Open Breeding Farm - NSFW
Mark groans in pain gripping the ground blowing and panting
The doctor worked for the next hour and finished delivering the two healthy baby boys weighing 9 lbs and 8.5 lbs. She was pleased with how well this new breeding cow had done and planned on putting a note in his file so that perspective parents would know that he was a good surrogate to use. Once the babies had been taken to the nursery by one of the farmhands for examination, she made quick work of stitching him up and having him sent back to his stall to recover.

Leaving the stall to be cleaned out by the maintenance staff she headed back to the exam rooms to prepare for the inseminations that she needed to perform before the day was over.
The sounds of the ambulance spread for the farm like wildfire, though they tried to be as secretive as possible in order to not scare any possible customers. The situation was an emergency, so they couldn't care less.

The ambulance's doors opened to leave a way for the paramedics and the unconscious patient. The run into the nursery, looking for the vet in charge.

"We found him running away with another person. They fought and a missing bullet impacted on his shoulder. He is sedated, he broke Jim's nose and would have done anything to escape"

In the bed, a medium height young man with short black hair rested peacefully, unaware of the life-changing events he would suffer.
Dr. Rhodes was annoyed hearing the sounds of the ambulance as she finished setting up for the upcoming inseminations. She knew that there were several couples visiting the farm today to pick out a cow to act as their surrogate and she didn't want them to be scared off the farm. Before she could think of reprimanding the farms paramedics for the siren they quickly explained the situation.

She quickly grabs a pair of gloves as she lets out a loud sigh before following the female paramedic to the stretcher. Moving the bandage she examines the wound as the paramedic checks his vital signs, "It is just a bad graze," she announces, "A few stitches and he will be fine."

She walks over and reads the number on his collar, "6678, I should have known," she says to herself. This particular cow had come to The Farm almost three months ago and had been fighting the staff and resisting his training whenever possible. She felt they should have known that he was planning something when he had suddenly started to cooperate with them last week. "It works out that you brought him here," she tells the paramedics as they stand and wait for her instructions, "against my recommendations this one has been chosen as a surrogate and is scheduled for insemination today," she says as she glances over his body seeing his breasts which are nearly a cup size larger than the average cow at almost a C and his slightly widened hips thanks to the fertility hormones he has been given over the past two weeks. "Tell the farmhands to move his things to a stall in the high-security area," she tells them referring to the wing of stalls that are built into the Main Barn, where the milking area and medical ward were located. These stalls were used for cows that were deemed a risk and would therefore not be allowed to leave the building until deemed otherwise. "He is also not to be milked for 2 days as punishment or allowed any pain medication for his wound. Also until I say otherwise I want him on a leash or tethered to the wall at all times," she tells them as she prepares her materials to stitch the wound. "When the other loose cow is found bring him to be examined by one of the other doctors as I will be busy for the rest of the day.," she adds as one of the paramedics leaves to give her instructions to the farmhands.

As she waits for the paramedic to return she makes quick work of cleaning and closing the wound with 5 stitches before placing a bandage over it not wanting him to get an infection that could interfere with the insemination. When the paramedic returned the doctor looked at the two women, "before you leave help me move him to the training table and restrain him. He can stay there until he wakes up so I can do the insemination," she tells them pointing to the proctology table in the corner that is used on the newer cows to teach them to be on all fours whenever they are brought in to see her.

Between the three women they made quick work of getting him transferred to the table where he was laid face down on the table with him bent at the waist and his legs put into the kneeling position on the leg rests. After strapping him down the paramedics took the gurney and left, leaving the doctor alone to sit and wait for her patient to wake up.
They had a plan. A disastrous plan, but a plan nonetheless. They even had thought of an alternative if the plan failed. Like it did. But they caught him before he could use that alternative. He shiuldn't be there, being that his second opportunity to run away, the first even before he wnet to the farm. But it was for nothing, like some sort of superior creature demanded him to stay in that hell.

The plan was easy: one of them would be in an excellent behaviour in order of not needing a guard going with him everywhere while the other did the opposite thing. He decide to play the part of the nice prisoner, while the other was the bad one. Then, they only needed to knock out the guard and and dressed up as her, again being him the one who dressed up, since his figure was more femenine than the other's. It wasn't the first time Suxukaze thought he could pass for a woman with a hard face, since he always had delicate features for a man. He was sure probably anyone would notice his face when having a C-cup, something he hated on equal parts have accepted it, since they wouldn't let him skip any meal in order to lose weight and have them reduced.

That's why he needed to escape. He needed like air to breathe.

That's why he agreed with the plan. That's why they gave the woman a strong concussion. That's why he dressed as her and stole her ID card, that's why he gave the gun to his comrade, he would be the first to act if they got caught. That's why they stole a car and run away from the farm as fast as they could. That's why they didn't even stop only to change the driver in 4 days, when the gas was over. That's why they run for other two days. He only stopped when a sharp pain pierced for his shoulder, spreading for all his body and making him trip. It was the end, he knew watching his commrade run into a nearby forest, looking for a place where could use the alternative escape route.

Suzikaze wasn't that lucky.

He tried to fight and reach a gun, oh he tried, but when he was nearly to grab one betweeen the fight, he felt the needle on hi neck, and everything turned black. He dreamed about when he was a child, the first birth he saw, how his parents reacted to his decission of becoming a nurse. His graduation day. His 21st birthday. The day he went to the clinic to give the blood samples. The card which said he was a carrier, how he and his brother prepared a runaway, the sound of shots fired while he run while his twin stayed protecting him. "I am so sorry brother. I couldn't fulfill my part of the promised"

Then, the faint light of reality cracked the fabric of his sedant induced dreams just a bit, enough for him to feel a sharp pain on his shoulder, and the habitual soreness of being on fours for a too long time.

And that's how he knew he failed.
The doctor worked to clean up the room as she waited for her patient to awaken. Based on the time and size of the dose he had been given she knew it shouldn’t take too long. Therefore she wasn’t surprised when she heard him begin to stir against the restraints holdhing him to the table as he awoke. She rolled the medical tray to be beside his feet before moving to stand by his head so that he could see her. “It looks like we meet again 6678, despite your best efforts,” she said slightly mocking him, “We told you during your training that it wasn’t a good idea to try and escape because we will always come after you. Now since you had the bright idea to try this I had to stitch up a bullet graze in your arm and you will be moved out of your nice stall and into a stall in the high security wing,” she tells him as she puts on a pair of gloves and begins to explain his punishment. “Not only will you be moved to high security but you will find yourself on a permanent tether that will keep you chained in your stall as well as acting like a leash when you need to be moved. You will also have to deal with the strong discomfort of not being milked for two days as well as having a gps tracking chip inserted into your hip so you will be easier to find if you ever pull another stunt like this one,” she tells him with a stern look suggesting it would be a horrible idea to try this again.

“Now normally you would be punished much more severely for an escape attempt but you lucked out and have been chosen as a surrogate and were already scheduled for insemination today. Now since you are awake it looks like we can begin the procedure,” she tells him as she moves behind him and lifts up the table so that she has better access to his expose anus so she can begin the procedure.
Foggy, everything seemed trapped between a deep mist. Even the noise was muzzled. He didn't like it at all, not being able to use his senses, feeling so vulnerable. He tried to take a deep breath, and he found out he was over a hard surface, but softer. Something like leather. He tried to move, but his limbs were trapped, and he noticed he actually was onfours possition. Then he heard a voice he woul've never though he would listen.


"Good Morning to you too, Dr. Rodhes. I'd love to greet you properly, but I'm afraid some joker have bounded me against a table. Would you mind to untie me and then we can have a normal conversation?" He asked, words sloppy and slow because of the sedant effect. He probably would sound like those funny videos of anesthesiated people who ahllucinated things. How much he wished that was just a dream and he was being recorded while they pulled off a thooth or something.

"You know, Dr. Rodes, things would be easier if you just called me by my name. I don't remember that my parents called me 6678" That was right, he had to remember his name. He couldn't forgive it, or then he would be no more than one of those "things" he saw when they milked him. And he would never be one of those things.

"Wait... What?" He paled when he heard her. Insemination? No... NO! He began to struggle against his binds, but the sedan just made it harder. Still,he kept an estern face. He didn't want to show his fear.

"I thought being a surrogate was a privilege. Some runaway like me doesn't deserve that honour" he commented, with a sarcastic tone that made you think he meaned the complete contrary of what he said.
The doctor began preparing for the procedure mostly ignoring what he was saying even though over the years she had become very good at understanding what she called "drugged speech". It is not like he was saying anything that she cared about or that she hadn't heard before from stubborn cows that refused to submit to their new lives.

When he realized that he was to be inseminated and started trying to get free of the restraints she simply reached over and tightened the straps knowing that between the sedation still in his system and the already tight straps he wasn't going anywhere but figured it was worth tightening them just in case. "If I were you I would stop resisting," she said in a bored tone that indicated she didn't really care if he stopped or not, "You will only prolong the inevitable and make things more uncomfortable for yourself."

She made her way back behind him where she began to cover him in surgical drapes leaving only the area around his anus exposed as he started ranting about how as a runaway he didn't deserve the honor of being a surrogate. Letting out a snort as she put on a pair of gloves and began to disinfect his anal area, that was already kept shaved as part of the hygiene routine of the Farm, she retorted, "you can believe that if you want but the only requirements that this particular couple had was that the cow be young, healthy and have the right body type to deliver a large baby as big babies tend to run in their families."

Once she was finished cleaning him off she changed her gloves and turned to her tray of supplies, "Now lets get this started. I don't want to fall behind in my schedule today."
Furious. Outraged. Ashamed. Weak. That was how he felt in that possition. But it wasn't his posture what bothered him the most, but how the doctor treated him. Gods, he was just a guy who were born with a horrible genetical condition, that even though it didn't hurt him or obstaculize him to live a normal live, it was so horrendous for the rest of the world that he wasn't a human anymore. But he was, he was the same person he was before knowing he was a carrier. And it angered him to see those who mistreated him and the others, like that doctor who always looked at them with a funny grimace which looked like she just sucked a dozen of lemons. He didn't have any resoect for her, and she should be grateful for the binds and the drugs stopping him for strangling her. How much would he have enjoyed that.

He flinched when her cold hands touched him, more out of instict than a willing movement. He wouldn't admit it, but a pregnancy now would change him too much. He always had the alternative, but with a baby... Better not to thing about it.

He huffed, not very conformed with her exolanation: "I'm not that big. Pretty sure I'm on the short side of the guys. Also I've lost weight after coming here" it was true, since they didn't allow his training he lost a lot of weight and musculature, which only helped him to look more femenine with his bigger breast and hips. With the pregnancy to come, he could surely pass as a woman.
Doctor Rhodes had been through this routine so many times that she was able to do everything without putting too much thought into it all. As she was giving her tools a final once over she began thinking through the laundry list of things that she still needed to do after she finished with this patient. She ignored his protests that he wasn't very big and had lost weight since he had arrived. "Well maybe you should start eating more of the food you are given," she couldn't help saying in response to his comment knowing that the cattle were given very healthy foods in decent quantities to keep them and their milk healthy as well as to keep their milk production at its peak.

Finally ready to begin she lubricated the rectal spreader before turning to place it against his opening. With a medium amount of pressure forcing it inside of the man in front of her without warning. Once it was in she slowly opened it up to the proper size before locking it in place, ignoring the sounds coming from her patient. Moving to shine a light inside of him she was able to quickly locate the birth canal that had opened thanks to the fertility drugs that he had been given. Through the canal she could clearly see his cervix just waiting to be opened as part of the procedure.

Taking a filled syringe attached to a long thin needle she threaded it through the open spreader, through the birth canal and inserting the tip of the needle into the cervical wall and began to inject the cocktail that would soon help her dilate his cervix for the actual insemination. After repeating this process three times she removed the needle and placed the now empty syringe back on her tray. "I will give that a few minutes before I start the dilation process," she announces more to herself than to the cow strapped to the table and begins to prep the dilation sounds as she waits for the medicine to kick in.
If he weren't so numb by the drugs, he would have laugh with the doctor reprimand. She said that food was nutricious? Well, they would have thought better before creating that disgusting mess that only made him want to throw up. Did they ever tasted it? Probably not, they were so stuck up with themselves that they would thibk their food was no more than dog keeble. He has his suspicions that it actually was.

He held a pain moan when whe inserted whatever devil stuff she inserted. He wanted to tell her that not everyone had a stick up in their ass like her. It hurt a lot, and combined with the shoulder pain he couldn't think on anything else. Fortunately, the drug was still too strong or else he would have jumped and the spreader would have fallen.

A low hiss escaped from his mouth when the syringe stung on him. That was too painful for him at the moment. Still, his hard training since he was a child helped him to remain in control, and not giving her any show of pain more than that barely audible hiss. Also, the drugs might have helped. "You know, I've never seen a person so interested in my ass like you" if that comment was made just in lrder to incomodate her, he would leave it at her opinion.
The doctor simply snorted at his comment having heard this line so many times before and knowing that if she responded it would just egg the patient on. Looking at the clock she waited a full five minutes to let the injected drugs work before picking up and lubricating the smallest sound. Moving back to him she wordlessly pushed it through the open spreader until it was pressed against his cervix. Usually she would warn the patient about what was going to happen but decided not to since this patient was so much trouble. With a quick pressure she began to push it through the cervix to begin opening him up. When she had pushed it in about an inch she began to slowly roll it around to help the sound do its job.

After a couple of moments she could feel less resistence on the sound as his body opened around it. She slowly removed it and picked up the next sound that would open him to the right size for the insemination gun’s nozzle. She quickly prepped it before once again pushing it inside of him and slowly rotating it in his cervix.
She laughed. She just fucking laughed at his comentary. She was human after all. He wondered how ssomeonecould treat them, treat him, like this and then called themselves civilized. It was not a secret that a lot of countries were at odds with that law, but they didn't do anything appart from offering a home for those who ran away. If they managed to escape, of course.

He did a feint of jump, the drugs effects wearing off, when something pushed inside of him. He didn't know where, but it was inside and it hurt. He was still silent, knowing he was on a battle he cannot win, but too stuborn to give up. He was not going to let her know that was torture for him. He needed to be strong, for him, for his family, for all the men who suffered like him.

And that was the motivation to brace himself while the process continued, like it wasn't a non consesual insemination of a human being. Of course, they didn't see them like humans, ironic considering they have been treated as humans since they were born. Just giving them a hope for a life, dreams and objetives before taking it out of them for a simply genetic condition. From complete humans to simple emotionless cattle, who were only for make children for couples who couldn't have children or simply were too lazy to have one. It was just so ridicolous.

Talking about having children...

"You said that family had big babies. But it's going to be just an insemination or in vitro? My genetics would take a part of the process if it's an insemination" And he knew their family children tended to be small and on the low weight side. It would be fun if the family hoped for a 10 lbs baby and they received a 4 lbs baby. He would have a laught, at least. But what if the baby did look like him? What would they do with it? Throw it away? It didn't look so scandalous.
As the doctor continued to manipulate his cervix with the second sound she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his comment. “You are getting a fertilized embryo placed inside you,” she tells him in a condescending tone. “Do you honestly think a coupe would want a baby made with an egg from a cow?”

When she feels his cervix has finally stretched enough she removes the sound and places it back onto the tray beside her. “You are doing a good job behaving,” she tells him as she uses a remote control to turn on the tv screen attached to the ultrasound machine. It is placed on the wall almost directly over the patient’s head so that he is unable to see it. “Keep this up and maybe hour appointments can start being on a normal table instead of the trainer,” she tells him with praise as she would go a cow in training as she prepares the internal ultrasound transducer wand and attaches a guide to the outside of it.

Moving back to between his legs she unlocked and removed the spreader since the larger wand wouldn’t be able to fit inside of it. Placing the spreader on the tray she picked up the transducer and turned it on before she began to insert it up inside of him until it was touching his cervix. While looking at the screen she began to rotate it until she had a clear visual of his ripened uterus, “all right,” she says in a semi-cheery voice as she holds the wand in place with one hand and reaches for the special syringe containing the embryo with the other, “lets get you pregnant.”
He huffed, getting tired of the despective name the doctor always use. It wasn't like it hurt being mistreated like that. He tried to take it with humor, though it wasn't the first time he got someone a black eye for nbeing isulted like that. "So we're playing animals again? I'm the cow and you are...?" hmHe said with the same tone he used with the children of the hospital hheused to work at. How much he missed those times. If she could be condescending he wouldn't be less.

Please, it wasn't the first time he heard something like that. Of course, their idea of an "appointment" was being all fours over a table, not like a nomal appointment would. Hell, even veterinarians did a better job with their patients! At least the animals were on a natural position for them! He sighed, deciding to test the waters one more time: "If that means having a nice treating instead of denigrating me, I would have behave better long ago. Don't you think so?"

He sighed again, still so weak to liberate himself from those binds. It was inevitable, it seemed.
The doctor paused in her work for a moment when he made the comment about behaving better if he was treated better. Reaching over with a gloved band she slapped him hard on his upturned butt cheek right on top of the area that is slightly bruised from his daily injections, “That is enough out of you. If you think the way you have been treated has been bad then keep fighting. Now that you are out of training punishments will start getting a hell of a lot harsher because at this point you should know better,” she tells him in the harsh voice of a military drill Sargent.

Moving to continue her work she reaches over to the tray and grabs the syringe filled with fluid and the embryo which is attached to a long thin tube. Placing the tube into the guide attached to the ultrasound probe and begins sliding it inside him as she watches for it to appear on the monitor inside his uterus not telling him that this part of the process can cause cramping as the uterus is invaded by the tube and fluid. Once she sees that the tip has entered the uterus and is in the right place she begins to push the plunger and slowly push the embryo and fluid inside of him. She continues this process for several more minutes until she sees the image of the tiny embryo appear on the screen signifying that it is officially inside him. “There we are,” she says aloud, “the embryo is in its new home. Now we just have to se if it decides to stay and implants itself. If not we will try again next month,” she adds as she begins to remove the tube and probe from inside of him.

After lacing aeverything on her tray she moves to his chart where she documents the procedure and makes a note that she recommends keeping him under a light sedative to keep him a little more compliant and less interested in fighting. “You will be kept on the table for 20 minutes before the farmhands come to bring you to your new stall. They will also attach your collar to the chain that will be your new best friend until you are trusted enough to leave high-security. I will see you in two days when you start getting milked again. We will do a pregnancy test in two weeks,” she says before turning and leaving without a good-bye. Leaving him alone to wait for the farmhands.
He just laughed at the slap, very amused with the doctor's response. She even spoke to him like she was a Sargent! That was getting better by moments. But if she thought he would give up because of torture, she should be prepared for what was about to come, because he could be a bullhead for some things, and his dignity and rights were part of those things. He would give her a heart attack for stress than being a submissive soulless doll.

He kept silent during all the process. Not bothering on making any sound or move. He knew it was inevitable since the drug effect was just wearing off now. He felt the soreness, and he knew it would be a pain when he was alone in his cell. He took a glance at the screen, watching the tiny cells inside of him. He was always fascinated with those process and remembered the face of hopeful mothers when he was on his RN training. But it was so different now. He couldn't fell the excitement those mothers felt, neither the anticipation when the doctor told him she finished.

He wasn't an expectant mother, neither a surrogate who agreed to help a family in exchange for any economic benefits, He felt like those women who were raped by the military of a country which wanted to conquer them. The might say they were civilized, and they weren't a bunch of brutes, but a non-consensual pregnancy was a crime, and that was what he needed to know.

"Goodbye Dr.Rhodes. Let's see what happens in two weeks"
It wasn't long before two farmhands came into the room and walked over to the table. Like all the other employees at the Farm they were female and always showed off a 'don't mess with me' persona. Showing that they had done this many times before they first stepped up to the table and removed the restraints from his legs and then the large strap around his waist leaving only his arms still restrained. Before they removed the wrist straps one of the farmhands went out into the hall and got a metal chain made of thick links that stretched about 5 feet. Walking over to the bed she used her key to open the loop attached to the cows collar. Quickly attaching it she locked the loop back in place to prevent the cow from trying to remove the chain himself. Once that was done she attached the other end to a similar loop on the wall.

Stepping up beside the table preparing to remove the arm restraints. "Stay on the table until we tell you too. Any attempt to get up sooner and you will find yourself on the receiving end of a tranquilizer dart," she warns before she moves to release his arms while the other farmhand stands in the background holding a loaded tranquilizer gun. When he had been freed the first nurse stepped back and over toward the wall. "Stand up," she directed and waited for him to slowly comply. When he had gotten up she unlocked his chain from the wall and the two women escorted him to his new stall where he had a fabric cot to sleep on and a toilet, his blanket and pillow had already been brought in from his old cell. After he had been brought inside she locked the chain through the wall where it would be attached to a hook on the other side by one of the guards, it was long enough that he could reach everything in his stall but not get out the door unless he was released by an employee. "Enjoy your new home," the first farmhand said while the other waited outside the stall until she got the signal that his chain had been hooked up. "See you at dinnertime my little cow," she added as she headed out into the hallway locking the stall door behind her.
(can i join or its too soon ?)
He obeyed, doing everything the farmhands told him to do. Still, he didn't repress a bitter tone on his farewell: "I'll be delighted to see you again, little bitch"

He looked at his new cell. Smaller than the other, but still with enough space. He noticed the hook over his head, at the ceiling. The might chain someone there? He could use it for something, that was sure. It would be great for his runaway alternative. A plan that didn't involve any violence, nor any knowledge. He didn't even need to stay out of the room. The only needed to keep the chain for those two weeks and wait for that negative pregnancy test.

Until then, he only needed to hold up the pain on his shoulder and the soreness of his breast. Nothing anything else could do.

Two weeks later, a bruised Suzukaze waited for the doctor sitting on his bed, remembering the past events. He couldn't believe the staff wouldn't think that he would tug his breast to let milk drop in order to ease the pain. Seriously, they underestimated them too much, it was getting rather insulting. Both for the staff, because the looked like stupids, and for him, who was ashamed for being caught for this bunch of incompetents. Well, he wouldn't stay there for too long. He just needed that pregnancy test and then put his plan working,

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