with all his might as well as still continuing to try and spread his legs out more but he didn't have much energy and knew he had to try and save as much as possible, he couldn't get any movement with his legs together like this and he felt defeated as he sobbed leaning back agaIndy Gear
"Shhh, it's alright." Gear said softly trying to calm him he tried to rub Jace's hips with is legs being forced closed like this he knew the pressure would settle there. "Let him go, so help me I will kill you." How many times had he said that? No, he meant that now when this was over. "I mean it let go of him."

White chuckled letting Jace suffer threw anther contraction before allowing him to move his legs apart again.
Jace sobbed a little in relief as his legs were let go, he spread them wide again squeezing Gear's hand a little before leaning forward grunting a little as he pushed hard feeling his hole start to burn as the child pushed against his entrance, he leaned back again breathing heavily for the couple of seconds break he had before leaning forward screaming out as the baby started to push through his hole, he tightened his grip on Gear's hand screaming out as he pushed
Gear could tell by the way Jace was gripping his hand he was probably crowning . "Good, you're doing so good." Gear said brushing the hair out of his eyes.

White ran a finger around his whole stretching him wider as he watched the first baby continue to come out. He waited for Jace to make a bit more progress before reaching foreword and shoving the head back a bit.
Jace smiled weakly at Gear and pushed again before screaming in agony "No! Stop! Please" he screamed brokenly as the child was partially pushed back in him, he sobbed brokenly "You're a monster!" He screamed at White shaking a bit before he started pushing again, his whole body shaking as he grunted and moaned pushing the child's head back out of him again
Gear tried to support him after awhile pressing a cool cloth to his forhead to wipe away the sweat, at least white didn't shove it back again. he let it make progress watching and smirking as the head came to a full crown before seeming to stop making progress for a moment.

"You're doing good, you've almost got the head out." Gear said quietly.
Jace nodded a little and hummed in appreciation of the cold cloth "Thank you" he mumbled quietly and felt another contraction building, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth leaning forward again as he pushed as hard as he could screaming out in agony
White supported the head as it came out of Jace and gear continued to run the cold cloth over Jace cooling him down. However, it was now that white also began tugging on the baby even without a contraction.
Jace gasped out, losing his breath as he screamed so loudly he was surprised no one went deaf "Stop! That hurts!" He screamed brokenly as another contraction started to roll through his body and he leaned forward crying Puranas pushing as hard as he could, his fingers digging into Gear's hand
Gear held Jace steady as one of the shoulder popped out thanks to White pulling on the child and with Jace pushing the second fallowed. "Almost out." Gear told him trying to relax him rubbing his back.

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