C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

It was strange seeing the egg bulging Hitsugi so much, like the lips of the avian's just wouldnt budge and continued to keep the egg in. "Yea this is a big one, dont panic, dont panic...." lucien muttered, not sure whether to Hitsugi or to himself. He tried pressing on the paper thin round of muscle still clinging on the egg, forcing them to receded, but that was unwelcomed. Hitsugi didnt like it with how he was yelpiny and kicking out.

"Ok, ok, bad move. Sorry. I am so sorry... what else can we do..." lucien quickly removed his hand feom doing further damage. Without his hands as support, the egg surged forward at a strong conteaction. Lucien could see traces of blood seeping through. Hitsugiwaa at the brink of tearing.

Hitsugi was trying not to panic, but it was difficult. He panted and whined between pushes, trembling slightly. But when lucien tried pushing the tight flesh of his opening aside, it sent such a sharp pain up his spine that he nearly kicked the man.

When he pulled his hand away and the egg surged forward, he screamed and tensed, only serving to push the egg harder. The skin was thinning and bruising, but he was healing with the damage, becoming more elastic. Soon the egg was spreading him obscenely wide, filling the space between his spread legs. It was and it's thickest point, and with a final trembling push, the egg surged out of him, followed by fluid and slick. Leaving him gaping so much that you could almost see into his womb.

The egg was enormous... slick and wet, it rolled forward and rested on the coach taht's utterly ruined. Hitsugi looked like he was a broekn doll, laying there with his legs splayed apart, the gaping opening looking horrible. Lucien looked at it and wondered if the avian could ever recover from it... the entire canal was ruined, muscle stretched beyond its limit, and everything looked sore and sloppy.

Lucien moved the egg away and very gently lifted Hitsugi up. The avian was shocked and exhausted. The push was quick and violent,draining all of his energy within a very short time frame. The half devil took him to a more comfortable position on bed, lowering his legs slowly to not trigger his wound. It was unavoidable though, when his legs come together, the avian's widened pelvis was forced closed.

Hitsugi had passed out, still panting from his effort. He twitched and grunted when he was moved, limp in Lucien's arms. He seemed unresponsive until he was set on the bed. He whined when his legs moved, muscles tensing within.

His hips would remain wider, but only slightly. His inner walls already beginning to recover. His opening was more stretchy now, meaning any future eggs would be much easier. His wings were healed, all his feathers grown back in. He could fly now, and Lucien would need to find a way to keep him around.

(I cannot help but notice this could be a metaphoric way of saying I need to derive some way to keep you interested in this ;))

Lucien looked at the unconsicous Avian. He smiles at him and lightly kissed his chest. There, the heart's still pping strong assuring Lucien that Hitsugi was still well. He wrapped himself around Hitsugi. To have overcome this crissi with the avian had the half-devil realisijg something - he needed Hitsugi around. His heart was lost to this little creature.

Taking advantage of Hitsugi's unconsciousnesz, he pressed his palm on his lower abdoemn, right over his abused womb, and chanted old phrases. Using his power, he was enforcing changes on Hitsugi'a body, fusing some of his energy to the avian so that he could contain and maintain the growth of Lucien's blood and seed. With this ritual performed, there would begin to have a chance that Lucien's seeds could fuse with Hitsugis eggs.

Hitsugi was out cold, but he was sleeping rather than unconscious. He made a soft noise when the man wrapped around him, wings twitching slightly. Another noise escaped him as Lucien worked to repair his body, legs twitching and wings moving. He had awakened long dormant genes...the ancestors of the Avian species, forest elves.

He leaned his head back slightly, making a soft breathy noise. All of his feathery hair shed from his scalp, quickly replaced by silky black hair. At the same time, his ears grew longer and pointier, twitching on their own.

He didn't wake up, but his stomach growled, wanting some food to restore his energy.

Lucien frowned seeing unexpected changes on Hitsugi. He wasn't expecting this, and seeing feathers falling from his head was more shock than anything - for a moment he even wondered if he had chanted teh wrong charms, enforcing a configuration or whatever, but it proved not to be the case when teh changes continued on its own after he completed his rituals.

He witnessed teh changes, and the pointy ears definitely wasn't a trait that would easily be seen in any other creatures aside from elves. Lucien had little knowledge of Avian lineage, but he was pretty sure the transformation must hae some link with elves which were almost mythical creatures.

Hitsugi's gurglin stomach reminded Lucien of the need to eat, and he hurried over to gather some quick lunch, constnatly peeking back to make sure the little avian - or no longer avian - was doing, anxious of the end result.

Hitsugi knew little of the origin of his kind, only old stories of magic. But his new features and the way he had reacted to the juice clearly pointed to an elven ancestry.

He groaned softly, beginning to wake up. His eyes fluttered open, showing even they had changed, going from just gold to a more prismatic version of the color. They shimmered and shifted hue as he looked around. He sat up with a grunt, wings folding at his back, and rubbed his face. He paused, pulling his hands away to see the long black hair hanging about his face.


(Empty your inbox)

(LOLi am so sorry it's empty now...)

Lucien had caught on the noise from Hitsugi and came back intot eh room. those eyes of Hitusgi was breathtakingly beautiful now, and the dark hari compliments his pale complexion nicely. he was almost glowing under the sunray, looking exceptionally magestic.

"hey... " Lucien said, sitting down beside him. "you know... i don't know what happened as well, but, i guess there's something in your blood tahts', awakened. " Lucien took a strand of Hitsugi's long, silky blakc hair, letting it flowt hrough his fingers, marvelling at how smooth they felt.

Hitsugi looked at Lucien, confusion clear on his face. "In my blood?" He asked, feeling his ears twitch. He reached to touch one, pausing when he found it had become longer and pointed. He nibbled his lips, looking at the hair hanging into his face, much longer than he was ever used to.

"What could this mean? Am I not avian?" He asked, looking more worried now.

"I dont know... but i have heard in some species they are descendents of mythical creatures. Maybe we should head back to your homeland, maybe some elders will know." Lucien shrugged and suggested. He smiled at the confused look of Hitsugi and took his hand. "Come. You have become quite different....more beautiful than cute now, bit equally adorable." He praised, bringing him yo yhe dressing mirror in the bedroom.

The avian looked into yhr mirror while Lucien gazed into him throuhh it as well. "Look... you are still you, but so different as well." He whispered dreamily, pressing a kiss on Hitsugi's hair

Hitsugi gave a small nod when Lucien suggested going back to his home and talking to the elders. "Yeah, they would know." He sighed. He let the man lead him to the mirror, stopping dead when he saw his reflection.

He brushed his hair out of his face, leaning closer. His face flushed at the man's words, looking up at him after the kiss. "My wings are all better, I can fly us to my home now." He said, spreading said wings slightly to show the smooth glossy feathers.

"Wow... i would love to hav3 a lift then. Thanks babe." Lucien marvelled over the lovely wings that were jet black. He held Hitsugi's waist and kissed his forehead. "Let's head to the rooftop to depart.... anythiny i should know beforee i step food into Avian territories? Basic etiquettes? I feel so nervous...." Lucien fidgeted over the prospect of meeting the parents.

Lucien brought Hitsugi up. He took his hand and the elf started off a little wobbly, with his transforomed body he needed time to adjust to te shift of gravity, but he was soon walking with the elegance of an elf.

Hitsugi hadn't changed much physically, his body still adapted for flight. But the thicker scales on the backs of his arms had shrunk and softened, as did the ones on his legs. The middle feathers of his tail had grown longer, bearing more iridescence at the tips than before.

He paused when Lucien took his hand, nibbling his lip slightly. "Ah, umm...maybe some food first." He sighed. He walked slowly, his gait getting more steady with each step. His toes not splayed as much as before.

Lucien chuckled shaking his head. "Yep, sure, I got too carried away by meeting your parents - and extended family." He turned away from the stairs to the roof and made their way to the kitchen. He had something prepared and the soup was thivkening nicely.

Lucien laid out all the food. He turned to Hitsugi and almost laughed when he saw him struggling to fit his feather through the chair so he wouldnt be sitting on them.

Hitsugi couldn't help laughing when Lucien said he had gotten carried away, shaking his head and following him. "Oh, did you clean and fix my clothes?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

He could smell the soup before they got to it, going to sit himself down while the man served it up. He found human chairs very awkward, eventually giving up and turning the chair sideways to sit down.

"Smells good." He said, grinning as he dug in.

"i am confident it tastse just as nice." Lucien smiled, giving Hitsugi a spoon to devour on it. A loaf of bread was to accompany it, with the main still waiting for the last touch of sauce to be added on - Lucien had used up his supplise so all he got was a so-so slice of steak that would need the boost to add a littel flavor on it.

It's a quick meal, Lucien was again amazed by how much Hitsugi had eaten. he was hungry, that's for sure, and somehow his lean frame managed to hold more food than Lucien could imagine. "how long does it take to get back to your hometown?" Lucien asked while putting away the dishes, thinking how much things he gotta prepare depending on how long the trip would take.

Hitsugi ate eagerly, having a second helping when the first wasn't enough. He didn't even notice that the meat wasn't the best, it still tasted good.

He wiped his mouth and gave Lucien a cute smile. "Umm, it's into the mountains. With the right wind, it doesn't take long. But with a passenger and supplies, it could take a couple of days." He said, giving a small frown.

"A couple of days! We might need to bring more supplies than I thought... let's see what we got in stock here... anything you want to bring back home?" Lucien seriously thought about it. As the mate of Hitsugi, he should show his sincerity - he thought of bringing presents, but in fact he had little knowledge of the race he wasnt sure what he should be bringing them.

"Maybe we could think about it on our way... is food a suitable thing to bring? Anything your parents or elders like that we could get here?" He asked a little taken aback by how mcuh Hitsugi consumed. Maybe that's because transforming into an entirely new body used up energy. He glanced fleetingly at Hitsugi's once again flattened stomach and wondered.

Hitsugi couldn't help laughing when Lucien was so concerned, shaking his head. "It's not that far. We live in the mountains, so we'll run into some of my kind within a day. We just need some water and extra clothes." He nodded. "My home is further into the mountains, so it'll take a little longer. I can't fly as high with a passenger, so we can't just go straight there." He said, shrugging.

He paused when Lucien talked about his parents and the elders, blinking slightly. "Umm....we like shiny things. The shinier the better." He nodded, a soft blush crossing his face.

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