The station
Jace climbed onto the bed slowly and waved his hips back and forth whimpering quietly as the contractions rolled through him. He felt so sweaty and gross, he did not miss this pain at all. He cried out as a particularly bad contraction rolled through him.
gear rubbed his back putting counter pressure on his hips to try and ease some of the pain. He had curled up next to jace remaing quiet and reminding him to breathe every so often.
Jace whimpered and nodding trying to breathe deeply before turning over to lay on his back. He took deep breaths before crying out and pushing down whimpering sitting up a bit
Gear quickly took to his side helping him sit up a bit as he pushed. "Good, just like that. You're going amazing." He pressed a cool cloth to Jace's forhead wiping away the sweat and cooling him down.
Jace whimpered and smiled gently up at him. He reached up and touched his cheek gently "I love you" he said quietly before groaning and leaning forward pushing and grunting a little at the smallest movement of the child
"I love you to." He gave Jace a kiss smoothing out his hair and once again helping him lean into the push. "That's it, keep going, just like that." Gear muttered softly, It's comeing."
Jace whimpered and nodded arching his back as the pressure built up "I don't think I can do this Gear" he whimpered and pushed feeling it move slightly down. "It's not even moving" he cried softly
"It is, it's coming the progress is just slow, you can do it." Gear said softly. "I promise, I'm right here but you can't give up, not yet ok?"
Jace whimpered and nodded before crying out and grunting leaning up before pushing as hard as he could. "Get out!" He screamed finally feeling the familiar pressure and burning against his hole
"You're doing well, keep going, I can see it now. Keep pushing Jace." He offered his hand for the boy to take and offered him a sip of water between the contractions. "I know it hurts but you're doing well." Gear was getting a bit worried but he tried to at the very least appear calm.
Jace cried out and pushed hard again squeezing Gears hand "Something feels wrong Gear" he said scared and pushed hard again crying out at the burning.
"Wrong?" A shiver ran up and down his spine at the word. "Wrong how?" He muttered trying to sooth Jace and keep him calm. "What's wrong?"
Jace whimpered as he continued to push what he believed to be the head further out "I....I don't know" he whimpered crying out in pain. Suddenly something clicked "I...I don't feel shoulders" he said looking at Gear worriedly
"What- what do you mean?" Fear ran threw him, he didn't understand. "Push again." He ordered and moved so he could try and see what was going on. "Come on, keep going, I'll do what I can to help alright? I'm right here."
Jace leaned up and yelled out pushing hard holding onto his knees trying to widen himself to help the child get out. He gasped as he finally felt it slide out a bit
(I don't remember what we said the complication was remind me?))

"There good, you're doing good." His gaze rested on Jace trying to help him. He watched the boy strugle to birth whatever had bee placed inside him, Gear wished he could help more but there was nearly nothing he could do exsept tell him to keep going and try to provide some sort of comfort.
(The child was the alien one with the bulbous tail and it's coming out breach)

Jace screamed out, although it didn't really help it felt like it did as he finally felt the bulbous shape, which he assumed was the head, slide out. He laid back panting and sobbing softly. All he wanted was to live a normal life with Gear and right now it didn't seem that was going to happen.
Gear realized what was happening and had to try hard not to panic. He had to be calm, "It's backward." Gear muttered softly. He shivered slightly as he tried to process what was happening, he needed to do something he had to find a way to help. "Alright, don't panic, it'll be ok just keep going. Will get it out of you.
Jace looked at Gear terrified "What...what do you mean it's backward?" He said panic starting to affect him. His breathing was laboured as it was and the panic sent him into an anxiety attack, barely able to breathe at all.
"Hey! Hey- look at me." He grabbed jace by the shoulders giving him a quick breath. "Breath, in and out, you have to breathe, it's ok we're going to get it out of you. On the next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can ok?"

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