The station
Jace went and grabbed a cold wash cloth and a glass of cold water bringing it back and sitting it next to him. He gently wiped Gear's face humming softly to him "I love you Gear, you're so brave and so soon this will be over" he said taking Gears hand and rubbing the back of it "Just squeeze my hand when you need okay?" He said gently and pressed the cloth against the back of Gear's neck hoping to help cool him down a little
Gear nodded reaching over and taking Jace's hand he whimpered slightly it hurt, his body was shaking already the labor had gotten pretty intense and after just a few more contractions he suddenly clutched tightly to Jace's hand and began pushing. He had given know warning just did it, he felt the child pressing down on his hips and pelvis and groaned loudly. "Ugghh.. it's big..."
Jace kissed the side of his head "It's going to be okay Gear, you're going to be just fine, I'll be here the whole time." He said and moved down spreading his legs gently "I'm going to try and help you a bit, okay? I'm going to stretch your hole a bit so it doesn't burn or need to stretch as much to fit around the head, okay?"
He wasn't sure he liked the sound of that but he simply gave a small nod, he had a feeling it would help even if it was uncomfortable. Now no longer able to hold onto jace he gripped the sheets and cried out as he pushed again. He could feel his hips being forced apart to make room for the child moving threw them. he clenched his jaw tightly and tried to deal with it as best he could, even his past birth on the ship hadn't felt quiet this bad and his groaning and pushing quickly turned into a cry of pain.
Jace reached out with one hand and gently took one of Gear's hand and with his other hand started to massage and stretch his hole gently "You're going so well darling, just keep going, I promise, after this I will protect you from anything else like this..."
gear smild lightly between pains he tried to reasue the boy he thought he might he woried. but anther pain struck and he psuhed gear cried out he felt it press foreword it wasn't far from starting to crown now and he could definatly feel it starting to burn already. He shut his eyes and leaned back despratly trying to breath and catch his breath. "I-I can't.. it hurts."
Jace moved his hand from his hole and moved up near Gear's head. He kissed him softly "You are so strong, I know you're in pain, but I also know you are so strong and you've done this before and you can do it again. I love you" he said gently and kissed him again softly "Let's get this thing out of you" he said and went to the end of the bed pushing Gear's legs apart a little
Jace groaned and pushed the burning grew worse and he arched his back against it "uggghhhh!" his breathing came in quick gasps. "C-can you see it?" Jace probably could and what he would see wouldn't be human in anyway it would have odd colord scales.
Jace looked and a small gasp left his mouth "It's...its scaly..." He said a little in shock looking up at Gear nervously. The head was probably a couple of inches before Gear's entrance but he was already stretching quite a bit. Jace stroked his thumbs against Gear's thighs gently "You're going so well my darling, so well"
Gear whimpered moving his hips slightly as if that might help move the baby down. "S-scaly?" He questioned before anther pain took hold and he was forced to push gripping vary tightly to Jace's hand.
Jace rubbed the back of his hand as it was squeezed "You're going so well my darling" he said worried a little about what the creature would actually be "Yes, it's scaly...." He said softly looking at Gear trying to smile anyway confidently at him, h knew Gear would be able to handle this but he wasn't sure how big It was or if the shape was similar to a human baby, if it had wings or a tail, he just didn't know.
Gear groaned and shook his head. "Just get it out." He gasped and pushed again trying to force it out of him. He could tell what ever it was had wide shoulders as the baby progressed. "UGGHH BURNS!" He cried out lodly as he felt the head.
Jace rubbed Gear's thighs gently "You're doing so well baby, keep pushing, you're about to crown" he said softly "I love you, you can do this, you're so strong" he said softly and gently massaged his hole trying help with the process "Keep going my darling"
Gear screamed pushing again, the contractions were right ontop of each other he wasn't getting a rest his body ached the burning just got worse with more time and he arched his back gripping the blankets.
Jace took the cloth and gently patted his head and chest with it "You're going so well, the baby is right at your entrance, just breathe for a few seconds and push as hard as you can my darling, soon this will all be over okay?" He said gently and stroked his cheek gently
Gear nodded. "o-ok." He stuttered unable to keep the pain out of his voice he took a few breaths and then pushed again tensing and leaning foreword curling into the contraction to try and forced the child out of him.
Jace moved back down to his legs and rubbed his thighs again "You're crowning Gear! Keep going!" He said and smiled encouragingly at him "I love you Gear, so much, you're so brave my darling, just keep pushing through it, you're so close to this being done, not too much longer"
(I had an idea that maybe the alien creature has a tail and at the end of the tail is a bulbous shape and it's like they have to birth another head at the end, but it's slightly smaller and then when Jace has the alien it's breech but they just think that there are two smaller ones instead of one big one until it comes out and they realize it's the tail?)
(I like it.)

Gear groaned and pushed again as hard as he could manage giving a cry towards the end of the contracting and feeling the baby slip back a bit. it wasn't coming like he had hoped it would it was making slow progress.
Jace grabbed the cloth and moved back to his head dabbing at it gently "You're doing so well, just take a deep breath before the contraction and push as hard as you can" Jace kissed Gear's head gently taking his hand to let Gear squeeze if he wanted.

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