Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

"Actually.... it's quite late now. Do you want to grab a bite together?" Jared offered. The underpants was slightly tight around Finn's waist already. He squatted down and help lifted his pants up so he could just step into it holding Jared's shoulder. He stood up and fitted his shirt on for him as well. "I know a place around... and then, we could discuss our future plan. I am sorry to say that but you would only get bigger... i would think you need close monitoring from professionals." Such as me, Jared added in his heart. He wanted to stay close to Finn, preferably he could persuade him.into.moving in with him.

Finn nodded his head, after thanking Jared for helping him get his clothes back on. "Alright, that sounds like a good plan actually." As he soon slipped his sweatshirt, and jacket back on, the young man allowed the doctor to help lead him out of the clinic, and towards whichever restaurant they were headed to. "Lead the way." He smiled softly.

"Hmm actually, would you mind, we go somewhere a little further away but absolutely cozy?" Jared held Finn's arm and directed him to the direction of his car. He opened the door for him and helped him in, perhaps he was top cautious as he ecen adjusted the chair even though Finn's belly was far from prominent with all the clothes. He got behind the wheels and smiled at Finn. "And that chef's quite alright, at least i enjoyed his cooking very much. You are fine with fish?" He said with a glint in his eyes, very excited as he waited for Finn's consent.

Finn seemed nervous, but he still got into the car, and managed to get his seat-belt done up. As Jared spoke to him again, the young man simply nodded his head with a smile. "I like fish. I mean, as long as I'm still allowed to eat it!" He'd read somewhere that there were certain foods that pregnant women couldn't eat, but was sure that Jared would make sure he was alright.

"Great. That's also my favourite." Jared smiled like a cheshire cat as he got it his way. He had worried that Finn would be one of those who couldnt stand the smell of fish after getting pregnant. Apparently he wasnt.

While Finn was clueless, Jared was driving back to.his own home. He hoped it woildnt be too forward, but in fact he really have an urge to keep Finn locked up in his house, to privatize him, such a sweet and lovely person so no one else could take him away. He looked at Finn slowly started nodding off halfway and drove a bit slower, and adjusted the aircon so he could doze off a bit. When he parked the car in the garage, he quietly opened the door and lifted Finn out. Finn's eyes fluttered open halfway through and Jared smiled. "Hey.... we have arrived." They had arrived his home. Jared had inherited huge sum of money from his old family, and this penthouse was his first purchase, elegantly decorated and chic.

Finn yawned, covering his mouth for a moment before blinking his eyes slowly."Sorry...I guess I'm pretty tired." He soon realized that Jared was carrying him, and he jumped a bit in the man's arms. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" He moved to try and stand up, before he froze once again and took in his surroundings. "Wait...where ARE we?"

Jared tightened his hold on Finn when he struggled. He pressed Finn closer to himself. "Hey dont worry. This is my home. your chef today is called Jared." He smiled and slowly put Finn down while the ypung man was still looking around, dazed. He took his hand while he wasnt paying attention and led him down the corridor. "I would have offered you a drink.... but now. Hmm you want milk? Orange juice?" He offered passing through the with frnech windows facing the ocean.

Finn's confusion continued to grow, as he glanced around the rather impressive location he now found himself in. He knew that some doctors out there made a lot of money, but for some reason, he hadn't at all expected Jared to live in such a nice home. Unsure of what else to really do, and not wanting to seem awkward, the young man slowly removed his shoes and coat, before replying to the doctor.

"Um...I'm not sure if I want anything right now, thank you." He looked around, feeling awestruck as he followed Jared closely and glanced out the windows. "You really live here?"

(Aww I missed you! welcome back ;))

It's somewhat awkward for Finn to be bending down and removing his shoes, but he did it surprsingly well and therefore Jared didn't interfere. He chuckled at how incredulous Finn was. "Yea, i really live here. Rest assured, there wouldn't be someone barging in while we are having dinner and arrest us for illegal trespassing." He smirked and led the young man through the carpeted living room to the huge kitchen. He settled him on the high chair beside the island so he could watch him cook.

Despite Finn saying he didn't want anything, Jared still offered a glass of lemonade. Slightly sour beverage should be appealing to pregnant people, whose appetite must be affected somewhat. He then tied an apron and rolled up his sleeves so he could start cooking, making it look like some art he was making.

(Thank you for the warm welcome! Sorry I was gone for a while. Life's been a bit hectic recently.)

Finn sat at the seat, and quietly thanked Jared for the lemonade, despite his earlier dismissal. He took some small sips from the glass, as he watched Jared start cooking the fish he'd promised him. Soon the smell of the fish frying, as well as several seasonings and spices, made Finn's mouth start to water. He relaxed slightly, still looking around the impressive kitchen as he continued to sip at the lemonade.

"I didn't mean to imply anything about the place, or that you were breaking in or anything!" He laughed slightly. "I just...I guess I didn't know what to expect. You did catch me off guard bringing me here."

(Haha totally understand. Real life catching up sucks... )

"I guess that's something i am good at - catching you off guard. Including making you a mother-to-be...." He added the latter under his breath. Now that the news had settled in, Jared was finding himself looking forward to being a father, especially to a child of him and Finn. Their kid is bound to be very cute. Would be even better if they took over Finn who was probably one of the best looking man he had ever known. They had yet to do an ultrasound to find out the gender... and perhaps on the number of kids?

The fish was quick and while Jared let it simmer, he turned to making some starters. A light salad with pears and walnuts added, with a touch of vinegar, and some palma ham on melon that was refreshing. He took the plate of both entrees and offered it to Finn, leaning across the island. "I do quite like these tastes... try some?" He looked at Finn expectantly, hoping he would share his taste on food as well.

" you're a doctor, and a secret gourmet chef?" Finn looked on in a stunned silence at the spread in front of him. Soon he picked up a fork and speared a piece of the salad, which he slowly started to chew. He froze, an shut his eyes, letting out a small moan of satisfaction, before taking a bite of the melon and doing the same. "Oh my god." He moaned, taking several more eager bites.

It's satisfying knowing he had made good food for Finn. Jared followed suite in finishing off the starters, popping the melon into his mouth with bare fingers. Admittedly, he spent more time on observing how Finn was enjoying the food more than anything. With the aroma of the fish spreading across the kitchen, Jared plated them and sat down beside Finn. "here you go." By this time, the salad and the ham were both gone, the majority going to Finn's stomach. Jared glanced at Finn's belly and thought it looked rather cute - but by no way satisfying when it came to its size. "You do need more calories for the baby's growth." He said stuffing a mouthful of fish and nodded to himself. He did the seasoning quite satisfactorily this time.

Finn thanked Jared again, before eagerly taking a bite of the fish set in front of him. Finding it just as delicious as the rest of the meal, the young man smiled, and continued to eat his fill. As Jared mentioned the baby's growth though, Finn let out a small sigh, nodding his head as he continued to eat, only a bit slower this time.

"Yeah, I kind of figured I would." He stroked his middle thoughtfully, before turning his attention back to Jared. "So...I've been meaning to there anything else I should know about this? having a wizard baby different from a normal one...aside from the obvious I mean?"

(I do enjoy a lot of pregnant sex... and if you don't mind it, i would make it some necessary condition for the baby to thrive, otherwise would become a squib - ref to harry potter?)

Jared was slightly hesitant in answering this. "It's different... but, not in many ways. Your body would be undergoing even more prominent changes than normal pregnancies in females. You would, be, hmm, developing mammary growth. I could control it to a more manageable degree with my ability, but I couldn't promise on making it unnoticeable. The degree of growth would also depend on individual response on the hormones." Of course this is not just it, but Jared decided to not break all the news at once. It would be too much for Finn, who had already been through an eventful day. "I could alleviate some of the symptoms you must be suffering from, and frankly, physcial touches would help as well. I just am not sure if I could be so selfish to keep staying close to you all the time and bug you...."

(Well, I must say I'm definitely good with both those ideas!)

"Well...I mean, it's true we don't really know much about each other yet...but if you know of any way to help with all of this, I am open to suggestions."Finn had to admit, he felt some slight embarrassment at the thought of growing breasts, but pushed that thought from his mind. So far Jared had seemed to be very helpful, and reassuring with his stress and worries about the pregnancy. He was smart, handsome, and definitely a caring provider. Still, Finn felt a nervous hesitation at the offer despite himself.

(Great... thanks for buying it! HAHA and oh well despite I did have some inspiration from Harry Potter, I must admit i didn't entirely enjoy its world view so... let's establish the detailed part of how magic works as we develop on?)

"Of course the closer we stay together.. .the better. I don't want to put too much pressure on you though. Hmm, maybe, maybe we could have a regular quick gathering? Say, hmm, how about we breakfast together, like, on a fairly regular basis? If you aren't able ot make it... then maybe lunch. Or dinner. I don't know, just some time that we are close together would help." Jared offered, scratching his head. Of course it would take more than physical touches to nurture the babies, but he dare not raise that now. He would just scare Finn away. Besides, if his kid turn out to be a plain non-magical person, it's still fine. He didn't care about it as long as it's healthy.

(Okay, I'm good with that! And trust me, I don't mind occasional references to Harry Potter! ;) )

Finn continued to nod his head, listening to Jared's somewhat flustered offers. While it was nice to see that he wasn't the only one nervous about the situation, Finn had a feeling there were still things that Jared wasn't telling him. Having finished the delicious dinner that Jared had prepared for him, the pregnant man rose to his feet, moving closer to the wizard with a familiar blush creeping across his cheeks.

" close would we have to be to one another?" He reached a hand out to place it on top of Jared's. "Like this? I mean...if it's good for the baby, I don't mind us spending time together."

(Great ;) btw, would this be a multiplet pregnant or just one this time?)

With his jacket removed, Finn's belly looked prominent enough. "Hmm, something along this line.... preferably, with a direct contact with your belly." He muttered and grabbed Finn's hand instead, and then placed both together on the side of the belly. "This way the baby could benefit the most.... " the atmosphere was so cozy that Jared did something daring. He lifted Finn up and then walked to the living room. Sitting down, he held Finn on his lap and kept his hand on his belly. "The maximum amount of physical touch.... please understand I am not a pervert. I did not mean to take advantage of you likr this..." he said, hoping his sincerity would convey.

(Again, I'm open to suggestions there!)

Finn was only able to look on in stunned silence, as Jared's actions soon led to the young man sitting on the doctor's lap. At hearing him speak and apologize, Finn shook his head and tried to keep himself calm. "'s alright." His blush deepened, and he squirmed slightly until he was comfortable. "That feels...really nice actually."

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