The station
Jace shook his head frantically crying desperately "Please Gear, please, I can't...please just kill me, or get him to kill me, please, I just cant" he cried and sobbed as a contraction hit and he pushed crying out weakly, his body shaking violently now
"Im.. im not going to.."It broke his heart to hear those words and Gear looked down at him. He made good progress considering the fact that he had already been stretched so much but he knew Jace wouldn't last much longer.
Jace sobbed brokenly shaking, he felt his vision start to go again and fell into unconsciousness for almost thirty seconds before coming back awake crying out again a little at the pain, his whole body was covered in a layer of sweat and he couldn't stop himself from shaking anymore, almost in a permanent state of shock
Gear was becoming worried Couldn't white do something, cut it out of him.." White moved around and did as he had before applying pressure to Jace's belly forcing the child down. He wasn't being gentle in the slightest or even slow about it forcing the head down against Jace's broken hip he smiled, smirking the boy was to weak to fight back anyway.
Jace screamed out "Stop! It hurts so bad! Please" he cried out shaking violently and felt the horrible pain against his hip again and couldn't even cry out, he just opened his mouth in a silent scream before blacking out again. He woke up just as the child was getting to his hole and shook his head violently "No!" He cried out brokenly
"Come on push!" White commanded pressing down hard not enough to help the child along but instead to trigger a hard contraction. He stepped away. "Come on push jace!" White said watching the boy wondering how much logner he could keep this up for.
Jace screamed out loudly at the contraction squeezing Gear's hands as tightly as he could which was a pretty weak effort at this stage, he pushed as much as he could but made no progress, his energy completely gone, he laid back against Gear finding it hard to breathe he looked terrified up at Gear unable to say anything
When white saw there was no progress he sighed, "Am I going to have to do it all for you?" He smirked coming back over and pressing down even without the contraction he began forcing the child down adding pressure to get it threw him and out. "Come on push work with me here." White siad enjoying the pain on Jace's face. The head was starting to crown already thanks to what white was doing.
Jace cried out brokenly, he knew White was hurting him on purpose but didn't have the energy or anything to retaliate, he knew it would just cause him more pain. He pushed weakly, his body shaking. He closed his eyes tiredly pushing weakly on the next few contractions but with White pushing down most of the head had been birthed
The head reached it's widest point where white let it pause for a moment before pressing down on Jace's stomach again freeing the head, the shoulders were a bit wider on this child it actuly took a bit more effort on his part to simply force them out but he didn't care much for the boy expecting him to die.

Gear was holding tightly to Jace he was shaking, though not in pain as Jace was this was anger he was waiting, becasue in a way he knew what white was doing had to be done sense Jace no longer had the strength to push and Gear didn't have the heart to do it. Just a bit longer and he could kill the man, he would no longer be needed.
Jace felt so dry, like he couldn't even cry anymore, that there was actually nothing left in him at all. He breathes heavily, his body visibly cringing every time a contraction went through him and he started falling in and out of consciousness at a much higher rate, blacking out every few seconds now
Jace, hold on, almost done." He was worried, unsure. it didn't look good, he didn't like this. But Gear tried to remain calm, just a bit longer.

White forced the shoulders out of the boy and pulled the rest of the child free within the next few contractions. Gear got up, and perhaps it was the look in his eye that said what was about to happen. They way gear looked at the doctor that he began to change, perhaps fearing for his life. A moment ago he hadn't cared weather Jace lived or died but there was something in Gear's gaze, a mutual understanding that he needed to save the boy. What got to work he stopped the bleeding from the tear and got an IV into Jace's arm. The longer white could make himself usefull the longer he would stay alive but really, how much more could he do?
Jace was still for quite a few hours after, his breathing uneven and lightly. He woke whimpering a little "Gear?" He asked out, his voice croaking a little because of how dry it was. He cried out at the pain in his hips and felt tears well and fall down his cheeks
Gear pulled his attention away from the doctor and set it back on Jace running a hand over his shoulder and down his back. "Shhh, hey im right here." He said softly "Just hold on a moment ok? You're going to be alright.
Jace sobbed a little "My body just hurts so bad, can you help me please?" He cried brokenly "My hips are in agony, do we have anything to help numb it?" He asked sadly, knowing what the answer would be but hoping anyway.
Gear was quiet for a moment he tried to think if he had anything and even though he didn't expect to find anything searched threw his bag he only came up empty handed. "No.. I-im sorry." He had tried to get things like that when he left but White hadn't kept any in the room and at the time he simply wasn't able to grab it. "Look where almost home just anther day or so I think then we can get you the proper care alright?"
Jace nodded, but wasn't quite able to stop the tears falling from his eyes. Another day passed and a jolt was felt, Jace cried out in pain as the whole thing moved tightly squeezing Gear's hand, a sob leaving his mouth, he was honestly scared they were going to crash or something and he couldn't move because of his hips.
"Were landing.. I think." Gear got up just long enough to look out the window and find that they were in fact vary close now, so close he could see buildings under them like tiny little toy structures. "It'll be a few more hours.. but.. I think.. I think will be home today." Gear came over cuddling up next to Jace again being careful not to move him to much.
Jace whimpered a little bit as Gear moved him slightly but took his hand gently and squeezed it. He turned his head looking over Gear's face and his features. He wasn't quite sure if what they had was real or anything, or if it would last as soon as they were back to being themselves but he wanted to take in this moment right now, he didn't want to lose hope but he knew they would have been different people on the station to now.
Gear cared about Jace there was no question there, the thought of losing him almost drove gear insane but was that just because of where they were now or because he did in fact love the boy. Either way, he would find out soon enough in just a few hours they would be landing. HE had no clue where, or what they would find when they got there, how they would even get out or if landing would be safe but he could only worry about one thing at a time and right now, he just had Jace to worry about.

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