Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas shook his head and laughed as he walked - more like swaggered - over to Sidney, he sat on the coffee table in front of his lover and smirked "Do you want me to wash your back for you? Is this what you are asking?" It was an obvious double meaning, and Silas' dark eyes were scanning over Sidney's body hungrily.

"And what do you mean from putting together the cribs? You stood there and told me how to do it... Even though I had the instruction manual right there on the floor..." Silas laughed again, standing up and holding both of his hands out for Sidney to take - it had become difficult for him to get off the couch now, with two kids killing his sense of balance.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I helped," Sidney protested as he scooted forward to the edge of the couch. He grasped Silas's hands and let him help haul Sidney to his feet. He put a hand to his belly as soon as he was steady. "It's so hard to reach my back. I could use the help."

Sidney turned and padded towards the bedroom and master bath, swinging his hips a little more than necessary. His hips and ass were already a little rounder despite the exercising he still did every day and he had definitely noticed the ways Silas's hands had gravitated there in recent days.

"Coming, my dear?" Sidney called behind him as he pulled his shirt off and let it drop on the floor.

Silas was almost immediately right behind him - the gym shorts he had been wearing already falling to the floor and his cock hard and bouncing out in its own excitement - he grabbed Sidney around the hips and pushed himself up against Sidney's back, grinding against the round globes of his ass "Oh... Definitely going to be soon." Silas said huskily.

He walked with Sidney into the bathroom and - thank god for a walk-in shower, it was huge in comparison to the guest bathroom shower; with two shower heads and enough room for even the most pregnant of men to turn about in it. Silas helped Sidney out of his pants whilst they waited for the shower water to heat up.

His hands were everywhere on Sidney's body, marking and claiming him with his mouth on the back of Sidney's neck "Do you know... how hot you are... like this?" Silas asked, rubbing his hands over Sidney's expanded belly, and then down over his hips and ass, squeezing the round bubble butt between his palms "I wish I could stay inside of you... all day... You turn me on so much."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney groaned and pushed back into Silas's hands. They definitely didn't have time for that no matter how much they both wanted it. Silas's cock meant there was no such thing as a quick fuck which normally Sidney had no problem with but right now he really wanted *something* inside of him.

Sidney turned in his arms and kissed him roughly, his belly pressing against Silas's abs. Silas walked them into the shower so they were at least getting wet while they kissed. "I wish we had time to fuck," Sidney moaned. "Later? Will you fuck me later?"

Silas chuckled and grabbed the body shampoo that Sidney absolutely adored using - now that he knew what it was like to have money without reason; bills were paid and there was always more left over because of Silas' business as well as the trust funds left to him. "Later will I fuck you? That is probably the most silliest of questions I have ever heard... What night - aside from when you were adverse to sex - have I not fucked you yet?" Silas tilted his head in that adorable 'confused' way of his.

He ran his hands over Sidney's body with the soap, cleaning him off while they continued sharing kisses - some small and gentle, while others were hot and steamy just like the shower heads they stood under.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney hummed happily as Silas washed him, his hands gentle but thorough. He grabbed the body wash so he could return the favor, lathering up Silas. He ran his hands over his strong arms, lifting them to clean his arm pits and down his sides. He made sure to pay special attention to his nipples, rubbing at them with the pads of his fingers before moving down to trace along the cut of Silas's abs.

Silas's cock rose up between them, eagerly seeking attention. Sidney ignored it in favor of turning Silas around and cleaning his back, digging his fingers into the strong muscles there before making his way down to his glorious ass. He squeezed the firm globes before smacking him lightly on his right cheek.

"Turn around for me. I'm not getting on my knees so you have to lift your leg up for me," Sidney said, a hand on Silas's thigh.

Silas turned back around to face Sidney, a bit confused at the request... He lifted his leg and placed it on the soap bar holder in the shower.

"What are you planning to do?" Silas asked, looking at Sidney with a very confused expression on his face - they hardly ever had sex in the shower, simply because they both preferred cuddling afterward and the shower was no place for cuddling, especially when pregnant.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney smiled at him sweetly and continued to wash Silas's leg without having to bend down much. He even got between his toes. When he was finished Silas switched legs without being asked, looking much less confused now.

"Thank you," Sidney said when he was done, tilting his head up for a kiss. He then pretended to look surprised. "Oops, I missed a spot."

With a smirk, Sidney reached down with a soapy hand and began to stroke Silas's cock, jacking him off quickly. They didn't have time for much more than this and this way they wouldn't have to get cleaned up again.

Silas groaned as Sidney's soapy hand moved across his shaft rapidly - at the rate that Sidney's hand was moving, he surely wouldn't last long. He had nothing to grip onto in the glass encased shower, but he banged his closed fist against the tiles as Sidney worked him over quick and efficiently - it truly said something about Sidney and their relationship, if Silas' iron clad control was going down the drain... right along with his semen.

Silas moaned loudly as his cock erupted between him and Sidney, hot shots of white splattering out and across the floor and Sidney's stomach "Fuckkkk..." Silas dropped his head against the cold tiles, panting heavily.

It took several minutes before Silas even felt like moving, dropping his leg heavily to the tile floor. He cleaned his own cock - thank you very much - this time, because now he was ultra sensitive and didn't need to be turned on again by Sidney's devilish hands "Go get dressed... We stay in here any longer and there is no telling what I may do." Silas needed a few moments to recollect his brain that had been drained out of his cock too.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Silas," Sidney whined, shifting his hips impatiently. He was still hard and very turned on. He most definitely did not want to get out of the shower and get dressed until he got off too. He huffed when Silas still didn't move, looking like he could barely remember his name much less that it was polite to get his pregnant, horny boyfriend off too. "Fine I can take care of myself."

Sidney closed his hand around his cock and began to jerk off as best he could. His belly wasn't completely in the way yet but it was awkward standing up like this. Still it really wasn't going to take much and he was panting before long, pushing his hips forward to fuck his fist.

Silas blinked water out of his eyes and huffed in frustration with himself "I am an idiot... I am sorry..." Silas said as he grabbed Sidney by the hips and, because he didn't have a pregnant stomach in his way, easily got down to his knees in front of Sidney... Silas had only done this a few times, and he definitely was not the best at it... but he knew that it would not be long before Sidney too was getting off.

Silas bent his head forward at a slight angle and engulfed Sidney's cock into his warm mouth, sucking down the length to the base and back up again, creating a vacuum seal around the head of Sidney's cock before bobbing back down - he also reached around to play with Sidney's perineum and hole, teasing at it with wet - still slightly soapy - fingers.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney cried out and dropped a hand to Silas's head. Silas didn't suck his cock very often. He thought he was bad at it and preferred to eat Sidney out before fucking him. Sidney tried to tell him that he was actually really, really good at this but he didn't seem to believe him.

It didn't take much at all, barely a few minutes of Silas's mouth on his cock and his fingers playing with his ass before Sidney tightened his fingers in Silas's hair and pulled him off so he didn't come in Silas's mouth. Sidney wasn't even sure if he had done it in time to be honest, his orgasm making his vision white out and his legs weak.

Silas was pulled off, but a small trace of Sidney's semen made it into his mouth... He hated the taste of it - even coming from Sidney, whom he loved dearly. He stood up and with a steadying arm around Sidney, he washed his mouth out and spit the semen out of his mouth, letting it wash down the drain with every thing else.

Silas cleaned Sidney up - again - and then turned the sprayers off "Now can we possibly get dressed and head to our doctor's appointment?" Silas asked, helping Sidney out of the shower and thoroughly drying his boyfriend with a large heated towel that he had grabbed from their towel warmer - best investment that either of them had made in the past few months.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney followed Silas in a bit of a daze. His arms and legs felt a bit rubbery and he actually really could go for a nap now, always a danger when it came to having an orgasm these days. He yawned widely and stretched his arms over his head, feeling his back crack.

"Okay, let's get going." Sidney stood there naked for a moment longer before padding into the closet to find clothes. Soon enough they were in the car, Silas behind the wheel. Sidney wasn't going to nap. He was just going to close his eyes for a moment because it was so sunny out. That's all.

Silas shook his head as he pulled into the clinic parking lot. Sidney was out cold, snoring like a freight train - it had become a common thing whilst pregnant and Silas just hoped it went away after the twins were born.

Silas reached over to Sidney and shook his shoulder lightly "Sid... Wake up. We are here at the clinic now." Silas said as he got out of the SUV and moved over to the passenger side door, he opened it carefully and caught Sidney's head as it bobbled out of the car "Sidddd... Come on." Silas leaned forward, nipping Sidney's ear to wake him up.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney startled and looked around, confused. Silas was standing in the car door and they were at the clinic. He rubbed his face and stretched before unbuckling his seat belt. Silas gave him a hand to help get out of the car and Sidney kept hold of it as they walked in.

"I guess I fell asleep. Was I snoring again?" At Silas's yes, he blushed. "Ah man, I hate that I do that now. Sorry. I really didn't mean to fall asleep. I just meant to close my eyes for a minute."

"Sid please, you are pregnant with twins... You are at liberty to fall asleep whenever and however you feel like. Yes, the snoring is loud and annoying, but it has become a part of our lives..." Silas helped Sidney sit down in one of the waiting chairs - he was finally starting to get a little more comfortable around crowds, and today was no exception that the clinic was packed with other men.

Silas kept a constant hand on Sidney though, just because if he didn't - he knew he would start freaking out like normal "It is just... a fact of life that you will be tired."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney waved to Nancy who waved back. She knew they were coming in so he didn't have to check in like everyone else. It made things a little easier and kept Silas from panicking. He definitely didn't do well at the clinic more so than other places. Sidney wasn't quite sure why but it seemed like being around other potential donors and carriers ratcheted up Silas's agoraphobia.

It was easy enough for Sidney to stay close to him and talk in calming tones. It would be easier if they were in Sidney's office but that wasn't easier for Nancy and Marc so Sidney and Silas had to wait with everyone else.

"Are you excited to see the babies? They'll be so much bigger this time. They'll look like actual babies," Sidney said, rubbing his thumb over the back of Silas's hand. He tugged gently to get Silas to stop focusing on the other people in the room. "Look at me, okay."

Silas nodded and kept his eyes focused on Sidney - as much as he possibly could - but with every noise, he either flinched, glanced in that direction, or squeezed Sidney's hand a bit too tightly. His breath was hitching, as it so often did as they sat in the waiting room.

He nodded though, to Sidney's words about the twins "I c-..ca-can't... can't... wait to see them." the stuttering seemed to get worse every time they showed up at the clinic, too... It was really weird but neither Silas nor Sidney had a clue as to why it happened... Silas had never had a bad experience in hospitals, doctor's offices, or anything like that.

Silas tried burying his head as close to Sidney's neck and shoulder as he could, breathing in his lover's soothing scent of shampoo. His hands were shaking and so was his body. He wished they didn't have to sit in the waiting room with everyone else, and his skin was getting that crawly feeling again as someone sat close to him and accidentally brushed against his back.

Silas' entire body tensed up and vibrated with a mixture of anxiety and anger, he tried blocking out the other pregnant man's movements as they continued to jostle him about. "Pl-...Ple-... please... I-I-I can't..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Okay we're done," Sidney said calmly. He pushed himself to his feet and tugged Silas along with him. He didn't care if Nancy and Marc were inconvenienced at this point; Silas was going to have a breakdown if he had to sit in here much longer. "Arms around me, baby. Follow me."

Sidney took Silas around to the back of the receptionist desk, whispering softly to Nancy. She glanced between them for a moment and then sighed, waving Sidney away. Sidney let out a sigh of relief and opened the door to the hall that led to his office. He untangled himself from Silas as soon as they were alone in the hall and he gently pushed him against the wall, rubbing his hands up and down his arms soothingly.

"You're just fine. We're all alone. Just me and you."

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