C Unexpected Visitor w/HyenaDog

Daniel hadn't been expecting anyone, he didn't really have any friends since he was knew to the big city. He made his way up up the doorsteps to his small apartment, he fumbled around for his keys, stuck the key in the lock and turned it only to find the door already unlocked. Had he forgot to lock the door? Cautiously he stepped inside, grabbing a bat that was near the door, flipping on lights as he moved through the apartment. First the kitchen, then the living room, the bathroom was next though he found nothing there. Last place was his bedroom, he found the bedroom door open slightly, which he always closed. He entered slowly, glancing around after flipping the light on. What he didn't expect was the hear rustling in the closet.

Tobias would never have expected to be living in a sci-fi movie, yet here he was, running for his life after escaping some sort of testing facility. They did all manner of strange tests on him. Injected him with strange substances more times than he'd care to remember. Generally violated him in so many unspeakable ways...

But he had found a way out, and after stealing one of the worker's clothes, he was on the run. He didn't recognize this city, but that didn't matter. He ducked into an apartment building, luckily finding a door someone had neglected to lock. He slipped into the apartment and poked around, hoping he could get some rest before continuing on his run.

He had been napping on the bed when he heard the door, scrambling into the closet. He tried to sit still, but something fell and made a bunch of noise....Tobias knew he'd been caught.

Daniel approached the closet slowly. He reached a shaking hand out to push the door open, finding a young man hidden under a pile of unboxed clothes and junk that he just hadn't gotten around to unpacking yet. He stared at the man, eyes wide and ready to swing the bat if he made any sort of move. "Wh....who are you?"

Tobias froze when the door was opened, sharp blue eyes staring up at him and the bat in his hand. He took a shaky breath, slowly holding his hands up to show he didn't have any weapons. "I....I just need a place to rest." He muttered, clearly afraid. He had a number tattooed on his right wrist and an ID band around his left wrist, like hospitals used. He also looked exhausted, feeling so drained by whatever those scientists had done to him.

Daniel stares at him for a good two minutes before he slowly lowers the bat. "Who are you?" He asked again. He eyes the tattoo and I.D bracelet on the males wrist before taking a slow step back from the closet. "Come on out. Slowly."

Tobias relaxes slightly when the bat was lowered, lowering his own hands but keeping them visible. "Tobias...I...I don't have a last name." He muttered, looking at the bracelet. It only listed his first name, followed by a number, as well as other medical information like blood type, sex, age, and a barcode...He slowly stood, wobbling slightly and putting his hand on his head. He felt so drained, and even with the clothes on, it was pretty clear he was very underweight for his height.

Daniel looked him over again once he stood, his eyes once again going to the bracelet. "Who you running from? You sick or something?" He did take another step back as he asked that question. This male could have an unknown sickness, something he didn't know about.

Tobias noticed the way the man took a step back when he asked if he was sick, frowning slightly. "No, I don't think I'm sick...I was in some kind of lab." He sighed, wrapping his arms around himself and looking away. "I don't remember anything from before I woke up there. They ran so many experiments on me....I don't know what for, but they cut me open for one." He said, hesitantly lifting his shirt to show the scar running vertically up his lower stomach, from his navel down below the waist of his pants. It looked quite old and well healed, but still alarming.

"I had to get out. I'm sorry for invading your home..." he said, his face and voice full of sincerity. "I just need a good rest and a meal and I'll get out of your hair." He added, giving the man a hopeful smile.

Daniel looked around the room before noticing that Tobias had already been using his bed. "Well, since you already been using it." He nods toward the bed. "I'll make dinner." He slowly backed out of the room, heading for the kitchen. He should really call the police, and he contemplated doing just that, though everytime he picked up the phone he would stare at it and put it back down.

In the end, he ordered take out, pizza and wings seemed like the easiest way to go. A knock on the door half an hour later had him bringing the pizza into the living room to sit it on the coffee table so he could watch tv while he ate. "Grubs here."

Tobias glanced to the bed, the blankets only slightly wrinkled and one pillow moved for him to hug. He hadn't intended on sleeping for long when he got here, but a real bed was just too comfortable to resist. "Um, thanks. I'll repay you, I swear." He said, going to lay down again.

He wouldn't have blamed Daniel if he had called the police, afterall, he had snuck into his home. But Tobias was clearly not a threat, just desperate. He ended up falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, and it seemed like nothing could wake him up. Daniel's call wasn't what finally woke him, rather it was the smell of fresh food.

He wobbled out of the bedroom, looking like someone very hungover as he made his way to the living room. "Oh, man...smells so good....the food in that facility was awful." He said, eyes sparkling and mouth watering. He sat down and grabbed a slice, wolfing it down even before it could cool. He hate the next slices slower, and seemed to perk up quite a bit. "Can't thank you enough..." he muttered between bites, a smile stuck on his face.

Daniel shrugged lightly as he ate his own slices, taking a sip of his bottle of water every now and then. He had brought one out for Tobias as well though at the moment it was forgotten on the table as the man wolfed down his food. "I guess you could...take a shower if you wanted. M'sure I can find something to fit you."

Tobias finally grabbed the water, taking a few sips before taking a few wings. He paused when Daniel suggested a shower, looking at his dirty clothes. "Uh, right. Thanks." He nodded. He finished up his food and headed to get that shower.

He closed the bathroom door and undressed, looking at the scar on his belly. He felt a rumble in his gut, assuming it was just all the food he had just crammed into it...he shrugged it off and climbed into the shower, standing under the warm spray for a few minutes.

The rumbling in his belly continued, getting more uncomfortable. He groaned and placed a hand over his stomach only to freeze when he felt a bulge. "Wh-what the fuck? Nnh..." he muttered, groaning as his distended stomach continued to swell beneath his hand. "Oh, god...wh-what's happening?" He panted, leaning against the wall.

He quickly turned the water off and scrambled to dry himself off, throwing his boxers back on before stumbling out of the bathroom. "H-hey...what's your name? H-help." He gasped, cupping the underside of his now pregnant-looking belly as it continued to swell.

Daniel had heard the commotion, glancing back toward the bathroom before getting to his feet and going to investigate. When he opened the door though, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. Tobias, kneeling on the floor, his hands now cupping a large belly. He looked absolutely pregnant, and carrying at least twins by his size. Daniel stood in the doorway, staring down at the male, mouth hanging open, unable to speak.

Tobias knelt on the floor, one hand on the side of the bed and the other cupping his heavy belly. His wet black hair hung about his face as he looked up at Daniel. He looked absolutely terrified, eyes pleading the man to help him.

"D-didn't get your name....but, please help." He panted, trembling hard. He gave a drawn out groan, his belly finally stopped expanding, leaving him looking overdue with twins. But his belly seems to have subtle bumps, like it was full of balls.

"Th-they did something to me. I...I think I'm pregnant." He gasped, horrified realization hitting him. "Oh, god, where is it coming out?!" He yelped, falling back on his ass. Wearing only boxers, it was impossible to hide the erection tenting his shorts.

"Daniel." He approached the man slowly, his curiosity getting the better of him as he knelt down to touch Tobias large belly, hand rubbing over each of the bumps, feeling them shift slightly at his touch.

Tobias felt his face flush as Daniel approached, sitting there with his legs spread by his large belly, so vulnerable. His blush only deepened when the man touched his gravid belly, gasping as something within shifted. "Oooh, shit." He panted, mortified by how his body was responding.

"Th-this shouldn't be possible...th-there's no way out." He panted, knowing everything below the belt seemed normal. What he didn't notice was how his cock flexed each time he felt a wave of pleasure. Like it had muscles inside, unlike a normal penis.

"But it is." Daniel's voice was quiet, something had seemingly come over him as he stroked over Tobias' gravid middle. Occasionally, Daniel would glance up at him, taking note of his sharp intakes of breath, his shifting legs, and the growing tent in his boxers, already stretching the fabric to its limit.

Tobias closed his eyes, clearly overwhelmed by his condition. He gasped as Daniel stroked his belly, feeling that orbs inside shift. His breathing had picked up and he lowered himself until he was laying on the floor. He stayed like that for a few minutes before gasping sharply as his belly tightened. "Ooh, shit! Th-there's pressure." He cried out, feeling a building pressure behind his balls. But before anything happened, the contraction passed and he hesitantly relaxed. "H-H-hows it getting out? Nnh...sh-shit" he panted, feeling his cock throb.

Daniel said nothing, his hands slowly moving from Tobias' belly down to the hem of his boxers. His fingers ran along the fabric slowly before his hand moved down to cup Tobias' growing errection. He glanced up at at the male then, watching his reaction.

Tobias didn't notice what Daniel was doing until he cupped his erection. "Aah-ah oooh." He moaned, hips bucking on their own. He bent his legs, toes curling as he arched his back. He felt his belly tightening again, breathing picking up as pressure increased. "Th-there's no way out!" He shouted, shifting his legs and grabbing his tight belly.

He could feel pressure growing behind his balls, his contraction reaching it's peak. He screamed, feeling something pop within. Suddenly, fluid gushed from his cock, soaking his boxers and Daniel's hand. But it wasn't cum, and Tobias seemed to be panicking more. "N-no! Not there! OH GOD!" he cried, kicking against the floor to try and move away.

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