The station
Jace was curled up over the toilet again vomiting whatever contents was in his stomach. He didn't even know how Gear would get through working when all Jace did was lie down and vomit. He wasn't sure how much longer they had to carry these aliens children but he hoped it wouldn't be too much longer.

(All good, how long did you skip? Also, how long are they pregnant for and what are they having? We never really ended up choosing something, haha)
(we never did figure that out did we? Well first how about a few weeks? And as for how long they are pregnant... maybe i'm not sure how quick do you want it to be? As for what they are having, I was thinking something large, it's an alien species I don't know we could get pretty creative with it sense it won't be in it's human form when it's born. )
(Yeah, a few weeks is fine, I was thinking like 2-3 months for how long? An alien species is all good but what sort of alien? Large is fine but is there anything else we could do? If we go with 2 months for how long Gear would pretty much be due already)
(That would be fine and I don't know I want to add but maybe something with a tough skin, almost reptile like in a way with scales or something. but it would probably be harder to deliver sense it wouldn't change in any sort of shape when it was born or during contractions. does that make sense? Idk anything you want to throw at it?)
(Yeah, sounds good, so they have to have their body form around it because there is no sort of elasticity, maybe their body can't sort of lube for it either? So it would be harder to push out?)
(Yea that'll work. So I'll have gear deliver pretty soon then sense he would be close.)

Gear had been at work but he called his boss and had told him he was going home, something had come up. Luckily, Gear's boss liked him and he didn't worry about anything in all reality he didn't like the cramps he had been getting, he didn't want something to happen while he wasn't home and began heading back the walk was slow, his cloths hid it for the most part, but his belly was still vary large he had began to worry the size of the child, was huge. At least it felt that way. He tried not to think to much about what was to come or what might happen with the birth but it was hard. Gear pushed open the door and stepped inside the apartment. "I'm back!"He called out not wanting to startle Jace.
Jace woke up rubbing at his eyes, he had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor. He stood up and brushed his teeth, he was so glad to have that option this time. He walked out and went over to Gear leaning up on his toes and pecking his cheek lightly "Hey sweetheart, why are you home so early, are you okay? Do you want something to eat?" He asked gently rubbing his cheek lightly.
Gear shook his head, "Cramps, nothing big but I didn't want to risk it so I came back. I'm not really hungry he said brushing away the food, he was being honest. He smiled at Jace wrapping one arm around the boy. Gear took a seat at the table and leaned back for a moment trying to relax a bit. "How are you feeling?" Fear asked quietly.
Jace pulled a seat up next to him and rubbed Gears stomach gently hoping to ease the cramps "I'm okay, I don't think there is really anything left in my stomach to vomit so I should be okay for a while" he said softly and kissed Gears cheek lightly
Gear smiled at him the rubbing helped some, "I'm going to go lay down want to come with?" Gear asked slowly getting back to his feet. The baby looked to be a bit lower before, it had dropped likely while he was at work. Though he hadn't paid it much attention until just now when his hips ached slightly.
Jace nodded "Yeah, of course" he smiled and gently wrapped an arm around Gear's back trying to help him take some of the weight off of Gear as they walked to the bedroom. He helped Gear lay down gently and then put one of their favourite movies on their TV before curling up next to Gear as the film began to play.
AS the movie played he tried to relax but the cramps he was feeling didn't get any better. in fact after awhile it became more intense until he realized he was having mild contractions. He was still able to breath threw them but it was good he had come back home. Gear cuddled up to Jace one hand resting on his belly to try and keep the baby calm as it had a habit of being pretty actice at random times.
Jace sighed happily, he loved moments like this when they cuddled together like a normal couple, like nothing was going on in their lives. Most of the way through the movie he heard Gear gasp a little and looked up to see his face scrunched up a bit in pain "Hey, hey, you're okay, what's wrong?" He asked sitting up a bit holding Gears hand gently
"Contraction." He groaned trying to relax. The pain let up after a moment and he relaxed but the pain only seemed to return awhile latter he leaned foreword, the had that wold holding Jace's tightened it's grip they were getting stronger. that was good maybe, it meant he could get this thing out.. but at the same time.. Gear was frightened.
Jace moved to kneel next to Gear, he ran his hand through Gears hair gently and rubbed the back of his hand gently, he was worried for Gear, he hated seeing him in pain. "Hey, you're so brave, you'll do this no problem, do you want to walk around for a while, see if that helps?" He asked gently and leant in kissing the side of Gears head. He was also worried because it had been almost 3 months since Gear had last birthed and he wouldn't be as stretched as he used to be because his body wasn't constantly in need of being stretched.
Gear nodded slowly and got to his feet. He was vary glad that he had Jace there with him he moved around there small apartment for awhile stopping when a contraction would hit him. they weren't to bad for awhile, painful, but he had managed and then they suddenly began getting stronger. Gear's groaning became more noticeable he could feel the baby dropping during the last one it must have made the child press against some sort of nerve, it felt as if someone had driven a knife into his lower back and he couldn't help but cry out. "Counter pressure... on my back.. now.." He gasped already leaning on Jace quiet a bit.
Jace nodded quickly rubbing deeply into Gear's back while continuing to hold onto him as well as he could, Gear was quite a bit larger than Jace but Jace easily held him up in times like this. "You're going so well Gear, so close to this alien thing being out of you" he said softly. He was honestly worried, Gear looked so exhausted and his stomach was quite large, he really hoped it may be two small babies but felt he was very wrong.
Gear groaned because even after the pain had passed the pain his back hadn't let up. He had this happen before but normally it was only with the bigger ones. That worried him, "he walked around for a bit longer eventually he had to stop. "It hurts."he was whimpering it felt different then anything else he had delivered normally he could feel the child give a bit was it dropped it's body would compress down but with this, that didn't seem to be the case it dropped and his body was doing all the adjusting. he was starting to feel pressure he didn't even want to think about having to push.
Jace looked at Gear worriedly and led him back over to the bed noticing as the contractions were getting closer together and as Gear was walking his legs were slightly spreading more and more each time obviously moving to make room for the baby to leave him. He gently helped lay him on the bed and kissed his head gently "I love you Gear, you're so strong, you can do this, it's just like the other times, you're so brave and I love you so much" he said gently
gear laid back spreading his legs apart just in time for anther contraction to wrack his body. it occurred to him there was no doctor this time, granted he was glad white was here they were still doing this alone and if something went wrong what would they do? Gear groaned loudly as the pain moved threw him he was going to have to push soon.

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