Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
The layers of Mitsuo's kimono hid his arousal, his underwear taking most of the mess. But that didn't change the fact he had cum quite hard while giving birth inside a shrine.

He gasped as he was scooped up, wrapping his arms around Gil's neck. "I....I didn't know...." he panted, face scrunch in up with another strong contraction. The baby's head was just grinding into his overly sensitive prostate, making him tremble and jerk in Gil's arms.

The Miko showed them to the room, sliding the door open and going to grab an old futon. With it laid out, she and Mitsuo's mother worked to undress him. Both making a shocked noise when they saw Mitsuo's arousal above his bulging lips. But they both recovered quickly. The Miko urged Gil behind Mitsuo, while his mother took position between his legs, coaching him to push. The Miko then left to get fresh towels and water...

Mitsuo's father, however, remained outside of the room. He still had a hard time fully accepting what his son was, and seeing him give birth was just too much for him.
"It's alright you are going to be fine... you are so.brave and so strong you are gonna be ok." Gil was all gentle towards Mitsuo. He couldnt believe this was happening, but indeed it was strangely erotic. He couldnt deny the thrill he was feeling because of this situation.

Seeing the Miko and his mother in law undress Mitsuo was slightly strange. He was reminded of the twins' birth, and remembered how it had been, but he didnt voice out his desire of being alone with Mitsuo. He knew they were in good hands with the ladies present. He obediently took up the place behind Mitsuo to support his upper body.

He almost chuckled at how Mitsuo's erection just popped out right in front of the 2 women. It was hilarious in fact. He bit on his lip and focused on Mitsuo who had been panting hard. "It's alright, you are alright." He stroked his hair and pressed a gentle kiss on Mitsuo.
Mitsuo couldn't believe all of this was happening. Just a few hours ago, his biggest worry was just getting married, now he was about to give birth to a baby he didn't know he'd been carrying. There was the thrill of doing such a thing in a sacred public place. Adding to the arousal brought on by the physical stimulation.

Part of him wanted to be alone with Gil, but since this was all such a surprise, he wanted there to be other people to help if something went wrong. He leaned back against Gil, holding his hand tight. Crying out when a contraction hit before he was undressed.

He didn't even think about how he looked to his mother, he knew he was safe with her and Gil there. He pushed hard when another contraction hit, hearing his mother exclaim that it was crowning already. And sure enough, he felt that familiar burn starting as he was stretched around the head.

The Mike returned with towels and water, using a damp cool cloth to wipe the makeup from Mitsuo's face and cool his flushed skin.
By now Mitsuo's kimono had been partially removed, at least the elaborate knot on the belt was removed and finally he could spread his legs. The kimono was splayed wide open and his legs were pushed apart.

Gil held Mitsuo's hands like he always did, muttering incoherent words. he knew Mitsuo woukdnt care too much about the content, but still should find it comforting. The only phrase he made sure he articulated clwarly was "love you.".

In the frenzy of movement, he could guess the baby's quite visible for all exclamations had been in Japanese. He took over the towel from the Miko and wiped Mitsuo's face while he held him gently. "Thanks babe you are bringing me the most amazing wedding gift.... our baby would be very much blessed being born in a shrine. You are amazing...." he anf the girl had been wiping with 2 separate towels, and soon he could finally press a kiss on the cleared face of Mitsuo.

Another contravtion hit as Mitsuo scrunched up his face. Gil supported Mitsuo while he struggled to push. He took over one leg and pulled it back, spreading Mitsuo's pelvis wider for the baby to pass as his mother stared at his opening.
The Miko and Mitsuo's mother had shifted his kimono out from under him, hoping to avoid more stains. He turned his head more towards Gil, listening to his encouraging nonsense while he was cleaned. The cool damp cloth felt so nice on his hot sweat skin, especially as the thick makeup was wiped away. With his face cleaned, he nuzzle closer to Gil, whimpering between breaths and squeezing his hand tight.

"It's crowning. Good job, breathe and push." Said his mother in her heavily accented voice, coaching Mitsuo with his breathing as he pushed. He gave a strangled noise as the baby continued to press against his prostate, making his aching cock throb and drip onto his bulged lower belly.

He cried out when Gil pulled his leg up, spreading him just enough for the baby's head to pop free withis a gush of fluid. His mother was right there, supporting it and helping to turn it. Mitsuo's whole body trembled at the feeling as he pushed again, pushing the shoulders free. The rest of the baby slid free with a gush of fluid while Mitsuo nearly screamed as a powerful orgasm washed over him. His mother made a shocked noise, cradling the newborn in a towel handed to her by the Miko.

"It's a girl!" She exclaimed, looking at the newlyweds with a bright beaming smile.
Motsuo's belly wasnt huge this time and at this angle, it allowed Gil to watch intently what's going on at the other end. He was Mitsuo's cock jerked and strained, spurting out reluctantly as the stimulation overwhelmed him. The baby came fast with Mitsuo's continued effort, and Gil was very proud of his now husband. "Good job babe, good job!" In his praise the shoulders and the whole body slipped through. Gil never knew he could be this touched, this was such a blessed birth, though chaotic, but blessed with how smooth it had been.

"Oh my god we got a girl now! Mitsio we got a little girl..." gil had been lost in kissing Mitsuo for awhile, then as rhe baby started crying, he scrambled to remove whatever of the kimono that was left on his husband so the baby could be placed on his chest. His mother in law handed over the baby, and the tiny little infant stopped crying once she came in contact with her mother. Gil shfited Mitsuo so he could sit up higher abf together they held their new daughter with tears in their eyes.
The tight muscles beneath the surface made his belly seem to bulge more, but the bump from this baby had been hardly noticeable. Keeping the baby's presence hidden until the right moment. In a rush of action the baby was born, Mitsuo lost and overwhelmed by everything. He zoned out until he heard the cry of his new daughter, lifting his head just enough to see the newborn cradled in his mother's arms.

He gave a choked sob, shaky arms lifting to shift the towel away from her face. "'s perfect." He panted, looking to his mother and then up to Gil. The Miko laid a blanket over him, and went to tell his father....and when he came in, he couldn't help biting back tears at the sight of his grandchild.
"otoosan...." Gil muttered and shifted Mitsuo on his lap. He smiled at the older man and showed him the lovely face of his granddaughter. "Do you want to hold him?" He asked, evne though he didn't seek consent from his husband, he knew Mitsuo would love to offer that. Perhpas after this, his father in law would become more accepting with Mitsuo being an amazing man who was able to make miracles.

He saw the old man sit down, and with trmebling hands, took over the tiny baby. SHe looked fragile, yet vividly lively with her little hands and feet moving inside of the towel. She was beautiful, and Gil smiled seeing the old man did what most new parents would - he counted the ten little fingers and ten little toes, ensuring of the perfection of his granddaughter as he broke into a big smile.
Mitsuo looked up at his father, a smile stuck on his face just seeing the way the man looked at the newborn in his arms. He shifted with Gil, holding the baby in shaking arms. She was small, much smaller than her brothers. But she was perfectly formed, having grown secretly and waited for the perfect moment to meet the world.

His father cradled the newborn so gently, afraid she might break. It had been so long since he held a newborn, not since Mitsuo was born. And this was like reliving the moment, all the joy and excitement that came with it.
With the baby transferred to her grandfather's arms, Gil had teh chance to really hold his new husbnad. "You are such a miracle maker Mitsuo... this gotta be the most amazing wedding day I could have imagined. I became a new father and a new husband." He kissed Mitsuo on his lips, sealling their union.

He smiled at the blush forming on Mitsuo. He looked flushed, both from teh kiss and also from teh exertion and excitement of the birth, which to Gil was prettier than any makeup could have made him. He then scooped inside his pocket and retrieved the 2 rings in their respective boxes. "so... with our daughter and your parents as witness, can I present you with our wedding ring?" He smirked, opening the box.
Mitsuo shifted in Gil's arms to see him better, a smile stuck on his face. "Aah, it was a bit of a terrifying miracle." He said, giving a tired laugh. "Seemed she waited for the ceremony to start properly." He sighed, looking over at his parents, who were fawning over their new granddaughter together. He looked back up as Gil leaned in for a kiss, one arm lifting to slide his fingers through his hair.

He relaxed against his husband, closing his eyes for a moment until Gil spoke again. He opened them to see the ring being presented to him, a wide smile crossing his face. "Of course." He said, holding out his hand for it. "Mm...Our family is complete. Three boys to be big brothers to our youngest girl." He sighed, looking content.
"Yep three boys and a little girl. We gotta buy tiny dresses!" Gil smiled, he could foresee their little princess would be spoiled rotten by all the boys in teh family. "Arggh but we could need to prepare another share of bottles... which isn't that good." He groaned remembering all the extra work there could be for a new infant, but slipped the ring on Mitsuo just right.

He handed the other box to Mitsuo and expectantly looked at him, stretching his finger for him. He smiled and kissed him with their rings shining against each other. Complete.

They were quite lost in their kiss ... until the old man cleared his throat, followed by wailing of the little baby.
Mitsuo laughed softly, shaking his head. Of course, he'd allow her to wear what she liked, not force her to only wear girly things. But regardless of what she wore, she'd be their princess. "Bottles are no big deal. We already make them for the twins, just have to make a few more." He said, giving a shrug. He really didn't mind much.

He looked at the ring as Gil slipped it on, a smile stuck on his face. He flexed his fingers to make sure it fit properly, lifting his hand to look at it for a moment before returning his attention to Gil. He took his ring and gently slid it onto his finger, smoothly sliding their hands together as Gil leaned in for a kiss.


Weeks turned into months, months into years, and Mitsuo could say he had never been happier. Jun and Yuuji would grow into fine young men, while Shinya and his sister, Sakura, were more feminine. Even if Shinya had been born like Mitsuo and Jun, he preferred to be more like his sister. Mitsuo didn't mind one bit.

Sometimes, Mitsuo would think back to the day he met Gil, how different his life would have been if he hadn't taken a chance on meeting a stranger who watched his videos. He didn't even mind when he found out he could no longer get pregnant. He had four beautiful children and an amazing husband, he didn't need anything else.


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