C Werewolves, full moon and accidents(w/ SnowWolf)

"Size wise.... i thnk therr are indeed at least one more pup in. A seed baby." Rex chuckled rubbing the stretched belly. It must feel almost pain with how tight th3 skin was pulliny, and it could be his imagination only, but there appeared to be a few strdtchamrks appearing.... the rapid bloating could have an instant effect on Lee's belly and the few marks appearing were angrily red and painful looking. With milk still leaking from Lee's large breasts, Rez spread it across his vast belly,, using it like lotion even though the damage was unlikely to be reversible.

The fresh felling from his milk spreading across is stretch tummy was a welcome relief after the intense session they both went through at it seemed to lessen the irritation pain from the mark. '' thank honey, I fell better now. ....sorry i didnt meant to yell at you earlier''

"You mean you yelling for me to go harder?" Rex smirked. "Nah it's alright.... i did go harder and see who's paying the price now." He smiled at the poor shape Lee was in. His face was tear streaked, his nipples puffy from Rex's suckling, his belly with new stretchmarks and his balls quite empty from the repeatrd orgasms. Lee was so well-fucked with a bloated belly on top of the pups he was carrying Rex was quite sure he wouldnt be able to walk properly for days.

''true..but it was worth every pounding'' said lee smiling clearing the tears away and smiling brightly while rubbing his filled tummy, feeling satisfied like never before and a bit proud to have 'taken on' rex wolf side while he remained human. ''next time though your the one getting it'' chuckle lee

(Hmmm I top only.... if that's what you want to imply?)

"Says you lovely. Hmmm...." teh alpha groanrd when his cock spurted out a final.rope of.cum and his.knot started deflating. He was already feeling his seed leaking.out, around his cock and the bed was further soiled. As the knot deflated further, his cock stafted slipping out of Lee and the rush of fluid just rushdd out when he withdrew entirely. "I.neevr knew I come in such massive amounts." Rex said staring down.

(yeah, its more a joke lee is saying after getting pounded by rex, don)

''ouff....*breath easier*....you could fill a whole maternity ward along with the nurses '' say lee as rex knot finally goes out of his inside. '' well for sure we are going to have a big happy family hihi '' giggle the omega as his more cheerful side comes back.

(Right. Just to make sure we are on the same page :))

Rex smiled. "Yep, gonna keep you barefoot and pregnant... gonna be so lovely to have pups running around while you are too pregnant to catch them." He chuckled at the image popping up in mind, rubbing Lee's massive belly, already abandoning the bedsheets - and probably the bed as well - for more fluids squirted out when he put more pressure on the belly.

Seeing himself trying to catch his pup while heavily pregnant made the omega blushed , and daydream of his incoming new life. ''ouff.....geez you filled me more than a jelly donut, how much 'goods' you had pack up in there ?'' ask lee as he caress Rex 'package' tenderly as more fluid began leaking out of him.

"I dint know, you tell me?.see how much you can push out? Here, take your.legs behind your knees..... " rex tugged Lee's legs up for him.to.hold. he had to spread them wide to reach behind his knees, his belly getting into the way. "Now Mrs, push. You have to push your pups into the world." Rex assumed a doctor's tone. "We could arrange foe stirrups once you feel too tried grabbing your legs. Keep your breathing steady, and push!" He said, quickly getting into character as an obgyn.in a hospital delivering his patient's baby.

Lee burst out laughing and spreading his leg, trying to keep his face straight and play along with Rex '' yes doctor, '' and began pushing all the excess cum out through his hole as it began to slowly squirt out at each push '' oohhhh...*his wolf ear went straight in relief as the cum pression slowly dissipate*...that feels better doc, how much is left you think ?'' said lee giggling

Rex almost dropped out of charaxter hearing hisbmate's joyful giggle. He cracked a smile, rhen tried to straightne his face again. He touched Lee's belly in a cold way, just pojing here and there, and nodded to Lee. "That's a good push, but your belly looked so huge there's at least 3 more inside. Push momma, you are getting the hang of it. Your alpha should be proud of you being such a good omega. He smiled and finally bursted out in laughter

Lee face began more and more red trying not to laugh as he complied to his 'doctor' and kept pushing more cum out followed by soft moaning '' doctor,i think i can feel his head in '' said the omega and his belly reduced more in size.

"Yea? That's good news. You are soon going to feel the burn from the head stretching you ..." to dramatize matters, Rex slipped his finger into Lee's abused hole and immediately the omega hissed in pain. He had been fucked so raw, any form of touches would induxe a burn not that different from birthinf pains.

''oh OH...please doctor be gentle..ermm.....there being a lot of activity down there and its sensible'' Respond Lee at the surprised touch of his mate upon his ragged hole as he pushes more cum out, accidentally splashing a bit on his ''doctor'' face.

The beg from his mate for him to be gentle stroke something inside him. Rex would have encoueaged more of this whine/plea had he not been startled by the cum squirted onto his face. He paused, and rhen giggled wiping away the streak od dluid. "Wow.... your water had been leaking quite seriously. I undeestand there had been a lot of activities.... but plesse dont get too aroused, or it would hinder the birth of the baby if you are enjoying the process a little too much." He smiled, crooking his finger just to playfully nudve at his prostate.

''ouff...sorry doc, it's my first birth'' said lee trying not to giggle or moan at the release of excess cum and the relief from the pain. '' although its not my fault if your tingle my ....love hole'' giggled lee

"Hmm... a love hole indeed. You've been so tight, your.alpha not satisfying you? Such a waste indeed.... you should have engaged in more loving actions to prepare for this." The "doctor" continued on with their banter. "And... might i add, you do have a gorgeous body even with pups. Nice.looking momma indeed." He praised looking at Lee with bright eyes, his fingers still slowly tessing him as they moved, making him.moan so loud. "Rughr... the head's cumming... push down on my finger."

''oooohhhh'' lee moaned harder as the he felt the last load of cum coming, Lee position himself and began pushing down of his mate finger, triggering a orgasm as the fluid splashed out of his body as he let a loud moan of relief and pleasure. ''oohhh doctor...are they alright ?''

It's like Lee had exploded from both from th3 front and behind, with Rex's massivr load of cum expelled in a hueg rush and the front from his orgasm. Rex chuckled. "Aww it's alright, a healthy large baby." He smiled and took Lee who had collapsed in his arms, still panting from the successive orgasms. He smiled and rubbed Lee's belly, eising and falling rapidly from his pants. "My mate has done a great job giving birth... you would be great when it's really time." He smiled, dropping his acting.

lee hold the hands of his mate over his swollen pregnant tummy, catching his breath following his final orgasm for the day. He now couldn't wait to go through the real thing now, the practice didn't hurt either...and sharing it with his mate made him more reassured

''yeah....i cant wait to introduce you to them '' said lee smiling proudly at his mate

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