The price of pretty (centaur mpreg)

shifting over the stallion laid down next to him "Then hold me, they are only hands all over you because they trying to help you... just stay calm, just breath ok? you will soon have your foal in your arms"

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"Thank you and if i may ask just wich herd is this?" He said wraping his arms around his waist. He was prodded with for a while longer when he could not stand it anymore. He bore down breathing heavy. He kept pushing as he felt the child move the burning started. He was panting as he tryed to stay awake. Between the blood loss and expended energy he was fading.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

(just making an alretarion to Darnel, his horse part is built like a clydesdale)
"We are the cave runner herd" she says softly as a potion was brought over. The cave runners were a peaceful Herd, known for their hospitality and generosity "Here, drink this" ahe offers and takes a second onw and poors it over his belly and under his tail, the fluid cooling and numbing the pain hugely "that one, the one you are to drink, will restore your energy and heal any damage..."
"I am from the Marsh Stomper Herd" Darnel says, they were known for being wanderers and quite large and strong, all of them having the appearance of Clydesdales for their horse half "Where are you from little stallion?"

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He drank the potion making a face the pain bearable. He flinched as the foal moved further down his canal causing more blood to trickle down his legs. "I'm from the cliff climbers herd." He said it slightly bitterly. He reached back and stroked his flank. As he was adjusting his position do he was more confortable he felt a very sharp pain and a sudden pop. He looked back to see hind legs of the foal sticking out. He looked shocked his grip back on Darnell. As the snap pain in his rump returned. It was burning.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"Hmm, they have been known for their kindness to ithers" the female says "Known for taking what they want when they want... maybe you chose a good time to escape... you are doing fantastically, once the hips are free it gets alot easier so push hun, but remember to breath"
"squeeze me when you need to little stallion" Darnel says supportively "I may be injured but i can take it, just as you can make it through this"

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"Ahhhhg! It burns
" he said as a pushed feeling him self stretch. Painfuly the child wont budge. It remained that way for an hour. The pain meds were starting to wear off. He had a death grip on Darnells waist. Tears streaming down his cherks. His breathing was heavy but stable. "The foal....isn't....budgeing at all....I-I think.....its stuck!" He was in evident distress his flank quivered with every contraction.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

she nodded "Turn aeay, and take a few deep breaths" she tells him. once he had done that she waited for the next big contraction and gave a pull at the foals legs, not hard but firm enough for it to slide free somewhat sliding all the way to the shoulders "Ok, this is where it gets easier... we will help again when it comes to the head as thats is when the complicated bit starts"

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The tug ccaused birth fluid and blood to pool around his back legs. He pushed down hard the shoulder rubbing painfully at his abused hole. He gave another push and the goals shoulders came free. He panted exughsted as the head remains still lodged inside his birth canal.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"ok... now resost pushing" she says and they work and gently working the foal free from him, taking some twenty minutes before it was free. they worked quickly, pooring a special potion into him and over him again healing any damage intime for the foal to be trying to stand "You will need to stand or atleast lay up" she says "He needs the first feed vitally"

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He rolled onto his side still in pain. Waiting for the child to latch on. He was exhausted a nearly 20 hour process and he felt terrible still. The child had a blond pale skin and dark brown hair with a black hose body with grey speckled haunches and stockings. It was a little girl. He closed his grip on Darnell but still kept a hold of him.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Darnel shifts to support them both and smiled "rest little stallion, rest, i will keep you and your foal comfortable for now"

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Just as he was about to thank him another sharp pain shot through him and fluids burst from his back side. He looked back in horror there was another foal!? He griped Darnell tightly as the pain was no ten fold what it had been with the first. With no amniotic fluid left cushion he felt the full force of the contractions. He bit his lip trying to stay silent.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"shh, shh, its the afterbirth, it will pass, just stay calm" the female says groping at his belly a bit "there isnt a second"

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"The pain melted away as soon as it started hed panicked. But he calmed as Darnell gently stroked his hair. It was calming so calming so that he nearly fell asleep. He was fighting sleep watching the small foal beside him. She looked so much like her father. Then he relized heart broken she wouldn't have one. He reached out and stroked her tiny back. She looked up at him with pale green eyes and his heart melted. "Im so sorry dear sweet one youv had it just a rough as I today. Your so very pretty. Moma loves you with all his heart." He said curling around the child protectivly.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Darnel smiles softly watching tgem and staying close knowing that he would need another stallion close to feel comfortable "sleep young one, you both have had a long day, we will still be here when you awaken" he tells him

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He gives in and doses off his grip on darell loss but present. H s.dozsx for what felt only moments when he was awoken by movment beside him. He quickly shot up awake. He lokes for his foal wich waz tucked in the curv of his belly.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"Morning" Darnel says wiyh a smile "Fear not, she wandered the cave a litty then fell to sleepnpressed tobuour side" he says

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"Good morning." He said reaching out to stroke his goals flank. "Im still not sure what to call you." He said sweetly. "Im not even sure what to tell you youv got only me. Your so little so sweet and yet youv got no popa. How I wish you could have whole world in your hands. But I can only give you all my heart." He looked at her sweetly. He started to finger comb his hair the ends were matted beyond salvage. He sighed and looked at the matted length of hair. He had spent so much time growing it out. "I supose ill have no choice but to cut it off to mid back." He said adjusting his postition. He wanted to stretch his legs and take a bath but he relized hed been cleaned up already and his ending changed. He wondered how long hed been out.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"You have been out all night" Darnel says with a smile "And your not alone, you have a new Herd, a new family who will help you with everything you need" he says and gently stroked at his shoulder and neck "And if youll let me court you, maybe a mate too"

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He looked up.shocked. "you wanna court me? But why I'm nobpdy specail." He said looking down at his hooves. Hed always been treated badly so kindness was new to him. His cheeks burned. Surely this gourges stallion was mistaken. He didn't know what to say to such a request. He looked at his daughter and a name struck
Him. "Well call you willow and just like the tree youll grow big and strong." He said softly. A smile across his face.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

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