Open Breeding Farm - NSFW
If you are interested in joining this scene I have room for a few more carriers.

This scene will contain: medical procedures, insemination, all fours position, no stirrups, lactating, milking, possible restraints, anal delivery.

This scene will be in 3rd person paragraph format only... no one-liners please.

If you are interested in joining please PM me... do not make first contact here.

Please send me the following info so we can plan our scene:
Characters Name:
Characters Age:
Is your character new to The Farm or been there awhile?:
Where would you like to start? (Insemination, Mid-Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery):
Single or twin birth?:
Anything special you want in scene? Anything to avoid?:
Anything else you want me to know:

Background Information:

About 40 years ago reproduction rates ago began to decrease rapidly. It was quickly discovered that a rising number of men were not producing sperm. When this was further researched it was discovered that this lack of sperm was because the men carried female reproductive organs that could be used to carry and deliver a healthy child as well as breastfeed. Society was disgusted by these men seeing them as “undesirable,” therefore deciding to create a law that all men would be tested at the age of 21. Those that were discovered as “Carriers” were sent to live the rest of their lives working on farms away from society where they would be tatooed with the farms logo to prevent them from trying to leave.

20 years later woman began to complain about the lack of available men to start families with since so many of them were now living on the Farms. It was then that the government decided that the members of the Farms - who were already treated more like dairy livestock rather than farmhands - would become surrogates for any woman desiring a child but not wanting to carry one of her own. It was then that fertility doctors were dispatched to the Farms to work alongside the “vets” to impregnate and monitor the pregnancies and births.
The vet walked through the milking room seeing all the good “Carrier Cows” as they were referred to in their proper stalls on their hands and knees (the only position allowed In the Milking Room) and attached to the milking machines. Years ago when it was desired that Carriers would be separated from society they were brought out to these farms to be farmhands and laborers. However, as time went on it was felt that they were a wasted resource as they were able to carry children as well as produce milk. When women began deciding they would prefer to buy breast milk for their children rather than produce it themselves, the carriers started being given hormone injections that got their milk production going and started seeing their crop farms slowly becoming dairy farms and they began to be seen and treated more as cattle rather than humans. It was not long after that that the government passed a law stating that these new “Cows” could be used as surrogates for single women and couples.

As the doctor walked through the barn giving the men their daily injections as they were milked she could see several men in varying states of pregnancy as they had been chosen from the national cattle registry to be surrogates. As she moved down the line she checked the ID numbers on the collars the men wore. Seeing this number in particular she pulled a special syringe out of her bag containing fertility hormones and a light sedative. The man had been chosen to carry and had been put on a special hormone cocktail to make him more receptive to the implantation. Today after his milking he would be inseminated and the doctor would need him fully cooperative - thus the light sedative to prevent him fighting since this was his first pregnancy and the cows were not told a head of time that they had been chosen. “Report to Medical when you are done here,” the doctor told the young man, knowing that the training he went through when he first arrived at the farm, while undergoing the treatment that allowed his breasts to grow and milk to start coming in, would ensure he would obey every command without question or else face an unpleasant punishment.

With that done the doctor continued through the line giving the injections before heading to the Medical Ward to prepare for the job ahead.
(Can I join (
Dr. Krista Rhodes had just finished prepping the procedure room for the days inseminations when she was notified by one of the farmhands that one of the pregnant cattle, Number 7642, had gone into labor. He was a young man carrying for the first time and was carrying twins.

Making her way over to the birthing stalls she made sure that the proper equipment was set up for the delivery outside of the stall so that she would have quick access to it as the labor and delivery progressed. The birthing stalls themselves were very bare with only a large padded rubber mat covering the floor to provide cushioning for the laboring cow and made cleanup easy afterwards. The walls consisted of wooden boards wth a half door that would allow the vets to observe from outside of the room.

Just as she was finished prepping the room and putting on her long exam gloves she heard the farmhands bringing in the Carrier Cow. “Put him in the stall,” she told the farmhands once they entered the area.
Mark groans in pain having a contraction he's been choosing to be a carrier he's 21 and pregnant with twins he started to pant as the contraction got worse he's been trying to count the contraction "it's really hurts he gets on all fours on the ground this was his first time giving birth and scared
Dr. Rhodes stepped into the stall after the Farmhands left, pleased to see that they had already stripped him of his standard issue jumpsuit. "Your in labor it is supposed to hurt," she tells him as she walks up beside him and places some lubricant on her gloved fingers preparing to examine him. "How far apart are the contractions? Has your water broken?" she asks him.
Mark groans in pain leaning down he trys to looks at the doctor "my contractions are about 4 minutes apart and my water hasn't broke yet he moved his hips around
The doctor comes to kneel beside him placing her left hand on his back to keep him from moving as she quickly inserts the lubricated fingers of her right hand into his exposed opening and begins to check him. It is is few moments later that she removes her fingers and stands back up. "You are only at 4 centimeters so you have a ways to go. I will check you again in an hour," she tells him before leaving him alone in his stall.
Mark groans in pain as the doctor entered him he leans on his side he sees the doctor left the stall he trys to stand up from the ground as soon as he finally stood up his water breaks on the floor
The doctor had just finished notifying the parents of the soon-to-be-born twins that their babies were on their way when she heard a splashing sound coming from the labor stall on the other side of the room. Signalling one of the Farmhands they enter the stall, "It looks like things are starting to progress," she says as she moves over to her patient seeing him getting back into position upon her return while the Farmhand cleans up the mess. Reaching under him she begins to feel his stomach, "It feels as if the babies are moving lower and are in the proper position so we don't have to worry about a breech. I will be back to check on you soon," she tells him before leaving with the Farmhand intending to check on some of her other patients.
Mark groans in pain leaning down on the ground having a huge contraction he started to pant he can feel one of his babies coming he leans down lower trying to blow "I don't know how to push I never give birth before
"Don't worry I will tell you how when the time comes," the doctor says as she comes back into the stall an hour later putting on her glove and getting ready to check him again having noticed that his contractions were becoming more intense and getting closer together.
Mark grips the floor having a big contraction he's been trying to count them but the pain gets worse for him he leans on the floor tried he breathes slowly "doctor I feel something huge by my pelvis
"The baby must be moving down," she tells him as the contraction ends and she reaches inside him to examine him. "It seems that you are at 7 cms," she tells him as she removes her fingers. "I will be back in a moment to give you an injection to make sure things keep progressing," she tells him as she leaves the stall to get the filled syringe from the supply cart outside of the room.
Mark trys to sit up on the ground seeing his stomach moves he rubs his stomach trying to calm down his babies he breathes in and out slowly
The doctor reenters the stall carrying the filled syringe, "Back into positon," she tells him as she makes her way over to him. "This should start intensifying things," she tell him as she wipes off his hip and preps the syringe. "You should be ready to start pushing within a half hour," she says as she begins injecting the medication into him.
Mark gets on all fours on the ground again he moans in pain as the needle went inside him gripping the ground hard "feel like i gotta push
The doctor leaves the room to dispose of the syringe as he tells her that he needs to push. Quickly coming back into the room she performs another exam, "The baby is dropping lower but you are still only 8 cms. No pushing until I give you permission," she tells him pleased that he has so far been remembering his trainings since some men tend to start forgetting to be respectful and follow instructions while in labor.
Mark groans in pain leaning down on the ground having a huge contraction he grips the ground hard trying to breathe through it "ma'am it's hurts so much
"It will only get worse," she responds to his comment not feeling bad for the little Cow at all. "Try moving around if you need to," she tell him. "I will check you again in 10 minutes," she says as she leans on the stall door observing from outside.

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