C The Dynamic (w/ Hyenadog)

The coyote held the hyena tightly and lifted him up a bit more, careful of his wounds and his own as he did,"I know, I know, but you have to try."He said gently, helping him over to the bed again slowly,"It's okay, it's going to be fine, okay? Listen to me, you're okay."He kissed his head repeatedly, rubbing his arms gently and then his back as he helped him lean against the bed, he dropped his crutch and hopped onto the bed, pulling his mate into his lap gently and breathing slowly in and out as an example as he held him,"That's our pup, they won't hurt you, they just want to meet you, see? They just want to meet you."He kissed him again and again as he rubbed his back and shoulders and hips, "Can we get him more medicine?"He asked the nurse as he held Tika against his chest, still breathing slowly in and out for him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika whined loudly, panicking at the pain he'd never felt before. He managed to get up onto the bed with the help of Alex and the nurse. He laid back against Alex, whimpering and spreading his legs for the nurse to check him. "Things are moving well." She said, gently rubbing the hyena's legs. Tika was trying to breathe, but he was hit by another contraction. He gave a shrill cry as he pushed, the base of his cock starting to bulge. "Its too big!"

The nurse nodded, going to find the doctor to see if they could give Tika more pain meds.

Alex felt his mate's pain through his voice as he held him close,"No, it's not. You're okay, baby, you're okay, you heard what she said? She said you're doing great, you're so good, baby. You're so good, you'll be done with this in no time."He murmured right into his ear, nipping at his ear softly so he would listen to him as he ran his hands over his belly, nuzzling into him deeply as he sat between his legs. "You're making me so proud... So proud, I'm right here with you, I'm right here. Hold onto me."He ran his hands over to grip the other's hands and give them a squeeze before kissing his fingers.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika listened to Alex, whimpering as he pushed hard. His alpha's words encouraging him. He panted harshly between contractions, but by now he didn't get much relief. They were on top of each other, making him whine and whimper as he pushed again and again. His cock, still retracted mostly into its sheath, continued to bulge more and more. Soon the dark skin was pulled tight around the pup, fluid dribbling from the tip. Tika couldn't even speak, it hurt so much.

Gwen had moved to sit at the foot of the bed, rubbing Tika's legs and encouraging him, looking up as the nurse returned with a syringe. She added it to his IV before checking on his progress. "I'll go call the doctor. He's nearly crowning." She said, nodding to the alpha and his first mate while Tika just clung to Alex and whined.

Alex held him closely and purred at him as he grasped onto him,"So amazing... I love you so much."He whispered against his ear, running his free hand over his mates belly slowly and back to his arm, glancing up at the woman slightly as she came back. He nodded some and pressed his nose to the crook of Tika's neck, murmuring some more nonsense to him as he was being checked,"You're okay, here... Come, lean forwards."He turned him slowly so they were basically chest to chest, rubbing over his back and hips, kissing over his head softly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika whimpered as Alex nuzzled against him, turning his head and nuzzling him in return. He gasped when Alex moved to turn him, shifting onto his knees and leaning against his alpha. "Oh, g-gravity..." He gasped, feeling the pup sliding further. He gave a shrill cry as the pup stretched him further and further. Bulging between his legs.

The doctor returned, smiling to them. "Let me just check." He said, gently moving Tika and running his fingers over his distended length. The hyena whined at the touch, shying away. "He's almost crowning. Come on, a little more..." He muttered, using a little pressure to help move the pup through the tight passage. Tika whined and yelped, shifting to bite down on the nearest thing, which happened to be Alex...

"There you go."He nosed the top of his head gently, holding his hips and rubbing slowly, kissing him again and again softly,"You're so good."He closed his eyes, his fingers running through his fur, knowing he was sweaty and tired and just wanting to go home,"Breathe... Breathe... I'm here, it's okay."He murmured to him when the doctor checked his mate carefully, he watched the stranger and then looked down at Tika when he made such a pained nose. The coyote supported him as much as he could and watched as he pushed, letting out a sharp yelp himself as the hyena bit down on him, though didn't say anything. He bit down on his own lower lip and grimaced some, huffing and wrapping his arms around him further,"Keep pushing, it's okay... You're almost done."He grunted lightly, closing his eyes and pressing his head against the other male's.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika's jaws squeezed as he pushed, trembling against Alex as the pup's head started to crown, stretching his opening wide. His whines got more intense as the head reached the widest point, and with a gentle squeeze from the doctor, popped free. He let go of Alex's shoulder, crying out loudly and clinging tightly to his mate. The doctor eased the pup out into his hands, quickly pulling back enough to place the pup into the waiting towel held by a nurse. He cleared he pup's airways, letting it give its first sharp cry.

Tika lifted his head suddenly, looking over at the pup wriggling in the towel as it was dried. He didn't know what to say, he could only stare at it and make soft whimpers.

"Do you want to cut the cord?" Asked the doctor, looking at the new parents and smiling. "We can't tell the gender yet, but we can run a test to find out." He added, looking at the crying pup.

Alex grit his own teeth when Tika clinched down on him with his jaws, holding him as he quivered against him,"There you go..."He ran his fingers through the fur of his head and supported him as finally felt a splash of slick fluids spilling out over his own legs from between his mates thighs. His eyes opened up again to look towards where the dark pup was squirming and whimpering at the top of its lungs. He smiled softly against Tika,"That's your pup... Our pup... They're so healthy , you hear them?"The alpha rubbed his hands over his back and lead him gently to turn over onto his back again slowly,"Yeah, I'll cut it."He said and reached his arms out from beneath the omega's arms,"It's okay, no tests yet, let him just hold them."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika was amazed, seeing his newborn pup wailing in the nurse's arms. He slowly turned over with Alex's help, holding out shaky hands. "This....this really just came out of me?" He asked, looking over the pup. The nurse clamped the cord while Tika held the pup before offering the scissors to Alex to cut it. With that done, the pup was wrapped fully to stay warm, quickly quieting to soft whines and yips.

Tika made a soft purring noise, nosing the pup before gently licking its face clean. He then looked up at Alex, smiling widely as he held the pup up a little for him to see.

"We'll put the pup in an incubator and monitor it...this pup was near the bruise, so we want to be sure its going to be okay." Said the doctor, letting the parents decide when to move the pup.

Alex chuckled softly and nodded,"They did."He nodded and easily cut the umbilical cord of their first pup, smiling softly at them both as he held them against his chest in his arms. The alpha watched him quietly for a moment, meeting Tika's eyes when he lifted the pup up a bit more,"I see them."He kissed the side of his face and rubbed his sides before looking to the doctor,"Of course, whatever it takes to make sure they're alright."He said and ran his thumb over the pups cheek gently then the curve of their ear.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika looked down at the pup in his arms, gazing into its dark eyes as it whined and whimpered. He looked up at Alex, looking so proud of himself and his new child. But their sweet moment was cut short as his contractions ramped up again. "Aaah...the second one." He groaned, handing the pup off to the nurse who placed them in the incubator nearby. She gently attached a heart monitor to the pup, just to be safe.

Tika arched his back and cried out as he pushed, feeling the second pup drop into position. Grabbing for Alex's hand, he held on tight, wanting to get through this quick.

Alex met his eyes with his own nod and a soft smile, before he tensed up again and he helped him sit up gently,"Okay, it's going to be okay."He kissed the back of his neck,"We're just doing this again."He gripped his hand in return as he held him upright,"You're okay."He said gently and nibbled his ear again silently as he held his hand while his other hand supported his belly and rubbed his arm,"Just push... Push and breathe."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika leaned back into Alex's arms, growling through his contractions and pushing hard. The second pup slid down easily until the sharp bend. then it got difficult. Tika cried out as the pup slid further, kicking his legs slightly. This pup was bigger, stretching him even wider...painfully wide, threatening to tear. The doctor could only apply pressure to try and prevent that, but tearing was common for new mother hyenas.

Alex held him and let him support himself on his chest as he guided him through the pain as gently and calmly as he could, his bicep burned from where Tika had sunk his teeth into his muscle, though he ignored it while the hyena struggled to bring their pups into the world. "There you go..."He breathed against his ear and nipped it, rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb as his other rested on the tight belly of the other male,"You have this..."He pressed his head into the back of his neck, breathing with him and squeezing his hand before grabbing onto the backs of his thighs,"Careful, careful."He said quickly when he began kicking, knowing the doctor was down between his mate's legs and also his own wound were in proximity too, watching as the pup seemed to get even bigger as it came. Showing itself, he felt his heart swell with pride,"You're okay... You're okay..."He kissed over his slightly matted skin repeatedly and nuzzled as well.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika squirmed and whined loudly as he pushed, the pup stretching him far more than the first one did. "Its too big!" He cried out, tears rolling down his cheeks as he leaned his head back. "Its too big!" He repeated. The doctor was trying to desperately prevent a tear, but the dark skin of his genitals was stretched tight, turning red before suddenly tearing. Tika screamed and the doctor tried to work the pup out as quickly as possible. The tear happened further down the tube of flesh, splitting like an over-pressurized hose. The doctor quickly put gauze over it, slowing the bleeding.

"Its crowning." He muttered, easing the pup through the tight opening. "Just a little more." He coached, gently tugging on it until it slid free and into his hands. "Its out." He said, holding the large healthy pup up for them to see as it started to wail and squirm

Alex held him carefully, not wanting to provoke the laboring hyena, nor hurt him as he pressed his nose to the back of his neck. Not saying anything, not being able to as he couldn't think of anything to comfort him, glancing down between his legs where Tika's penis was stretching and stretching, unnaturally to him. It made him flinch and look away quickly as he simply kissed away his tears softly, shushing him gently when he screamed,"Sorry, sorry. You're going to be okay..."He held him by his belly and one of his legs, he looked shocked as well when the large baby was lifted up into view,"Wow..."The pup was a pretty golden color and brown markings covering them, unlike it's sibling who was colored more like Alexander himself.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

It was a good thing Tika couldn't see how his penis stretched and deformed as the baby came out, It would have freaked him out too much. He whimpered and whined loudly from the pain. But once it was over, he went limp in Alex's arms. He opened his eyes enough to see the pup in the doctor's hands.

"This pup is very healthy." Said the doctor as he handed it off to a nurse to clean. offering the scissors to Alex again to cut the cord. "Here you go." Said th nurse, setting the wrapped up pup on Tika's chest. Tika whined softly, looking at the pup. His body still contracting to get the afterbirth out.

Alex smiled softly at him as he sank into his arms, rubbing his still contracting belly and kissing over his face,"You're done... You're so perfect."He whispered, stroking the back of his head and neck now,"So amazing, do you see him?"He laughed lightly and nudged the side of his head, then watched as the nurse gave the pup over to TIka and cut the cord easily before helping his young, exhausted mate hold their newborn pup. "Could we hold the first pup too?"He asked the nurse, knowing that the hyena still had the afterbirth to deal with but wanting to distract him before then.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tika held his new pup with Alex's help, looking down at it with tired eyes. The pup whined and squirmed, but quieted down when Tika leaned in to slowly lick their face. A moment of bonding. He looked up when the nurse brought over the first pup, shifting a bit to cradle them too. He let Alex help hold the pups, closing his eyes and trying to relax.

He groaned softly as his body pushed out the afterbirth, wincing as the tear stung. but it didn't take long with the doctor's help. "We're going to stitch you up...and put a catheter in so you don't have to worry about urinating." said the doctor, going to get things ready for that.

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