The station

Jace could feel his heart breaking more as Gear admitted to it. He felt the tears falling freely now, unable to stop them, "I....I don't said you love me" he said brokenly, his voice cracking on almost every word. He took a few steps back from the bathroom "I...I need to go" he said softly and went to the bedroom quickly grabbing a pair of shoes and putting them on before grabbing his wallet and keys, he didn't need his phone as Gear was the only person he talked to on it. He headed for the door quickly.

Gear stumbled slightly he fallowed after him eyes wide. "Jace please, you don't understand, I do love you!" He honestly couldn't recall a think of what had happened that day, he couldn't recall doing anything, maybe he had been drugged? He had gone with that man willingly sure but he had been out of it for hours after. He didn't understand he didn't want to lose Jace because of this. "Please don't go." He reached out for him gently trying to take his hand he wanted to talk, to explain but he couldn't...

Jace turned pulling his hand away from the touch "You're right, I don't understand, I don't understand how you could do this, I don't understand how this hurts me so deeply that I wish I could rip my heart out right now, I don't understand at all" he said shaking a little, he sounded angry but the tears just wouldn't stop falling down his cheeks. "Leave me the hell alone" he said leaving quickly and slamming the door behind him.

Gear spent a few moments staring at the closed door, it wasn't supposed to happen like this, he was crying, shaking,his chest rose in fell quickly as he tried to pull air into his lungs. A panic attack, Jace leaving, it was something he had feared ever sense the ship when he had almost died but now he was walking out freely. It wasn't fair, he couldn't even recall it, he slammed his right hand into a nearby wall leaving a small hole. pain corsed threw his hand but that did nothing to calm him. Eventually he ended up in bed, unable to rest or sleep he just laid there staring up at the ceiling.

Jace walked the streets for a while, he couldn't stop the tears but the sobbing had subsided after about 5 minutes. He sat down on a bench, his hips starting to ache, not used to walking so much. A man came and sat next to him and began to comfort him, he found it strange but welcomed it. The man invited him back to his house and Jace accepted being cold and in pain. The last thing he remembered was the man pointing out his apartment, he felt like he had blinked and him and the man were in front of Gears and his apartment door. The man opened it without a key but Jaces head was so fuzzy he couldn't quite work out what was happening as he stumble a bit back into the apartment.

Gear heard the door open and was up in moments he moved to the living room but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the other man his eyes went wide. "J-jace?" What was going on? Gear was confused, Jace looked dazed Gear was still shaking, the feelings from before hadn't really left. Jace had chosen not to listen, he had walked out, he wouldn't talk. Perhaps the boy had the right to be mad, but... he had left gear alone when he was already scared enough.... no that was not his current problem the boy had come back, but who was with him. "Who is that? What is going on?"

Jace looked around the apartment confused "What happened? I don't remember..." He said, he looked at Gear and remembered leaving the apartment and felt some tears in his eyes again. He could see the night sky "What? I just left here like half an hour ago...? How is it dark?" He said and rubbed at his head a little confused.

The man, on his planet he was known as Ryptok, took Jace's arm and led him to the couch "I came here to seed my children and I have implanted them in both of you, once I saw how well my children took to Gear I tried another male but with no luck so I must assume it's what happened to you on the space station so now I have also impregnated Jace, you will both be the bearers of my children"

Gear glared at the alien, the deed was done it was not as if he had a choice. "How did you know what happened to us, and what do you think gives you the right. He had been used again, because someone else needed something, this, wasn't ok he hadn't killed white but if this Alien could not give a vary good explanation he would attack, while... no.. actually he probably wouldn't but Gear vary much wanted to. As angry as he was he moved standing protectively in front of Jace. "Whis is your kind? What.... What kind of children?"

Jace's hand wrapped around the top of Gear's arm as the words slowly started to sink in "No....Gear...I can't...not again, my hips..." He said fearfully. He knew he would have to talk to Gear about the cheating that he had assumed had occurred but right now he was just thinking of having to go through all that all over again.

Ryptok smiled at him "I know a lot of things Gear, I am telepathic as your kind calls it" he laughed softly "You can try to kill me but it would not be good for you or your mate" he smiled gently "You shall know in a month or two what they will be"

Gear looked at the alien glaring. He wanted vary much to be mad to pull away. From all of this, because if he wasn't here then he could say it wasn't happening, but Gear was the strong one, so it didn't matter what he felt. He was the solider. He bend down next to Jace and wrapped his arms around the male laying his head against his shoulder as he took a seat on the couch next to him. It'll be alright, it isn't the same." He hoped he was right, that it wasn't the same... but he couldn't promise.

Jace tucked his face into Gear's neck holding onto him tightly, his body shaking a little, he could feel Gear shaking a bit too and knew that he was fearful, he rubbed Gear's back gently as he held onto him tightly.

Ryptok smiled at them "You humans are strange creatures finding comfort in one another" he said shaking his head a little "I will be back regularly to check up on you before you birth my children. Have a good day" he said before he vanished in thin air

Gear held Jace close for a long time, of course he was favoring his right hand that he had slammed into the wall. A dumb move but he had been so upset... it was bruised now around his knuckles and swollen at his wrist. "Im sorry Jace." His words were soft and quiet he had pulled away and was looking back at the male unsure of what else he could say.

Jace shook his head a little "Don't apologise..." He said softly and stood up going to the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack noticing the hole in the wall and Gear's wrist when he had come in. He returned to the couch and gently pressed the ice pack around Gear's wrist "Why does this keep happening to us, I just want to live a normal life with you" he said gently, his shoulders slumped in a defeated way, believing they would never get to live a normal life.

Gear relaxed a bit, the ice was soothing, it helped a bit, a lot actually. " I don't know, maybe because we.. aren't normal." Gear admitted. The could never be normal after all that had happened to them Gear hated it but wasn't it true? They couldn't be expected to just go threw life as if all of this was fine. It wasn't bad things had happened and it couldn't simply be fixed the past wouldn't go away.

Jace sighed softly and curled up on himself a bit "I know that with everything that's happened to us we aren't normal, but should we finally get a chance to live a somewhat normal life from now on? I mean...isn't it fair for us to live a normal life..."

Gear was quiet. "Of course it is, but life isn't fair... I don't like it either it's just.." It wasn't as if there was anything that could be done. At least it isn't like before.. IT doesn't seem to progress as fast.. more.. normal.. but Will have to hide it." He said softly if anyone found out, normal people found out, they would turn into the next science project.

Jace sighed and rubbed his neck a little "How are we going to do that, you work a full time, I'm St I'll on a disability allowance with my hips but we can't sustain our lives without you working...I wa going to start applying for jobs but there's no point now right?

"Lose clothing, I'll work for as long as I can and will figure it out." Gear tried to assure him though he wasn't really sure. It would be obvious soon enough he could get a new uniform claim that he lost the old one, they could figure this out. "He leaned close to Jace and gave him a kiss. "I promise, will figure this out."

Jace kissed him back softly and sighed curling into his side, he wrapped his arms around him tightly "I love you" he said softly tucking his face into Gear's neck and sighing a little, he was scared of what would happen to them this time

They would spend a lot of time like that curled up trying to figure things out, it wasn't essay and Gear masked how frightened he actually was as time passed his belly became pretty obvious but the morning sickness hadn't gone away. The sickness for the things on the ship had gone away in a day, he almost preferred it, almost but not quiet. He was still managing to work nights he had gotten a bigger uniform and began wereaing that one to hid his belly.

(hoep the time skip was ok.)

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