C Werewolves, full moon and accidents(w/ SnowWolf)

Lee had been hold such pride in being a momma, Rex couldnt help but chuckle. "You, are as a perfect an omega as anyone could imagine. How could i miss that you have that potential all along... I.should have turned you much earlier, so we would have a large family by now..." rex kissed Lee so passionately tilting up his face. He really love his mate with those fluffy ears and tail.

The days passed quickly for Rex, but no.doubt quite agonizing for Lee as the final trimester came. The omega had gone.huge, his.ankles swollen, and he couldnt get out of anything without Rex's help, not even when he tried with all his might.

(Sorry I was away, my laptop died and I'm waiting on the new one, I'm on the cellphone atm) "cheer up love, it's not too late to give me few more litter after I give birt" tenderly said lee. Despite feeling like a bus ran him over and feeling just as heavy, he was in love with his condition and new life but he was eager to hold his pups in his arms.

(Oh oops thats really bad... did you savage what you got in your laptop?)

"Certainly... you know, werewolves are quite long lived ... and omegas are very fertile...." rex chuckled rubbing lee's belly that's close to full term now. "I'm gonna brewd you over and over again, making sure none of your heats or my ruts would have gone wasted. Hmmm speaking of whcih, you might experience a pseudo heat when its closer to yohr due date, it's your body's natural response in stretching your canal. Would bethe last sign before you give birth." In short, it would be through vigorous sex that labor's triggered.

(Sadly the hard drive died and the battery gave up month ago)

Lee giggle , purred at the sensation of his mate rubbing his huge tummy. Still barely believing he hasn't reach full term yet.....but being huge felt heavenly. " that sound lovely, it would be nice before the pushing and screaming starts" giggled lee

(Ooops that's really devastating... )

Rex giggled as well. "Who knows, maybe you wouldnt be entirely in pain when the pushing begins... every omega responds differently to birthing. Let's see..." rex smirked and lingered his finger around the bellybutton that's now an outie. "You are si heavy with pups now... " rex smiled and pulled Lee up to sit. "Wanna take a stroll in the garden?" Lee's boey was so heavy just the short distance could be enough to make him out of breath.

"Fresh air would be lovely dear" reply lee with a bright smile. "Give me a second " said the omega as he waddle to the bedroom. Emerging in a yellow sundress with sandals. "I'm ready sweety"

"You have no difficulty adjusting to dresses, arent you?" Rex chuckled at how comdortable Lee was, and took a straw hat from the cabinet to put on his head ajd hide those cute fluffy ears. "Just so no one could see how truly cute you are..." hs muttered and grabbed for Lee's hand. They would look like an ordinary couple expecting their child - choldren with the size of Lee - very soon.

"Truth be told I was scared of my body changing close to a woman...but after building the courage to try my first dress, it just make thing much simple and..hehe cuter, I'm glad you approved" said blushing under that straw hat, trying to conceal his wagging tail.

Rex just laughed and naturally rested his hand on Lee's bottom - that's whne he discovered his wagging tail. "Aww babe you are so cute..." he smiled at Lee kissing him lifting his straw hat a bit, and then slipped his hand underneath the flowy dress to catch his evasive tail." And here I am wondering why id it the dress seemed to be moving.on its own..."

"Maybe I'm just happy to be with you" giggled the omega as he tries to make his tail evade his mate grip. "Catch it and you win a prize " said lee winking deviously at his mate.

"Well... you know the fastest way to catch it is..." Rex smiled and quickly flipped Lee over to have the omega bending over his nap. The alpha was impeccable in his timng and positioning, so that Lee wouldnt be bending over on his bellg, but his bottom.would be jutted out naturally, where Rex slapped it playfilly causing a ripple on his nice ass, and smoothed along catching the white fluffy tail successdully. "So... naughty boy, what's is it that's my prize?" He smirked.

Caught by surprise by the alpha agility and reflex, Lee let a small moan '' well.....your going to have to wait for tonight big guy...let's say ive been waiting to get bigger in order to show'' teased the omega, looking into his mate deep eye '' you could say it might beat the maid hihi''

"Is that so... would take something VERY good to beat that..." Rex quirked up his brow, his interest piqued. What could possibly wait for him tonight...? Rex smiled at Lee and took his hand. "I am alreafy looking forward to that... but for now, lady, please allow me to escort you to the garden." He smiled bowing slightly and took Ler's hand.

Though thry were just heading to a nearby garden within their estate, Rex still took the precautiob to fix the straw hat over Lee and tugged his dress down so no one could see his lovely omega. They strolled through the neighborhood, not looking at anyone, but.it's only natural that Lee atrracted attention with hissize.

''i never imagined i would turn so many head around, are they looking at the dress or me you think ?'' ask lee, blushing under the shadow of the straw hat, still unsure if he should take it as a compliment yet. unintentionally holding his mate's hand hard, nervous at being in the open in public with a litter of pup in him tummy

'' How did you find this quiet little town ?'' ask lee while peacefully stroking his belly.

"I am guessing it's more because of you... and how pregnqnt you are. You know this neighborhood is not exactly young, so it's quite a sight seeing you so vibrant with new life. You are amazingly lovely, let me assure you." Rex chuckled and wrapped his arm around Lee's waist more properly to hold him tight. His belly's massive, and he guessed some of the gazes were because of them expecting Lee to just suddenly go into labor.

"Well you know my little problem, so it's only matural that we werewolves scatter around to avoid too much attention. It's a strategic move as well, so that in case any of us was exposed, the others would still be safe. We sort of kept a list of quiet towns where the neighborhood wasnt too closely knitted - but not too hostile as well." Rex answered while they entered the little garden, and Rex led Lee to a bench overlooking the little pond.

enjoying the fresh and bonding with rex, he began envisioning his future as a mother to be. Their first breastfeed, first time walking, schools and seeing them grow up and eventual...leave. but he brighten up at the thought that he wont be left alone, his newfound family will be always be with them and he would be with Rex as well.

Lee turn his head toward rex and said '' lets hope the neighborhood welcome our children as warmly as you did with me''

''but if someone complaint about the howl and mistake them for dogs im eating them'' whispered to rex, trying not to laugh

Rex chuckled at the "fierce" litttle omega. "You are eating them? You do know that that's actually possible right?" He smiled at Lee. "Still remember the time when you first sqw me in my wolf form? Phew that time's really scary, come to think of it, had i not... there's really a chance i could have harmed you." Rex said helping Lee sit down ont he bench. With his tail, it's getting hard to maneuver him into a comfortable sitting postion, let alone the bellg getting into the way. Rex secretly quite enjoyrd seeing Lee's struggle to get on wnd off a chair.

''but you could resist dat ass'' wink lee playfully. its Rex could have tear him apart like a cat pouncing on a mouse, luckily his mate had other idea in mind and now he was the happiest omega in town. '' and now you got a pregnant mate all to yourself, you did good tiger''

"Thanks. I treat that as a compliment." Rex smiled cheekily. He produced a bag of bread crumps, and offered to lee so they could feed the ducks and fish in the pond, creating a small choas when all the animals got excited over food. "And I transformed you to be the cutest omega possible... you know how much they chwrge for those costumed with your exact ears and tail?" Rex ruffled Lee's ears through th4 strawhat.

Lee giggled '' you turned me into your dream waifu didnt ya ?'' ask the omega with a cheeky smile as he threw bits of bread to the ducks. '' speaking of which, can we swing by the mailbox on the way back home ? ive ordered something for both of us and it should be there now'' ask lee, remembering the mysterious order in the mail

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