Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260
Silas slid his hands into his back pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet lightly as a broad smile graced his features, his eyes lighting up a bit as if he truly were talking about his children "Well, it's a Grecian restaurant... All authentic Greek food that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Dating almost all the way back to Ancient Greece times, although of course the recipes have been updated over the generations to include new spices or different dishes mixed in..."

"It's pretty modern looking, inside and out. I prefer a more intimate feeling so there are no booths, just tables for two or four... There is a bar, as well, but I don't really run the bar or know much about it - I let my friend Rocco deal with the bar aspect." he shrugged slightly and continued watching the city, the lights from it twinkling in his sapphire eyes "My grandmother taught me how to cook all of her famous dishes before passing away... and now I cook all of them at my restaurant... There is, however, one special dish that the restaurant is named after - The Saucer Dish... It's this huge saucer full of spaghetti, and clams, a special sauce - that, no, I won't tell you the secret too - and so much more... It really is a huge dish, expensive too... but its the best thing, I think, on the menu."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney couldn't help but grin at the infectious joy in Silas's voice as he talked about his restaurant. It was obvious that he took great pride in his work and it meant a lot to him. It was easily the most excited Silas had been since he arrived. He actually reminded Sidney a bit of a child in his enthusiasm.

"That sounds delicious. I love Greek - food. I love Greek food. I should definitely try and get there." Sidney hoped his pause wasn't noticed but he probably wasn't that lucky. He felt his cheeks turn red again and he looked back outside. "Now for the big question. Why do you want a child, Silas?"
Silas heard Sidney pause when he was speaking, but he let it slide - it was good to feel wanted by someone other than his friends for a change; a new person... It sucked that after today, they likely would never meet again after he was put through the process of having a child officially.

Silas opened his mouth to answer Sidney, but paused and closed it again. He wrapped his arms around his chest, making his biceps bulge insanely underneath the already tight fabric of his shirt - you could even hear the seams ripping just enough to give the muscular arms enough room "Why? Because..." he said quietly, "I want someone who I can love, unconditionally... Who will return that love, no matter what... I want to be able to say 'Look what I did, I raised this child and he is a part of me...' I want to be able to feel pride, and joy, and happiness, when my son or daughter gets their first A, looses their first tooth... I want to feel pain, and anger, and sorrow, when he falls off of his bike and the doctors are taking hours just to give him stitches... Or sympathy and understanding when he has his first breakup... I want to be there for someone... Like my parents were always there for me... I just..." he sighed "I just want someone to know that I love them, too."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney rubbed a soothing hand over Silas's strong back before walking back to the couch and sitting down. He tugged his waistcoat down and crossed his legs, right over his left.

"The opportunity to use Silver Hill's donor carriers is a very tough one to gain. We have to be choosey to protect them because they are offering a great gift but one that is also hard for them in the end as well. These men give you their child after they have carried them for nine months and given birth to them. A bond can form. I hope you can understand that." Sidney gestured at the opposite couch. "Please come sit, Silas."

Sidney waited until he had settled himself on the couch again before continuing. "It is up to you if you are a part of the pregnancy. Though we encourage it, it is not a requirement for being a donor client. As a client you are responsible for the costs associated with the pregnancy and for paying the donor carrier's cost of living during that time. That can be where your participation ends until the child has born. Have you given any thought to that?"
Silas set his hands on the coffee table between the two couches and stared directly into Sidney's eyes, his blue sapphires getting dark with seriousness and passion for what he wants to do "I do not want the carrier to just give up his child. I want them to be apart of his child's life - if it is his wish - I am willing, more than willing, to share custody of the child, or children, we have. I will pay, more than I even have to, for the carrier's living costs, medical bills, anything and everything that he needs to have a healthy pregnancy with my children." Silas was adamant, passionate, and very serious about what he was willing to do for the man chosen as his seed carrier.

"I do not want the man who is carrying my child to suffer, in anyway, and I would like to meet with him, on a regular basis... we do not have to form a relationship outside of Carrier and Donor, but i would like to see his progress, go to doctor's visits... Be there for him and my child as much and as often as I possibly can."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney felt caught by Silas's gaze, his heart hammering in his chest and his breathing going shallow as he listened to Silas spell out his greatest wish. His own hope as a donor carrier was to find a donor who would be willing to let him be a part of his child's life, to let him be part of their family. He knew from experience that was rare, practically unheard of, but he hoped deep in his heart it would happen. The idea of giving up a child he helped create hurt, but he signed up to do it in the hope of getting a donor client who would be willing to father a second child that Sidney could keep. But if he matched with Silas, he could have his child ... and possibly Silas.

Sidney forced his gaze to his notepad and made himself write down what Silas had said even as his mind whirred with the possibilities in front of him. Be professional, he chided himself internally. But it was so hard when faced with what he wanted.

"G...good," Sidney cleared his throat. "That's good to hear. That's not an opportunity that comes up often so I'll make sure to include that in your application.

"You have a very strong application. I see no reason to deny you the opportunity to move forward in the process."
Silas sat back and nodded with a smile of satisfaction on his face - he knew that his last declaration was 'the final nail in the coffin' so to speak; it was rare to find a man willing to actually raise a child together when doing it this way and he knew that. He never wanted to cut someone out of the life that they helped create and it was always the donor carrier's decisions and choices in the end that mattered most to Silas, from the very start.

Silas could tell, though, that Sidney had been affected by his words on a deeper level than just that of an interviewer - there had been a slight air of impropriety in the room since Silas had walked in a little over an hour ago. And yeah, he could admit that he too had an attraction to Sidney; he'd be lying if he said he didn't and the slowly forming bulge in his jeans would just make him all the more a liar.

Waiting until Sidney had declared that the application would continue moving forward, Silas smiled that charming boyish grin of his, olive-oil skin pinking up just a little "I appreciate that, and everything you have done for me today... Am I free to leave now?" he questioned, squirming just a little to hopefully get his jeans a bit lower to hide the burgeoning erection in them.

It was of little use; his size was hardly ever contained and when he did stand, it was like a damn spotlight saying 'Hey, look at me, I'm Silas' cock and I'm ready and willing to play'.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney stood as well, his hands immediately going to his waistcoat and straightening it again. It was a nervous habit he couldn't break himself of and that certainty wasn't going to happen now, Silas towering over him, looking at Sidney like that. He tried to keep from looking at the impressive bulge in Silas's jeans but it was so hard not to.

Sidney licked his lips and looked up at Silas, meeting his eyes. "It was a pleasure to meet you. I am so thrilled you chose Silver Hill and I - we look forward to working with you to make you dreams of fatherhood come true."

Sidney stepped forward, closing the distance between them and held out his hand.
When Sidney stepped forward like he did; Silas swore that the shorter man was going to kiss him, but he quickly dashed those hopes out like a burning cigarette... He had to keep his mind out of the gutter for five more seconds and then he was free and clear too think about Sidney in all the ways his brain wanted.

Silas engulfed Sidney's hand again with his own and shook it, giving it a small squeeze of comfort but his eyes were locked onto Sidney's eyes; transfixed, mesmerized, like he wanted to see into the deepest part of Sidney's soul "It was a pleasure to meet you, too. I'm sure the wait will be long, but I have hopes that you can get me the perfect carrier, Mr. Forbes." Silas slowly released Sidney's hand from his grasp.

Silas started for the door and, with one last quick glance over his shoulder at Sidney and maybe even a wink, Silas was gone from the interview room, grazing the top of his head on the door frame because of his own distractions - Sidney would have heard the mild curse coming from Silas as he rubbed his head and walked away.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney managed to wait until the door closed behind Silas before he collapsed on the couch in a nerveless sprawl. He had never been affected by an interviewee like this before. Hell, there were few men in general who had ever affected him like this. Sidney looked at the scribbled notes on his notepad, much less thorough than usual.

He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to make sure he was Silas's match. No one else was getting a chance at the life Sidney so desperately wanted. Not when it was being offered on a silver platter.

Silas was his.
The next day, Silas was typing up his expense reports for the restaurant and thinking about the man at Silver Hill; Sidney Forbes had ran a gamut of dreams last night in Silas' mind.

He was just about to shut down his computer and leave his work office for the afternoon to start preparing for the dinner rush when his phone rang; "Silas Flint speaking..."

(Sorry if it looks weird, im not used to being on the phone to respond lol)
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"Hello Mr. Flint, this is Anna Thorne from Silver Hill. I'm the Donor Carrier coordinator," Anna had her phone tucked between her shoulder and ear, typing at the same time. All of Silas's information was on the screen along with his matches. "How are you doing today?"

Her office was cluttered but cozy, filled with pictures of babies that had been born from the matches she had sent out. She loved her job, loved being able to make these calls and set up meetings that led to more happy parents.
Silas dropped back into his desk chair with a heavy thud upon hearing who it was - Surely they hadn't found a match this soon? His heart was hammering in his chest painfully "I'm doing fine, thanks. How are you Ms. Thorne?"

Silas wiped the sweat from his palms and leaned back, trying to keep his breathing as normal as possible and to calm his heart from beating right out his chest.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"I'm fine thank you. So Mr. Flint, I have some wonderful news. I think we've found a perfect donor carrier for you. They were an almost perfect match when we ran our algorithm and they've expressed an interest in having contact with the child after they are born." Anna paused and looked out her window and down the hall to Sidney's office. She knew how eager he was for this. She was amazed that he had come up as Silas's match.

"I've reached out to them and they've agreed to let me give you their cell phone number so you can arrange a meeting. We suggest at least one meeting to make sure the match works. If it doesn't we can try another run through the system. This is only one of your matches but they are the highest match."
Silas rubbed his slightly stubbly jaw - he would need to shave before this meeting, no doubt; hopefully he would be able to. The match was almost perfect, what was missing - he wondered. "I would be very glad to meet him, and I'm quite amazed that a match has been made so soon. I heard it could take months before a perfect match has been made..."

Silas ran a hand over his head this time and sighed quietly "I would be willing to give him my number as well, but I already know where I would like to meet with him - My restaurant, The Saucer in Hell's Kitchen, at eight tonight - or if that is not convenient tomorrow night will work too. Would you be able to pass the message along to him and send me a text if he confirms with either times? I'm at work right now and do have to get back." Silas glanced up, noticing his kitchen staff were already starting the prep work for the dinner meals that they would be making that night.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"I can definitely do that for you." Anna said, making a note on a post-it. "I'm sure he'll be interested in meeting you very soon. He's very excited about the match as well. I know that typically it can take some time but it is not unheard of to find a quick match.

"Should I tell him to ask for you at the restaurant?"
"Absolutely. I will make sure that I have my schedule cleared so that I can spend the most time with him. Thank you so much for contacting me,Ms. Thorne." Silas said and then waited for her response before hanging up the phone; he had a lot to do before this meeting tonight.

Silas went out into the kitchen after hanging up with the carrier coordinator, he helped his kitchen staff prepare the dinners for the night, getting everything in the kitchen in order; he then gave orders to his staff to be on their best behavior tonight as he would be busy with other engagements.

Silas then entered the staff locker area, grabbing his shave kit and fresh clothes from his own locker - He managed to shave himself, without a knick or scratch and changed his clothes. He knew he smelled like the food from the kitchen, but meeting at the restaurant here... No one would be able to tell the difference... Now, he just had to wait for the donor carrier to show up and hope that they really are a perfect match.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney took a car to the restaurant, too nervous to drive himself. He wasn't sure how Silas would react when he saw him, whether he would be upset to find out Sidney was his match. And okay, Sidney had played around with the algorithm a little to make sure that he matched with Silas. And he had changed how well they matched. But that was mostly because he hadn't updated his own paperwork in awhile so they hadn't matched as well as he had hoped.

So it was a slightly less than honest match but no one at work found it odd. Anna was so thrilled when she told him he had matched with Silas. Word got around quickly and he had three different people try to help him with his hair to make sure he looked perfect to meet Silas. Sidney had finally managed to get rid of them when the car had arrived.

The hostess didn't blink an eye when Sidney said he was here to meet with Silas and she led him through the restaurant. Sidney took in the small tables and beautiful decor. It was exactly as Silas had described.

"Mr. Flint will be with you in a moment." The hostess said, showing Sidney to a private table for two. There was already two glasses of wine poured and Sidney took a grateful sip as he waited.
The hostess then came to Silas' office "Mr. Flint, your guest has arrived for the evening - he is in the private room that you reserved tonight. Duncan will be your waiter and has already provided your guest with a glass of wine." she said with a happy smile on her face.

Silas nodded his head as he stood up, smoothing the tailor fitted black suit he was wearing out "Okay... I will not be nervous, I will not be nervous." he told himself quietly, he then turned to face his staff member "Thank you, Angela." he said with a smile before walking past her.

His little speech to not be nervous? Did absolutely nothing. The second he was out of his office, his hands started sweating and shaking and he was having trouble taking a breath as he started walking toward the private room that he would be meeting his donor carrier in. Silas peeked through the window and blinked in surprise - it couldn't be? could it? He checked again, and sure enough - Sidney Forbes, the man who has been running in his dreams was sitting right there, drinking the wine, sitting at the private table in the private room.

Silas took a deep breath and let it out slowly before pushing the swing doors open, he didn't even have to duck his head as he walked through, and in a few short steps he was standing in front of Sidney; his all black, tailored suit made him look ten time more intimidating than jeans and a t-shirt "Hello, Mr. Forbes... I was not expecting to see you here."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney looked up at Silas through his lashes before standing up and holding out a hand. Silas's expression was a mixture of confusion and something akin to anger; Sidney did not want him to get upset over this. He let his hand drop and gave Silas a small smile.

"I'm your match. I hope that doesn't upset you." Sidney gestured at himself. "I'm a carrier and have been in Silver Hill's database for a few years. You are the first person I've matched with and we matched so strongly that I hoped ..." he trailed off. "I had to try."

Sidney looked down at his own feet, trying to calm his own racing heart. Silas towered over him and the small room seemed to crackle with tension. He bit his lower lip and forced his breathing to slow down so he didn't pass out.

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