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Silas frowned and pulled Calla close to him again, kissing the top of her head repeatedly "Calla, baby, you are perfect *just* the way you are, I do not want you to change at all. I love you for who you are." Silas said quietly, smoothing a hand up and down Calla's back gently "Your daddy and I... We have always wanted to have a large family, but because of Daddy's stomach issues, he couldn't have anymore."
Silas knew his daughter wouldn't understand a lot of this but he hoped that something would get through to her "I wanted to help daddy, make him happy by giving him the big family that we both always wanted. Don't you want daddy to be happy and have everything he dreamed about? Just like we try to make your dreams come true, too?"
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Calla nodded, her mouth still turned down in a frown. She wanted Daddy to be happy but part of her still thought that if she had just been normal, then they wouldn't need more kids. She rubbed her eyes and took a shaky breath. "Do I have to go back outside?"
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Silas shook his head "You don't have to go back outside, if you don't want too, but I would like it if you still ate something... Do you want me to bring you a plate inside so you can eat?"
Silas stood up with Calla again, still holding her closely as he started toward the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard. He watched as everyone enjoyed their dinner and looked at his daughter "I'll make sure to grab all of your favorites."
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Calla nodded and slid down his side to the ground. "Can you ask Titan to come in too?"
Sidney watched them from where he was sitting, half listening to his sister and Kris talking next to him but mostly paying attention to Silas and Calla at the door. He wasn't sure how Titan actually felt, but Titan at least knew to act like he was okay in front of people. That was something Calla just wasn't capable of. He was worried about her, worried about how she was making Silas feel right now. He knew that Silas felt at least a little guilty because of how upset Calla was over everything.
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Silas ran a hand through Calla's silky brown hair and nodded "I'll ask Titan if he wants to come in, sure. I'll send him in with your plate." Silas said as he watched Calla run into the play room. He frowned and looked down at his stomach, trying to hold back the tears that seemed to come out of nowhere.
He failed this task, miserably, and he knew he wouldn't be able to go back outside with tears running down his face. He backed away from the door and went further into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around his chest as he tried calming his breathing and the tears. He was an idiot, for thinking that he could do this... He loved Sidney, wanted to have more kids - but at what expense? His daughter hating him for having them? Calla was, and likely always would be, his favorite - although he would never openly admit that to the other children - and they shared a bond that went beyond that of a father-and-daughter. They had things in common with each other that no one else in the family had, and this rift between them was tearing up his heart, and soul.
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"Excuse me," Sidney said politely as he saw Silas back away from the door. He headed inside, looking for Silas. He found him, hugging himself and crying silently in the kitchen. "Oh baby."
Sidney tugged him close, letting Silas drop his head to his shoulder and cry. He rubbed his back soothingly, holding his husband. "What happened? Baby, whatever it is, it will be okay."
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Silas shook his head against Sidney's shoulder, taking a few shuddering breaths "She hates me..." he rasped out and lifted his head to look at Sidney "She doesn't want me to have these babies, she just... she hates me and... I don't think she'll ever trust me again." Silas said, his eyes turning red from all the tears.
Silas' breathing was starting to get erratic, the tears still flowing constantly "She... she wants to eat inside... with Titan - Could... could you..." he hiccupped and shook his head, trying to take several calming breaths - it didn't seem to help - "Just... get her and him... a plate... she went into... into the playroom..."
Silas pulled away from Sidney and turned to the sink, turning it onto the coldest setting and placing his head underneath it - it was one of the ways he knew to calm himself back down, and hoped it would work now. He was close to hyperventilating as it was, he could feel his lungs closing up on him and now would *not* be a good time to go into a full-blown panic attack.
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Sidney was not leaving him like this, not when Silas was about to pass out from a panic attack. He was half-drowning himself, his breath coming in great, heaving gasps but none of them deep enough to actually get any oxygen in his lungs. Sidney dragged him out from under the faucet and got him on the ground before he actually passed out.
"Head between your knees," Sidney said firmly. He rubbed his back, kneeling over him. "Listen to my voice. Slow down your breathing so it matches my voice. In and hold it one, two, three. Out, one, two, three."
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Silas coughed and shook his head. His breathing was slowly coming back down to normal, he matched his breathing to Sidney's voice and after what felt like an hour - but was really only five minutes - Silas lifted his head up, his eyes were still red, his face was a pale color "Christ..." he breathed, dropping his head backward against the cabinets "I cannot keep having panic attacks... Not in this condition."
Silas reached over his head to the dish towel and pulled it down to dry his hair and face "I'm okay now... I promise... I just... I need a minute - could you please get Calla some food?" Silas asked quietly, blinking a few times to try and erase the tears that still seemed to want to spill from his eyes -- if he had one complaint about pregnancy so far, it would be the lack of control over his emotions, where he used to have a pretty tight handle on them.
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Sidney pressed a kiss to Silas's forehead, running his fingers through his hair. "I love you so much. I promise we'll figure this out and that Calla doesn't hate you."
He got to his feet and headed back outside to get Calla a plate and see if Titan would go in with her. Titan agreed, following Sidney in with his own plate, leaving Theo talking to Taylor. Calla was playing in the playroom quietly, seemingly lost in thought as she halfheartedly moved a few cars around the floor.
"Sweetie, I brought you some food," Sidney said, setting the plate down on the small table where they usually colored. "And Titan came in as well."
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Calla looked up at Sidney and Titan as they came into the playroom, she abandoned her toys and stood up. She took Sidney's hand and pulled him to the small couch, and sat down with him - a very serious expression on her face as she looked at her daddy "How come Adda has to have more babies?" she asked quietly, kicking her feet back and forth "I don't want anymore babies, and its not fair to us! You didn't need any more kids, daddy... You were just fine with the three of us!"
Calla sniffled and wiped her nose with her sleeve "Tell Adda that he can get rid of the babies... And that he needs to go back to normal!" she declared, then stood up to walk away, but Sidney wrapped an arm around her waist lightly. A squeak of protest escaped her and she looked up at Sidney with wide eyes with defiance in them as if to say 'How dare you touch me like that' -- Despite her mental conditions, she was very much of the belief that she was the boss of the house, simply because everyone catered to her needs most of the time.
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"Calla," Sidney said firmly. "I know that you are upset about this, but this is not your decision. This is mine and Adda's decision. Adda is not going to be getting rid of the babies. The only thing you are accomplishing is upsetting Adda and making him think you hate him."
Titan put his plate down and reached for Calla. She pulled away from him as well, looking incredibly aggrieved that no one was listening to her. Titan sighed and looked at Sidney.
"Go back outside, Daddy. I'll stay with her."
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Silas took a deep breath before he entered the playroom - he had heard the entire conversation between Sidney and Calla, and enough was enough - he was tired of his six-year-old daughter making him feel like shit because he was doing something for Sidney and, by extension, himself. He stared at Calla "Titan, grab your plate and go back outside. Now." Silas was in absolutely no mood -- After a crying jig, he was always pretty pissed off, but he knew he had to keep a cool head with his daughter - not wanting to cause a scene.
Titan was quick to obey Silas, grabbing his plate and scampering back outside without a second glance - they still knew their Adda well, and when he was in *this* sort of mood, it was best to just stay out of his way. Calla, on the other hand, thought it was pretty funny to see her Adda so upset looking, and giggled softly as she looked up at Silas, an innocent 'I didn't do anything wrong' smile on her face.
Silas shook his head "I'm tired of this, Calla. I'm absolutely tired of it. I understand that you have special needs and we have to help you out more than your brothers, but it does not give you the right to make me and your daddy feel like we are not doing the best that we can, given the circumstances." Silas took a deep breath, and was grateful that Calla had stopped giggling - sure, she looked close to tears now, but Silas could push through a tantrum if she wanted to have one, he was made of stronger stuff.
"I am doing this... Having these three kids, because I love your daddy, and he loves me, and we *want* more kids - You, as a child, do not get to dictate how we, as the adults, run our lives. We are the ones who are helping *you* become an adult, not the other way around." Silas squatted down in front of Calla, grasping onto the front of her shirt when she tried to run off in the other direction "I'm not through yet. If you want to be rude to us, then fine, you can, but it will no longer go unpunished. As of right now, at this very moment, we are starting time-outs and taking away privileges from you. So you will be eating your dinner in the dining room, with me or your daddy watching over you, and then you will be going upstairs and you will be cleaning your bedroom until every last toy has been put away, do you understand me?!"
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Calla stared at him, her eyes tearing up but her jaw tight and her arms straight against her side. She did not say a word, did not shake her head yes or no. She was not going to relent.
They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until Silas snapped and picked her up, carrying her up into her bedroom and putting her on her bed. Calla looked at him, horrified that he had done that.
"No! No! No!," Calla stomped her feet on the mattress. "Noooo!" She flung herself off the bed and began to kick at Silas's legs and hit him with her small fists.
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Silas tried fighting Calla's swinging arms and legs off, but he didn't want to hurt his daughter physically - he knew, without a doubt, that he could still break a person's neck with just a simple twist, and he did not want his anger to let him bring that down upon his daughter, no matter how pissed off he was getting "Calla! STOP!" he tried reasoning, grabbing her hands, only to get kicked in the shins.
Calla continued beating against him, hitting everywhere that she could reach - in particular, his legs and his stomach. Silas tried protecting his stomach at the same time he tried subduing Calla's repetitive hits against his body. One strike, *one* was all it took - hitting him square in the belly button; which, to him at least, was the most sensitive area of his entire stomach, and he was dropping to his knees, gasping for breath and clutching his stomach as if it had just burst open.
Calla stopped moving, entirely, her eyes wide and fearful as she stared down at her Adda. Calla was frightened, and she bolted from the bedroom - Sidney had gone back outside, hoping to smooth over any ruffled feathers after the display that Calla had put on "Daddy!!!" she shouted, rushing out of the back door and practically leaping into Sidney's lap "Adda's hurt! I didn't mean to do it! I just... I was so angry and... I started hitting him and kicking him! and now he's laying on my bedroom floor and he isn't moving and he's sobbing, and and and..." she seemed to run out of breath at that point, her own sobs starting to kick into high-gear as she pressed her face against Sidney's chest.
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Sidney wrapped his arms around her for a moment before depositing her in Taylor's lap and then was up in an instant. "Marc, I need you!" He didn't wait for Marc to answer, trusting him to follow as he ran inside. He took the stairs two at a time, hurrying to Calla's room. Silas was still on the floor, clutching his stomach.
"Oh god, Silas," Sidney said, falling to the ground next to him.
Marc skidded into the room after him, his eyes wide. "Holy fuck. What happened?"
"Calla said she hit him in the stomach," Sidney said, his hands hovering over Silas. "Baby, where does it hurt? Marc is here. He's going to have to touch you too."
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Silas was still gasping for breath, his face a sick pale-blue color because of the lack of oxygen that he wasn't getting. Added onto that fact the Panic attack he had only an hour earlier, he definitely was in no condition to be missing any oxygen at the moment. He groaned and slowly rolled from his knees and onto his side, lost look in his eyes as he looked up at Sidney and Marc hovering over him as they were.
"Please..." he rasped out, Adam's apple bobbing with the lack of saliva and oxygen in his lungs and mouth "Stomach.. hurts... so much... Strong kid..."
If he hadn't been close to passing out when he had his panic attack, he was only mere seconds from passing out now - his face getting a bit more blue by the second, his entire body was trembling with the exertion of trying to pull air into his lungs; he was in a bad way and in only just under a minute.
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Marc immediately went to work, tipping Silas backwards to help him breathe. He did a quick sweep in his mouth with his fingers before he actually gave him mouth to mouth, shocking Silas's system into action. Silas took a deep breath on his own, his diaphragm relaxing finally and letting him breathe.
"That's a start," Marc said. He pointed at Sidney. "Sit with his head in your lap and just keep him breathing. I'm going to have to feel around a little and this is going to hurt."
Sidney moved to where Marc directed him, watching Silas's face. His color was slowly returning to normal as he got oxygen back into his body again. His eyes were closed and he was trembling. Sidney took one of his hands, stroking his fingers lightly. "Marc is going to touch your belly now."
Marc waited until Silas gave a slight nod of acknowledgment before he pushed up the button down Silas was wearing. His belly curved out, camouflaged by the clothing but very obvious when exposed like this. Marc gently began to press down, searching out the sore area.
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Silas was silent for the majority of Marc's exam, but once the man touched around his lower stomach, around the belly button and just a bit lower... Silas could no longer contain his pain, he cried out and tried moving away from where Marc was touching him, but Marc had a good hold on him, and he couldn't go backwards since Sidney's body was blocking his movements.
"don't.... don't please..." Silas begged, tears shining in his eyes again as he grasped Sidney's hands and squeezed them, hoping his husband would get him away from Marc's probing and touching fingers "It...It really... hurts..." Silas said on a shaky breath, tears slipping down the sides of his face "I'm going to lose them... I'm going to lose our kids and we'll never have anymore... I'm sorry Sid... I'm so sorry." Silas said quietly, shaking his head back and forth in Sidney's lap, trying to stem the tears but nothing seemed to help them - he was afraid, worried, and still hurting badly.
Despite how small Calla was, she did not know her own strength, and those punches to the majority of his abdomen had really hurt him - the worst, obviously, being his lower stomach.
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Marc held onto Silas's hips, trying to get him to stop moving. "Silas, you need to stay still. I'm not touching your stomach anymore. Just listen to me, okay. Just listen. You're not going to lose the babies. I'm not going to let that happen. These babies are well protected by all of the muscle you had. She got you in a tender spot, but the babies will be fine.
"We're going to go do an ultrasound to take a look, but I'm sure they'll be fine. I am going to stay with you while Sidney very calmly goes to tell his parents and Sirius that we are leaving and to please continue the party."
Sidney clutched Silas's hands, looking at Marc. "Are you sure?"
Marc looked at him, his expression serious. "Sidney, I need you to go do that for me. Go on. I'll stay with Silas."
Sidney pressed his lips together and nodded. He leaned down to press a kiss to Silas's forehead before gently resting his head on the ground and hurrying out of the room.