Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

"Three more months, love... Then I will get you the biggest plate of Nachos that you can eat." Silas said as he leaned over, kissing Sidney firmly on the forehead "I will bring you some pita chips and dip for the time being while I begin supper" Silas stood up straight again, he went to the kitchen and grabbed Sidney's snack.

He set the homemade pita chip bag on the couch beside Sidney and smiled "I am thinking of making roasted fish for dinner. Does that sound okay for you and our boys?" Silas asked, rubbing a hand over Sidney's stomach but only very briefly, not wanting to disturb the unborn children or hurt Sidney with their movements.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney wrinkled his nose, pulling out a pita chip. He shook his head. "Roasted fish sounds awful. What about something chicken based. I think we're done with fish for the time being. And pork. Also, I don't think I want to eat bananas anymore." Sidney gagged a little at the thought of a banana. "Yeah definitely no bananas."

Silas rolled his eyes heavenward "Are you also going to take Lamb and Beef off of the menu? Soon we will have no meats to eat." Silas rubbed his forehead slowly as he thought about the ingredients they had in the kitchen "What about a Gyro or a Souvlaki?" Silas asked, sitting down on the arm of the couch as they argued - once again - about what was good for dinner.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney crunched on a pita chip thoughtfully. Beef was probably okay. He had that fairly recently but lamb made him feeling queasy thinking about it. He reached for another chip, trying to think of a nice way to say they were probably down to chicken and beef and really only liked the idea of chicken.

"So about the lamb and beef..." Sidney looked at him guiltily. "Maybe not."

Silas rolled his eyes and stood up "It is a good thing I own a restaurant and can get my Lamb fix when I am there... I will go start dinner now." Silas said quietly... He may have been a little hurt that one of his favorite meat selections had been taken off the proverbial table, but he also understood that Sidney had a very sensitive stomach - especially now that he was pregnant.

"You better not be passing on your dislike of lamb to our children... I will be highly upset about this!" Silas called from the kitchen as he pulled the chicken out of the fridge - something that seemed to always be thawed out and ready to cook because of Sidney "Or other traditional foods that I like, for that matter."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I think it's just because I'm pregnant," Sidney called out. He lifted Duke up and settled him on his belly, playing with his floppy ears. "You are just the cutest aren't you. Don't tell daddy I said that. He's going to think I'm happy he got a puppy when we're about to have babies. I hope you like babies."

Sidney took a bite of a pita chip and then handed the rest to Duke. "Those are good aren't they? I could eat them all the time. Your baby brothers love them too."

It took Silas a little less than thirty minutes to get their dinner prepared - he decided on Gyro's instead of Souvlaki. He came out to the living room with the two plates balanced on one arm, two cups in his hand with the plates, utensils and napkins in his other hand... And, like the expert that he was, he set everything down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Silas grabbed the TV Dinner Trays they had in the corner and brought two over to the couch, setting them up so that Sidney didn't have to move from his spot, he then loaded the food onto the trays and smiled "Dinner is served. Chicken Gyro's with a Tzatziki dipping sauce" Silas said with a bow at the waist before sitting down beside Sidney.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney set Duke on the couch and reached for the food. He was so hungry and the food smelled great. He planted a kiss on Silas's cheek before starting to eat, barely pausing as he ate everything in no time flat. He looked at his empty plate a little sadly. His stomach growled. "Is there any more left?"

Silas had barely even touched his food before Sidney started digging in. And by the time Sidney finished? He still had half a Gyro left. "Here, eat mine... I am full." Silas said as he put his plate on Sidney's tray and leaned back in the couch cushions, closing his eyes - he wasn't full, and Sidney would know that, but despite a Gyro being a Greek staple food item... It just wasn't the same when not made with lamb.

Silas yawned and curled up onto the couch, quite comical to see such a big man curling up into a tight ball "I have to ask you a question..." Silas started quietly, looking over at Sidney with half closed eyes "What do you foresee our children calling us when they are born?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney shoved the last bit of the gyro in his mouth and shrugged as he chewed. He rubbed his belly soothingly as he looked over at Silas curled up on the couch. "I've been calling you daddy when I talk to them about you. I guess I should have asked before I started calling you that."

He dug out the bag of pita chips again, dipping one in the leftover tzatziki sauce. "Do we have any ice cream?"

Silas shrugged as he hoisted himself up from the couch again, clearing away their dinner plates and heading to the kitchen "I do not mind that they call me daddy - but what would they call you?" Silas asked, loud enough to be heard from one room to the next.

He opened the freezer door, skimming over the contents inside "Which flavor?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Mint chocolate chip," Sidney called back watching as Duke flopped himself off the couch and ran over to the pee pad. "The puppy is using the pee pads." Sidney made a face. "He's not peeing though..."

It smelled terrible and Sidney covered his nose, the smell making him feel nauseous. "Silas! You need to get rid of it quick."

Silas came back into the living room with a spoon, a pint of ice cream and a old grocery bag. Silas dropped the spoon and ice cream off to Sidney and then proceeded over to the pee pads - without even a grimace - as he lifted the soiled pad and put it in the trash bag he had brought "I will run this down to the garbage chute... I do not need my kitchen smelling of his poo." Silas said, leaving the apartment quickly.

Silas came back a few minutes later and "Oh..." he looked at Jasper who had finally come out of the bedroom, tail swirling in the air in irritation as he stared directly at Duke "Sidney be careful... Jasper is on the attack mode."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney dug into his ice cream happily as Duke ran around with one of his stuffed toys in his mouth, growling and pretending to be fierce. The ice cream masked the smell of the poop so Sidney could happily pretend it didn't happen. Hopefully his sense of smell wouldn't be so tricky once the babies were born because if he couldn't handle poop that was going to be a problem.

Sidney looked over at Jasper when Silas pointed him out and clucked at the cat. "Jasper, be nice to Duke. You guys can be friends."

Jasper hissed at Sidney, waving his tail in anger before trotting off down the opposite hallway - he entered the guest bedroom and stayed there for most of the night - The only time he came out was well after Sidney and Silas were in bed; he had free reign of the house then, since it seemed the puppy would be sleeping in the master bedroom on his pup bed.

Nine Month's Pregnant:

Silas yawned as he walked out of the bathroom, it was nearing midnight and he had to work late - it was his last work night, actually, before the twins scheduled due date, which was two weeks away now. Beyond exhausted, Silas slipped into bed and slid in behind Sidney, setting his hand on the overly expanded belly that cradled their two unborn sons.

Sidney had, unfortunately, been forced onto bed rest at the eight month mark - The twins had grown double the size and were pressing on every organ inside of Sidney, making it extremely difficult to move, breathe, or even live a comfortable life. Of course, this meant that Silas was more and more angry with himself for putting Sid in such a way; he hated himself that Sid was suffering so dreadfully, just to have their children.

Silas closed his eyes, and soon enough he was halfway to a very decent REM sleep - if only he could just get a few hours, since sleep had become so hard to come by now, with Sidney needing to move every half hour, simply because any position his body was in, it was about as painful as laying on hot pokers. It would do them good to have those babies out in the real world, and that's what Silas started dreaming about -- their twins, and what they would be like as they grew up.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney wasn't quite sure what woke him this time, the babies were out of room to move much so all they did was jab and push in the positions they were in - head down and ready to go. He tried to catalogue what hurt at the moment but nothing was worse more than usual and his leg wasn't asleep yet so it wasn't time for them to arduously turn Sidney onto his other side and rebuild the pillow nest that helped keep his belly and legs supported.

It took too long for him to realize that he was wet. He groaned a little, thinking he had finally peed himself until he realized he was really wet. And the pillow between his legs was wet. His heart thudded in his chest as his fuzzy, sleep-deprived brain finally realized his water had broken.

"Silas," Sidney squeaked, tugging on his arm since that was the only part of him he could reach. He couldn't turn over on his own or get up on his own and the babies were coming. "Silas wake up."

Silas groaned and opened his eyes, he had about four minutes of sleep - he swore he did "Alright... Alright, I'm up..." he grumbled, rolling out of the bed slowly. He was starting to walk towards the door to the rest of the apartment - clearly intent on getting something that wasn't in the bedroom.

"Want a snack too while I'm out there?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Silas!" Sidney shouted, his voice verging on hysterical. He could feel his heart beating faster and oh, now he felt pain everywhere again. Even his fingers hurt. "My water broke. Don't you walk out of this room!"

Silas froze on the spot, his hand halfway to the closed bedroom door - Panic immediately set in and he had no clue what to do now, despite the two months that they had trained for this... These exact conditions, entirely. "Uh... Uh shit..." Silas cursed, which he so seldom did as he whirled around, a wild look in his eyes as he went back to Sidney's side of the bed.

"OK... You must call Marc. I will get the bags, and... and... shit!" he was panicking bad, the worst anxiety of his lifetime seemed to be happening right now "I will... will... make sure to get you off the bed?" it was a weak as hell statement, he really needed some sense knocked into him or they would both be in some serious trouble.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney laughed a little hysterically and put his hand over his eyes. His belly tightened in a contraction and he moaned lowly, holding his other hand out to Silas so he would help him up. It wasn't painful. It didn't feel much different then the practice contractions he'd been having for the last month. It still took his breath away though and made everything ache and burn. When it passed he exhaled slowly.

"Count that as the first contraction. We'll start timing from there. Help me out of bed. We've got to strip the sheets and I need to change clothes. We've also got to run Duke over to the neighbors."

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