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Silas set his hand over the foot that was pressing against Sidney's ribs, rubbing soothingly with the heel of his palm "Back in there baby, its not time to make an escape yet." Silas spoke to whichever one of his sons was trying to claw his way out.
Silas sighed and turned on the couch slightly, laying his head on Sidney's stomach "He says he's making travel arrangements for their birth... But we will see if he shows up... It'll be weird, seeing him after so long - He stayed in Greece, when our parents got divorced... He and I are identical twins, you know?" Silas asked, turning his head to look up at Sidney.
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Sidney ran his fingers through Silas's hair, stroking it soothingly. He looked down at him, smiling softly. "I can't believe there are two of you out there. I probably would have died if I saw both of you together before I knew you. Now I can't imagine he's half the man you are no matter how identical you are."
"And luckily we get to have identical twins too," Sidney smiled. "Two more identical Flint boys running around."
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"Sirius and I look exactly alike, from the top of our hair, down to our big feet... Muscle and all - we are built exactly the same..." Silas said quietly, he rolled slightly and dug underneath the couch, retrieving an old, dusty photo album - Sidney would have no idea that it had been there, as the couch had never been moved in the six months they were together.
Silas flipped through the pages, holding it up for Sidney to see clearly "Those are my grandfather and his twin brother, they too are identical..." he flipped a few more pages "My father and his twin, also identical..." he flipped a couple more pages and then stopped "Me and my brother..." -- All sets of men would be big, strong, and have very like resemblances to what Silas looks like, if the pictures had not been outdated and old looking, set side-by-side you would think all of the pictures were of the same men.
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"Wow," Sidney looked at the pictures and then put a hand to his belly. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say our boys will end up looking like the rest of the Flint men. You all are practically identical no matter when you were born. I wonder if they'll look like me at all."
Sidney touched a picture of Silas and Sirius when they were kids. "Did you like having a twin when you were a kid?"
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Silas shrugged slightly "It was okay, at times... We often played tricks on our mother and friends... And getting in trouble was fun - sometimes - Because we could always just blame the other and mom would often yell at the wrong son for the right reasons..." Silas sighed and sat up, holding the book in his lap as he looked at a family portrait of his parents and his brother and himself "My mother was strong, too, in her own womanly way... She would chase us both around the house with a switch to find out which of us had broken her vase... Of course, we both broke it, but we were brothers and... I took the blame for it, as I am older than he."
Silas ran his thumb over an older picture of his mother, when she was a young girl herself - Silas and Sirius both had her eyes, that was the only difference from the rest of the Flint men "She loved us, fiercely... As did our father... We were their only children, as she could no longer have them once we were born... Sirius ruined her... her.. uh... lady bits... because he has a big head..." Silas tried to laugh, but it came out brokenly and there were tears tracking down his face and dripping onto the photo album.
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09-05-2018, 02:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2018, 02:29 PM by
Sidney gathered him into his arms, rocking him gently as Silas cried silently. He pressed kisses to the side of his head, murmuring soft words of comfort. He couldn't take away the pain that would always exist because of Silas's parents not being alive. All he could do was support him and love him.
When Silas calmed down a little, no longer crying, Sidney tilted Silas's chin up to kiss him lightly. "Do you want to name the babies after them? Is there a male version of your mother's name?"
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Silas shook his head and clung tightly to not only his boyfriend, but the photo album as well "No..." he said quietly "Naming the boys after my parents... I think would only make it worse... Besides, my mother does not have a male version of her name... At least I do not believe you can turn Calla into a male name." Silas said quietly.
He placed the photo album down onto the coffee table and sighed, rubbing the gritty feeling away from his eyes. He hated showing any sort of weakness, but this was Sidney and it was easier to let the macho-man bravado of his drop in front of the other man, still difficult yes, but easier nonetheless.
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"I can't think of a way to turn that into a boys name," Sidney agreed softly. He struggled to sit up, finally managing it with a huff. He placed a hand on Silas's back, rubbing gently. "We should give the boys names all their own then. No family names at all."
Duke came over, whimpering a little as he knocked his big head against Silas's feet. "Uh baby, do you have pee pads for him or do plan on running him outside every time he has to go because I'm pretty sure he has to go now."
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Silas looked down at Duke and smiled, reaching down to scratch his ears lightly "He has pee pads and knows where they are too - He has used them twice before you got home." Silas said, looking directly into the pup's eyes "Duke, go potty." Silas pointed toward the corner of the living room where a few pee pads had been laid out on the hardwoods.
Duke whined and clumsily pushed up onto his back paws, large front paws resting on Silas' knees. Silas frowned and lifted the pup up into his lap "Okay... If he does not have to potty, then what is the problem?" Silas asked in confusion, rubbing a hand down Duke's back lightly.
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Sidney reached over to pet the puppy as well, getting some excited licks to his hand for his trouble. The puppy was wriggling happily in Silas's lap, clearly happy to be held. Sidney leaned his head against Silas's shoulder, tickling Duke under his chin.
"I guess he just wanted to be held again - " Sidney inhaled sharply and out a hand to his belly, pushing down. "Ow, get out of there. That is not where your head goes."
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Silas laughed and wrapped an arm around Duke's small body, he then reached over and lightly rubbed against the spot where Sidney was holding "Our boys sure like attacking your body... Our little future football players?" Silas asked quietly, leaning back in the couch after he had gotten one of his two boys to move from his spot.
"Is it weird that they respond so well to my touch? I have never heard of such a thing before..."
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"I'm glad they do. I can never get them to move," Sidney made another face and then tried to push himself up. "Someone kicked me in the bladder. Help me up quick."
Silas got him up and Sidney hurried at a fast waddle, one hand under his belly trying to lift the babies off his bladder to no avail. He wasn't sure how he was going to make it three more months sometimes - especially when they went for his bladder like this. A couple of times, he swore he wasn't going to make it in time.
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Silas stood up and gently slung Duke over his shoulder, patting the pup on his bottom as he followed behind Sidney and into the bathroom "Have you thought of..." Silas flushed slightly and looked down "Perhaps an absorbent pad or something? Like... if you cannot make it in time?" Silas asked quietly, the tips of his ears turning a hot red color as he mentioned it.
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Sidney made a face at that, sitting on the toilet - it was a lot easier that way these days - and looking up at Silas. "I've made it every time so far. I - that just seems really weird to me." He reached back to flush before managing to grab his underwear with the tips of his fingers to pull it most of the way up. He stood up belly first, his back arched as he groaned a little then finished pulling his underwear up. "There's so much pee as well. Like I pee all the time. How is there so much everytime?"
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Silas shrugged awkwardly, his face only growing brighter red as they spoke more on the subject "I do not know... I am not an expert in your bladder or how it works... I am just the one who... Put the problems there." Silas said quietly, a frown crossing his face as he slowly moved out of the bathroom and back toward the living room.
Silas laid Duke across his lap, lightly stroking the pups silky soft ear as he stared across the room. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes, shame was rolling through his body in waves and he hated that he was all too eager to have a child, knowing that a lot of pain would come along with it. Silas cracked an eye open as Sidney came back into the living room "I'm sorry..."
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"Why are you apologizing? This is a normal part of being pregnant," Sidney said matter-of-factly. He looked towards the kitchen, wanting to grab a snack but Silas clearly needed comforting more. He could have Silas pull him up again. He sat down next to him, snuggling up to Silas. "You have that look on your face. The one that says I'm regretting how large I am and I'm regretting how big the babies are because of me. I hate that look."
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Silas frowned and laid his head down against Sidney's shoulder, he set Duke on the couch cushion beside him, letting the pup roll onto his back and against his hip. Silas set his hand on Sidney's rounded stomach and rubbed lightly "It is true... and I know you hate it. I just do not like the fact that because of me, you are suffering all the time." Silas said quietly.
"It is hard to accept the fact that this is all just normal... when I am... Not so normal at all. You should hate me, for having done this to your body... For causing you all of this pain."
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"Silas," Sidney said patiently. "Do you think I went into this blind? I interviewed you. I knew how large you were. I *love* how big you are because you can wrap me in your arms and make me feel so protected. I knew any child we had together would be larger than average and I knowingly chose this. Even if this was a normal donor and donor carrier relationship, I would still have knowingly chosen to have your child fully aware it would be large."
Sidney pressed a kiss to Silas's forehead. "Am I uncomfortable and in pain because of their size? Yes. Do I regret it or blame you in any way? Not even a little. I'm carrying our babies. They're all I've ever wanted and I get to have them with you."
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Silas nodded slowly and pressed a tender kiss to Sidney's shoulder, he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and held him close, laying their heads close together "I wish that I could take your pain away and just leave you with the children alone... But, I cannot..." he paused and looked down at Sidney's stomach again when it grumbled.
Silas laughed and released Sidney "I can however make you something to eat - What are you in the mood for?" Silas asked as he stood up.
Duke whined as his pillow of thigh was taken away, rolling even further into the couch and against Sidney's side this time. Duke seemed rather content with that and laid his large head right down on Sidney's leg, tiny pup nose slightly wedged underneath Sidney's stomach.
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"Nachos," Sidney said dreamily. "With chicken and beans and cheese and tomatoes and jalapenos. Oh and sour cream and salsa. But I probably shouldn't eat that. So I guess something that isn't full of salt and junk. But I'm really hungry so can I have a snack while you make whatever it is you're going to make?"
Sidney ran his fingers over Duke's belly, petting him softly. The puppy shuffled happily and Sidney smiled down at him. He was really cute. He was going to be huge but right now he could be held easily and cuddled.