Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas took the cup and with one last glance back at Sidney he slipped into the bathroom. It didn't take him long at all to produce enough urine to test - and then some. He came back out with the cup lidded and set it on the counter in front of Marc. "Hopefully that's enough..." Silas said with a smile - the cup was almost over flowing with a healthy looking yellow color of urine.

Silas sat down on the exam table and swung his feet back and forth - although his feet still nearly touched the floor from his seated position at the foot of the bed. He looked over at Sidney and held his hand out - he wasn't nervous, yet, but it was only a matter of time and he had to hold out hope that he wouldn't start panicking for any reason.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney took his hand easily, going over to him. He brought their clasped hands up and kissed Silas's knuckles, butterflies going like crazy in his stomach.

"In the future, I don't need that much," Marc said dryly. He got to work, setting out a couple of tests and adding the urine to them. He was nervous as well. He hoped, for Silas's sake, the pregnancy had taken and they wouldn't have to go through another cycle. His anxiety made all the medical procedures very tough. Marc closed his eyes and exhaled slowly before turning to them. "Congratulations. You're having a baby, Silas."

Silas smiled, a real, genuine, full-toothed grin "Yes!" he shouted, albeit quietly, and grasped Sidney's face, kissing him deeply and passionately - maybe a little too passionately; as he felt a stirring in his groin. His cheeks flamed red as he pulled back "Sorry... I uh..." he shrugged, he had no real explanation for it... He was excited, and happy, he had wanted this just as badly - if not more - than Sidney, and it was coming true for them, again.

Silas looked back at Marc and bit his lip lightly "Can we see the baby? I mean... I know he - or she - won't be much of anything right now but a blob... but... I'd... You know..." he shrugged again -- he knew Marc was probably going to want to see it anyway, regardless if he asked or not - it was what Marc did... Test the pee, draw the blood, and look at their insides.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney kissed him back just as passionately, one hand automatically going to Silas's belly. He was *pregnant*. They were going to have another baby.

Marc nodded and definitely didn't wipe at his eyes because he wasn't tearing up at all. He got everything ready and unbuttoned Silas's pants so he could get to where he needed to be. He was a little surprised to see a slight curve to his lower belly that definitely hadn't been there. He turned on the machine, humming a little as he started to search around for the baby. His humming slowly stopped and he grew quiet.

Silas didn't like the way Marc suddenly went silent - he knew he couldn't sit up much, but he did a little, staring at Marc "What? What's wrong? Why did you stop humming!?" Silas demanded, tears already coming to his eyes -- they couldn't be pregnant and Marc just grow silent like this; it had to be bad news, it couldn't be anything but bad news.

Silas squeezed Sidney's hand and continued staring at Marc, waiting for the man to answer; but it was like he had frozen in place, just staring at the ultrasound machine. "MARC!" he shouted, hoping this would snap Marc back to reality, "Please..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc shook his head and looked at them. "Sorry, sorry. They're fine. There's just ... well. It was very successful. There are three babies. All of them have heartbeats and look to be viable."

Sidney blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You are having triplets," Marc said slowly. He looked back at the ultrasound. "All of them look to be fine. Two amniotic sacs so you're looking at two identical babies and one fraternal."

Silas laughed, almost hysterically, tears coming to his eyes "That... That's a good joke, Marc..." Silas said, but then Marc turned and looked at both he and Sidney with a serious expression on his face "And... you are not joking." Silas whispered, gulping back the lump that had formed in his throat.

Silas turned his head to look at Sidney, a mixture of fear and gratification twisting his features and eyes "Triplets... How are we ever going to... We already have *three* kids! What are we going to do with three more!?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney shrugged, licking his lips. "Love them?"

Marc turned on the sound to play the heartbeats, three quick, slightly different tones filling the room one after the other. Sidney leaned over and hugged Silas so tightly, both of them crying and Marc pretended he didn't notice. He saved a few pictures where he could clearly see each baby so he could give them to them when they left.

Silas laughed softly and shook his head "I don't doubt that we will love them... All six of our children..." Silas said quietly as he sat up once instructed, cleaning the ultrasound gel off his stomach and readjusting his pants and shirt "It is just going to be an adjustment..."

Silas jumped off of the exam table carefully and took the pictures that Marc had printed out, looking them over slowly "We are going to need a bigger house, again..." Silas said as he looked over at Sidney, furrowing his brows together "Is there anything else we need to do?" He asked, looking at Marc briefly.

Him and Sidney so very obviously had a lot to talk about now, with the addition of three children that will be joining their family in eight months. They had to think about their current living arrangements, they had to figure out a way to tell their three other children, and Silas had to seriously think about his work schedule, because he knew he would not be able to work late hours like he always had.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I would probably hold off on telling people for a little while," Marc suggested. "You're still very early in your pregnancy. You are going to need to quickly change your schedule though. No more late nights and no more hours on your feet. Sidney knows what supplements you need to take. Definitely up your iron. And make sure you get enough rest."

Marc held out a hand to Silas. "Congratulations. I'm happy for you "

Silas shook Marc's hand and nodded his head "Thank you, Marc, for everything you have done for me and Sidney... It is going to be a difficult change, but we will work everything out." Silas said quietly, still a bit emotional over the news, just the simple fact that he was pregnant was overwhelming him. Add three babies into that crazy mix? He was a little shaky and afraid of the future.

Sidney practically had to drag Silas out of the clinic and into the car, shell-shock was setting in hard and Silas was unable to take his eyes off the three little blobs on the ultrasound machine "Three..." he whispered, blinking and looking up at Sidney who was sitting in the driver's seat "There is a lot that we are going to have to do... in order to prepare for these three..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney turned to him, taking Silas's hands in his. "I am definitely not going back to work now." He laughed at little hysterically. "We never do anything small, do we?"

He leaned in to kiss Silas softly. "You are the most amazing man I have ever met. We're going to figure this out and make it work somehow." He rested a hand on Silas's belly. "These three little babies are coming home safe and sound."

Silas shook his head and sniffled, definitely feeling over emotional at this point "Home? Sid, we *don't* have enough room to have three more babies. Theo and Titan are growing taller and bigger every day, and Calla has... toys that are practically flowing out of her bedroom..." Silas pulled his legs up onto the edge of the passenger seat and exhaled shakily.

"We need to get a bigger house... I know we can afford a bigger house, but can we actually get moved into a new house in eight months? Let alone find a house before I get too big..." Silas asked quietly, setting a hand against his stomach - he was only a month along and already he was starting to show around the middle, he was going to get *very* huge, he just knew he was.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We don't have to move before they are born. If we find something, great. If we don't, that's fine. They're going to spend the first few months contained," Sidney said gently. He rubbed Silas's back. "We can think about all of this later. And I just mean not today, not putting it off forever. Right now, let's take a few deep breaths and relax and think about how happy we are that everything worked on the first try. We get to plan for babies and not a second round of shots."

Silas nodded and took the deep breaths that Sidney told him to take, releasing them slowly - he could feel the tension rolling away like a second skin being peeled off of his body "I would still like to look... but this also means we may have to move out of the city even further... Staten Island... Or something..." Silas sighed and turned so he was facing Sidney head on.

"Do not get me wrong, I am happy that we're pregnant and having more children - one more than we both would have liked, but we were warned that it was a possibility..." Silas bit his lip slightly and looked down at his lap "It is just going to take me more than ten minutes to process that we are... having triplets, Sid."

Sidney nodded his understanding to that and smiled comfortingly in Silas' direction before starting the SUV so they could head home "I don't feel like cooking tonight - can we stop at Saucer II and pick something up?" It was on the way home, so it wasn't an unreasonable request - he just felt like having home cooking without having to cook at home tonight, his stomach was still upset and he still felt nauseas "When do cravings start kicking in?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm not saying stop processing it. I'm still pretty shocked," Sidney said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "I just mean stop worrying about all of the things we have to do. We can keep being shocked about the fact you're pregnant with triplets. I mean ... triplets. Wow."

Sidney shook his head. "At least you're a lot bigger than me. You might be able to carry them easier than I could carry the twins."

Going to Saucer II was no problem. Sidney didn't feel like cooking either and usually everyone was disappointed in his cooking anyway. "And I guess cravings start whenever. Do you want something specific?"

Silas shrugged and opened up the glove box, pulling out the menu for Saucer II and reading it over - he kept paper copies of his menu in pretty much every common room of the house and both his and Sidney's car exactly for this occasion "Not really a craving, I just want to eat my food without having to prepare it myself... Comfort food, I guess..."

Silas flipped through the pages of the menu and grabbed a note pad and pen to start writing everything down; since they were getting something for everyone, he wanted to be precise as possible, especially with his sensitive stomach and Calla's sensitive palate, it was a lot harder to decide on foods for them.

"This should do it." he said, setting the notepad on top of the center console as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot - which was packed, like usual, but perks of being the owner - he had his own private parking space in the back. Silas pulled his keys out of his pocket and handed Sidney the master key for the store "Just tell Gio that we're ordering to go... He's the chef for the night, and have Marcel bring it out when it's finished..."

Silas curled up a bit and laid his head against the window "I hate this exhaustion... does it ever go away?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "It gets better in the second trimester. That's when I got really horny with the twins. Not so much with Calla. They were very different pregnancies though."

He left Silas in the car and headed inside, talking with Gio and some of the staff. He figured Silas would nap so he spent some time inside, tasting a few things before coming back out. Silas was snoring with his head against the window. Sidney slipped inside, taking his phone out and playing a game while he waited for the food.

Marcel knocked on Sidney's window, having seen that Silas was asleep. "Thanks," Sidney whispered, getting out to take the bags of food. He set them in the backseat, waving goodbye to Marcel. He was pretty sure he could get them home before Silas would wake up.

Silas slept up until the second they pulled into the driveway, he jolted awake and hit his head on the roof of the car "Ow..." he groaned and rubbed his head "That just made things worse..."

He took a breath and... bad idea, very bad idea. He bolted from the car and because he was still pretty groggy, barely made it to the garbage cans outside before he was throwing up. He groaned and was practically leaning inside of the can as he expelled what was in his body. After he was sure that he could stand upright again, he frowned and pulled his head out of the can "I have a feeling I'm going to complain about everything that pregnancy involves..." Silas said as Sidney came up with the food - keeping it a fair distance away.

Now not only did he have a sensitive stomach, but apparently a sensitive nose and his tastes were changing too "I hope that whatever set me off was *not* what I ordered to eat... That would just be unbearable." Silas said as he opened the side door to the house that led to the kitchen, holding it open so Sidney could enter - he plugged his nose as his husband walked by with the food, not wanting another vomiting session so soon after the last.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"If it is, I will make you something else," Sidney promised. He put the food in the refrigerator and started to make Silas more tea. It wasn't perfect, but it did seem to help settle his stomach a little. "Do you want to go lie down? I'll bring you the tea. We have hours until the kids are home from school and you need to be somewhat coherent."

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