Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
Mitsuo looked curiously at Gil, tilting his head slightly as the man snuck something into Yuuji's hand. He was trying to figure it out until Gil turned back to him and he saw the ring in the boy's hands. His eyes went wide and he was speechless for a good few moments.

It was Yuuji trying to put the ring in his mouth that snapped him out of it. "Ah, no. That's not food." He laughed, pulling the ring from his little hands. His focus shifted back to Gil as he held the ring, nibbling his lip piercings.

It was a huge step...but, then again, not nearly as huge as having kids...and they already had three. He looked back down at the ring, glad it was something so elegantly simple. A gold band with Opal inlay. Mitsuo wasn't interested in diamonds, but he loved the amazing colors of opal.

"Yes." He said simply, looking up at Gil. He leaned in for a kiss, making a happy little noise. The twinsurance babbling and giggling at how close they all were.
Gil broke into a huge smile and kissed Mitsuo. He held Mitsuo behind his head as he deepend the kiss, losing themselves at the unison. Even Yuuji and Shinnya looked excited enough the 2 babies hugged each other cutely, all 4 of them tangling together.

What happened between them finally drew the attention fo Jun, who had been playing excitedly with his friends. Feeling a little left out, he pouted and made his way back to his family and hugged Mitsuo's legs, trying to climb his way up, and his little butt was pushed out adorably in his attempt that clearly was a failture. What he did, however, broke the couple off their kiss and Gil bent down to lift Jun up as well. "Hey you wanna join as well? Hmm Daddy got another surprise for you all.... " He scooped into his other pocket and took out the tickets. "I want to bring you all to Japan for the wedding... I hope you woudln't mind me taking the liberty, for I have already told your parents. And planned the wedding." Gil turned to Mitsuo, blushing, but secretly hoped Mitsuo would be more excited than shocked.
Mitsuo leaned into the kiss, letting Gil take control of it. He somewhat lost himself in it, eyes closed and making a soft noise into it. He even forgot about the children on their laps until Jun wanted in on the love.

He blinked when the kiss was broken, looking at Jun and laughing softly. He paused when Gil mentioned another surprise, looking at him curiously. When he pulled out the tickets, his eyes went wide. Then he mentioned speaking with his parents. He seemed too shocked for words, color rising in his cheeks. "Y-you spoke to them?" He asked, brows raised. "And told them...?" He asked further, looking a bit worried. But knowing Gil was planning his wedding...maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought.
"Yea…" Gil scrtached behind his neck and nodded. "They are thrilled... and we had planned for the wedding already." He smiled and took Mitsuo's hand to press a kiss on it, then carefully slipped the ring on it, even though it wasnt the time yet. He kissed on the opal and smiled at Mitsuo. "I am so grateful tbey offered to help.... I truly wasnt that good in communicating with japanese..." he blushed, then saw how hesitant Mitsuo appeared to be. "Y-you dont like thr idea? Would you prefer to, have it here?"
Mitsuo looked down as Gil slipped the ring on, seeing how it fit even with his engagement band on. He nibbled on his lip, looking at Gil as he spoke, fumbling with the rings on his hand. "N-no...I'm just overwhelmed...." He said, brows raised. "Its a lot to take in. And I'd love to go home for the wedding." He said, giving Gil a warm smile.
"Good." The relief was obvious and GIl just kissed Mitsuo another time, this time his tongue lingered around his piercing as well, drawing sweet moans from his soon to be husband. He was happy and everyone was happy, even Jun was smiling at them goofily, not really knwoing what's going on. Soon the babies' squealed wanting thier parent's attention again. Gil chuckled and lifted Shinnya up this time. "LIttle buddy, you are going to witness your parents' big day in your mommy's hometown soon! Get ready for your first trip high up in the air." HE smiled and nuzzled his chubby cheek.

The family spent some lovely time in the park, until Jun was panting with his cheeks flushed, and the babies starting to fidget, signs of them wanting their meals.
Mitsuo purred into the kiss, loving the way Gil teased his piercings. He returned the favor with his own pierced tongue on the man's lips before he pulled away. He chuckled at the babies, leaning down to kiss the top of Yuuji's head while Gil took Shinya. "It'll be a big deal getting three little ones on a plane. I know Jun should be good, but these two can be very fussy sometimes." He said, looking at the twins. "And when one starts being fussy, the other has to play along." He sighed, a smile on his face. As frustrating as that behavior was, it didn't change how much he adored his children.

Mitsuo pulled out a bottle of water for Jun when he came back over to him, going to pull out a pair of bottles for the twins as well. "This cooler section in this bag is amazing." He laughed, setting up each baby with his bottle. They settled down, quietly drinking and watching everything around them. Jun climbed up onto Mitsuo's lap to drink his water and all Mitsuo could think was how perfect the day was.
"I am planning for first class seats so the twins could have more space to crawl around. Jun as well, he couldn't sit still even with cartoons on play, and it would be a very long flight. We would maange though.. perhaps your parents could take care of them for awhile as well, share their attention adn keep them occupied." Gil was adoring his children as well, each and everyone of them were so cute.

He helped handle Shinya while Mitsuo handled Yuuji. He smirked at the bottles and leaned closer to Mituso. In a very low voice, he asked him. "Are these.. pumped? I want to do that tonight can I? Hmm to satisfy their large appetite I am thinking we should mix in formula... so you wouldn't be too sore from, the need to catch up on demand with your production." He said, glancing teasingly at Mitsuo's chest.
Mitsuo looked relieved when Gil said they had first class seats, relaxing a bit on the bench. "Oh, I'm sure they'll love being able to spend some time with them." He said, ruffling Yuuji's hair gently. "We can take in some sights." He added, grinning. He was from Sendai, but he'd love to take Gil to some spots in Tokyo.

He paused when Gil leaned in and asked about the milk, color quickly rising in his cheeks. "Yeah." He muttered, glancing down. His nipples were so sensitive, pumping was a bit of an ordeal....and often resulted in at least one orgasm. "I do need a bit more....But I think I should start weaning them off it...switch to formula." He nodded, adjusting Jun on his lap.
"OHh we are on for an ambitious trip. Yea... taking them to the capital as well maybe? It's quite convenient with the trains right?" He said looking at how soft Mitsuo looked when he tended to their son, his heart warmed up all over again at having such a gentle lover. "This wouldn't be our last trip to Japan I think... I would love to have them recognise their heritage as well."

Gil's eyes were sharp enough to pick up the slight fidget Mitsuo had when he mentioned about the milk. He thought he saw him squeezing his legs together just a bit, but with Yuuji in the way he wasn't quite sure. He could guess anyway, Mitsuo was so sensitive with his breasts he sometimes would moan just from how the shirt rubbed against it. Some days he would even need to put on some thin nursing bras just to shield them from too much friction. "yea.. that could be a good idea.... for the time being, I would be happily helping with the excess supply." Gil muttered and kissed Mitsuo's blushed cheeks.
Mitsuo loved his suggestions, especially going back. "Oh, yes. I'm sure they won't remember a whole lot from this trip. Maybe Jun will, but these two are so young." He said, looking down at the twins. "So it'll be good to go back some more." He said, grinning.

He did shift a bit when Gil mentioned the milk, but he had to remind himself they were in public, so he focused on Jun again to get his mind off it. His breasts weren't very big, maybe borderline b-cup. But he kept a top on that made them less obvious. Even if he was able to give birth and nurse his babies, he still identified as a man...

He sighed softly, shifting to tug the stroller closer. "Mmm, maybe we should head home. I think these three will be ready for a nap." He said, glancing to Gil. Of course he was hinting at having some fun while the kids napped.
Shinya was also falling asleep on Gil's lap and he agreed, smiling at Mitsuo and squeezed him on his knees, giving him a bright smile taking the hint. He knew there were some weird looks on them already, where both parents were males but the twins looked remarkably like a mix of their genes. He smiled and disregarded their prying eyes. he put Shinya in the stroller and took over Jun while Mitsuo settled the twins, and together they got back home.

There were a group of pregnant ladies passing by, probably from the nearby yoga studio Gil knew about. He caught a few of them staring at them as well, and wondered what's wrong with them. He usually didn't show up with Mitsuo at this hour of the day and some of them were looking at them curiously, pointing at them still considering a same-sex couple to be a weird thing, and a few even quite obviously started stroking their belly as they discussed heatedly between themselves. Gil pretended not to see them at all and picked up his pace a little. They should get home now.
Mitsuo nodded and moved to settle Yuuji in the stroller with his twin. He let Gil take Jun, who was dozing off in his arms as they started walking. He noticed people around them, but tried to ignore it. He also always said the kids were adopted or from a surrogate...He hadn't gone out much while pregnant, so people hadn't seen him in that state.

He nibbled his lip when he noticed the ladies as they walked by, hearing them muttering to each other...He even heard them discussing if he was a man or not...It didn't help that he was so androgynous. He just sighed and pushed anything out of his mind. Their opinions didn't matter, only Gil and his kids mattered.
The chattering of the ladies were annoying, and even Gil could feel their outright scrutiny on them. He pressed a kiss on Mitsuo and took his hand. "Let's get out of here... " half -consciously, he nudged closer to Mitsuo and demonstrated a degree of intimacy and adoration he usually reserved for MItsuo in private. He just wanted to demonstrate to the group of nosy woman how loving their relationship was, and how their stares didn't matter them at all.

Immediately, he could see some stares became sneers but the jealousy was obvious in their eyes as they witnessed how the couple cooperated in taking care of the twins and fold up the stroller, as many of their hsubands opted to just ignore them, leaving the ladies to handld the kids single-handedly. Gil smiled a little triumphant smile as they got in the car and drove back.

When they were back home, all the kids were asleep.
Mitsuo was feeling more self conscious by the minute, but when Gil moved closer and kissed him, he started to relax. He was glad to see the car, since he had walked here from home. Not a long walk, but he wanted to get home quickly.

He didn't really think much of how they worked together, it was just so natural. Helping each other get the kids into the car and buckled, putting the diaper bag and stroller away. They just did it without thinking. But he was glad to be away from the prying eyes.

Once they were home, Mitsuo did a quick diaper check before putting the twins down for a nap, letting Gil handle Jun. With that done, he headed to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Laying like that maDE his swollen chest more obvious, especially without a gravid belly to complement it. "Mmm, I could use some stress relief and relaxation right now." He sighed, smirking up at Gil as he entered.
Gil got changed, pulling his tie loose looking at how Mitsuo just splayed across the bed. "So, waht kind of stress relief you are thinking about? Something that would pull your mind off everything?" He smiled at the man, the opal ring looking right in place on his finger. He sat down on bed and looked at Mitsuo with an amused smile, his gaze already trialing down his body as he leaned down to place a kiss on Mitsuo.

When the kiss deepend, Gil made use of this time to sneak a hand down his shirt, he simply caressed Mitsuo's now flat belly and then went further up, going underneat the tight undershirt he had on to hide his bulging chest, finding his way to the sensitive nipples he was looking for.
Mitsuo gave Gil a smile, "exactly that." He sighed, watching him with relaxed lidded eyes. He fiddled with the new ring on his finger, gently turning it around. It really felt right being there. But his mind was on something else as soon as Gil leaned in.

He moaned softly into the kiss, bringing his other hand up to brush through the man's hair. He purred when he felt Gil's wandering hand. His stomach was smooth and soft, hiding toned muscle beneath the surface. He had been working out, wanting to keep up with caring for three boys.

His moan grew louder as Gil's hand wandered higher, back arching to press his chest into his hand. The pitch of his noises went higher when Gil found his sensitive nipple, already hard in anticipation. His cockwas already hard as well, making an obvious bulge in his jeans, and no doubt he was wet as well, just turned on having Gil's hands on him.
Gil chuckled as they came up for air. "You have been working out babe! Those abs were coming back...." He said feeling the hardness underneaht the layer of soft. Indeed Mitsuo had been recovering very well. One would not have imagined he once had reached such size aside from the very faint stretchmarks left on his belly. "Love ya even more for that...." He kissed Mitsuo fondly again on the cheeks.

He knew how to drive Mitsuo crazy, and his nipples were definitely one of his weak spots, especially when he was lactating. He had been out for a whole day, so they were slightly swollen, bloated with content to be released. He just had to pinch them ever so slightly and already Mitsuo was jerking up for more. Gil bent down to tease them further, searching for the ohter side through the layers of clothing, nibbling his chest with his lips finding that little budge.
Mitsuo gave a breathy laugh when Gil pulled away and commented on his abs. "I gotta. How else can I keep up with three little boys?" He laughed. He purred as Gil kept touching his belly, muscles twitching beneath the surface slightly.

Mitsuo leaned his head back and gave such a desperate breathy moan as Gil continued teasing him, pressing his chest up and jerking away slightly when it was a little too much. When he went after the other nipple, he gave a keening cry, both hands moving to his crotch. He could feel his cock throb through his pants while his opening twitched and soaked his underwear. "Sh-shit...gonna......gonna cum." He gasped, trembling at how quickly he was brought to the edge of orgasm.
It's amazing seeing how Mitsuo's body responded to his touches. He liked how he trembled and jerked underneath, but indeed it had been a little quick for him to be this aroused. He looked at Mitsuo and how he stroked his own cock, amusemenr in his eyes as he very grntly teethed the nipple he had found. He dare not be too hard, he knew Mitsuo's nipples were often sore and his skin thinned from repeated pumping. He wouldnt want to break the skin there, or it would cause much pain when he attempted to pump again.

He kissed on his nipples, both sides, and whispered. "Come for me mommy~" he said and pulled his shirt all the way up, including rhe one that shielded his sensitive breasts, and placed a kiss on his sternum while fondling with both pebbles at the same time.

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