Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas was partially unaware of what was going on when he came back to himself - it always happened whenever he passed out, not that it did happen often. The rarity of it was easily countable on one hand. Silas felt a cool breeze shudder over him and then the immense pressure in his lower half. Groaning quietly and writhing slightly "Oh god..." he moaned and turned slowly, he didn't know where he was going, or what he was doing, but Christ he just had to push... or... something!

Silas managed to get himself halfway out the car, feet planted on the curb of the sidewalk and Sidney right there with him, between his spread kneecaps "Sid... Sid please... I..." he broke off into another cry of pain, his upper body coming up from its laid back position - he clutched the 'oh-shit' handle and the doorframe as he groaned louder than before "I can't... it's coming... I can't Sid..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney got Silas's sweats down and him pulled forward enough that he could get his hands under him. His phone was on so 911 was listening but he couldn't pay attention to them. An ambulance would get there when it got there but right now he had to focus on Silas and the fact he was pushing.

"Okay," Sidney said, feeling oddly calm considering how insane the situation was. This was crazier then Calla's birth. "Push for me, Silas. Just take a deep breath and bear down. Your body is telling you what to do. The first baby is coming and we're going to have to get him out. We know it's our little boy who is first in line."

Silas nodded, and despite the pain, the panic, and the overall craziness of the situation, Silas bore down, growling and cursing the entire time. He kept his hands tightly clenched on the door frame and the handle, not wanting to lash out at his husband - he was the only one here, and knocking Sidney out would just be... BAD.

The baby seemed to waste no time at all - all three of them were just under four and a half pounds when last measured, and despite this being Silas' first time, things seemed to be going rather smoothly. The baby was already crowning, ready to pop out at any second "OH goddd!" Silas screamed and bit down against his arm, tears riding down his face in quick waves. He needed something... alcohol, drugs, someone to bash him over the head.

The pain was simply just going to drive him absolutely insane, he knew it. Silas had to stop, take a breath, even with their third son sitting right on the cusp of being delivered... He didn't think he could do this any more and he wanted to stop "Sid..." he said weakly, blinking his eyes lethargically down in his husband's direction "Just kill me now... I can't do this... not now, not ever... It hurts."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I know," Sidney said, cupping the baby's head with his hand. His heart was pounding and dear god he wished they were at a hospital and not on the side of the road right now. "You need to push again though. He's right here. I'm literally touching his head."

Silas wailed and threw his head back on the next contraction and bore down again. The baby's head slid out and in a rush the rest of him came out as well, so fast Sidney barely caught him. Silas bore down again and the placenta slid out as well and Sidney gagged, hiding that in the ruins of Silas's sweats. The girls had a separate amniotic sac and placenta so that might not have even broken yet.

Silas curled up against the seat after their son was finally out of him. His entire body was wracked with the shakes and he could hardly keep his eyes open; just that one, small, tiny baby, and he was already exhausted beyond belief. "Is... is he okay?" Silas asked quietly, reaching a hand out weakly to find his husband and their third son.

They hadn't even worked on naming the three kids yet, they had plans of doing that over the next week, hoping they had time enough to do it - clearly, Silas' body had other plans.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney stood up, holding their son in his arms. He was so tiny, legitimately tiny, not like Calla when she was born. He was squirming and fussing in his arms, pink and covered in streaks of blood. He wasn't crying but Sidney wasn't worried about that since he was clearly breathing and active.

"Hold him," Sidney said, gently placing him in Silas's arms. "I need to find something to cover him with. The blanket is still in the trunk I think."

Silas opened his eyes blearily as he looked down at the tiny squirming infant in his arms, their son was quite effectively dwarfed just by the size of Silas' forearm alone "He's so small..." Silas whispered hoarsely, reaching up with his other hand to smooth the downy hair on the top of the boy's head.

Sidney returned with a blanket, placing it over the infant's body and using some of it to cover Silas' exposed parts as well. Silas looked up at Sidney with a watery smile "I think we should call him Alexander - Alex for short." Silas said quietly, reaching out and setting his fingers on Sidney's cheek - leaving behind bloodied streaks in the process as he had just been touching their blood covered son.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Perfect," Sidney said, smiling at him and at his tiny son. He had found a towel as well and managed to tuck it under Silas's bottom. His car was effectively ruined at this point but at least this way they'd know how much Silas was bleeding since Alex was born. He rested a hand on Silas's belly gently, feeling around. "Anything happening since he was born? Do you feel any contractions?"

Silas shrugged slightly "Small ones... might just be after effects from him..." Silas said quietly, still rubbing Sidney's cheek with his bloodied fingers "I'm really tired now, Sid..."

Silas closed his eyes again, taking a few shuddering breaths - he felt like he was going to pass out again, but he knew at this point he had to try and stay conscious, despite everything that has happened so far. It was a miracle that he wasn't having a severe panic attack right now, but clearly the over-exhaustion was draining what little energy he had.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Just stay awake for me." Sidney rubbed Silas's hand, watching him. He let out a huge sigh of relief when he heard the sound of an ambulance siren in the distance. "What do you think we should name the girls? I was thinking maybe naming one after my mother since Calla is named after your mother. Do you like Megan for one of them?"

Silas nodded against the doorframe, trying hard to stay awake and alert. He doubted the ambulance was for them, they were still so close to the accident on the bridge, but he had to have some hope for their seemingly hopeless situation, didn't he? "I like Meg..." he said quietly, looking down at his still heavily rounded stomach.

"Megan and Maia?" he asked, looking up at Sidney and blinking slowly. It was clear that Silas was still fading, getting closer and closer to that point of unconsciousness again. His head kept bobbing slightly, his eyes moving slower and slower as they tracked Sidney's facial twitches.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Megan and Maia," Sidney nodded, adjusting the blanket. The towel under Silas was turning alarmingly red but the ambulance was getting closer. "Silas, I love you. I love you so much."

Sidney stroked his cheek gently and rescued Alex as Silas went limp, drifting into unconsciousness as the ambulance screamed around the corner to their rescue. The EMTs jumped out and Sidney directed them to Silas, holding Alex in his arms and trying to keep him warm. One of them gave Sidney a blanket for Alex and cut the umbilical cord, bagging up the placenta.

It felt like forever; Sidney had no idea how long it actually was to be honest when Marc came running into the waiting room where Sidney was sitting. They had rushed Silas into the OR immediately to do a c-section for the other two babies and try to stop the bleeding. Alex had been taken by the pediatric staff and Sidney was sitting all alone, blood on his clothes and face, waiting for someone to tell him his husband was alive.

Since Marc wasn't a emergency surgery surgeon, he wasn't able to attend or even be in the surgical bay where Silas was located. His doctoral powers only went so far, but what he did get was information. He sat down next to Sidney, not at all caring that his best friend was covered in blood, and pulled him into a tight embrace. "The girls were born, just moments apart from each other, by C-Section... That's the only part I got to oversee, as Silas' obstetrician." Marc said quietly.

He ran a hand up and down Sidney's back soothingly "They're small, smaller than their brother at 3.9 pounds. Baby boy was 4.3 pounds. All three of them are healthy, No foreseeable medical problems yet, but they still want to keep them in the NICU just for now, until they can see how well they truly are. One of the girls is on steroids and oxygen, her lungs didn't fully expand when she was born, so they're hoping that'll help - but she, they all are, really good and healthy looking."

Marc ran a hand through his hair slowly, taking a shaky breath "Silas... He ah..." March looked down at his hands, resting them in his lap "He lost a lot of blood, Sid... There were a lot more cysts than we thought at first... And with the contractions, the labor... they all ruptured, likely one at a time or close to it." Marc looked nervous, twisting his hands together slowly "The surgeon that's working on getting him back... He's not very hopeful right now."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney looked at him oddly and then shook his head. "No. That's not acceptable. Silas is not going to die. Just take out his uterus. I give my permission if they need it or whatever. They are not going to let him die."

Sidney got up and started pacing around the waiting room, his hands shaking. He hadn't mentioned that he had a broken hand to anyone at this point, couldn't even feel it really. "He is not going to die, Marc. He is not."

Marc shook his head and stood up, but he didn't bother touching Sidney at this point "Sid..." he sighed in exasperation, frustration, a lot of emotions really - none of them directly aimed at his friend, but mostly just the situation at hand "We knew that Silas' body couldn't handle a delivery, the cysts only made complications worse." he said quietly, feeling like a failure himself... He was happy that his two friends were adding to their family, but bad things always seemed to happy to Sidney and Silas, and he just wished he could give them the break they really, truly, deserved.

He felt at fault for all that was happening now, should have insisted on his friends getting a donor - they knew the risks though, and those risks only got higher the farther along Silas got. A man in medical scrubs came out into the private waiting area, covered from the waist down in what looked like gallons of blood "We managed to stop all the bleeding, cauterized all of the cysts, and removed several that were close to rupturing but hadn't yet." he said fast, looking at Marc with worried eyes "We have to remove everything... And..." he rubbed his neck with a clean hand "That includes his male reproductive system as well - there were two cysts that were growing on the Ejaculatory Duct. Is this the man's husband?" the doctor asked, nodding toward Sidney. Marc nodded his head in confirmation.

The other doctor nodded and turned to Sidney "Mr. Flint, I'm Doctor Roswell, I'm the chief medical surgeon here. You'll have to fill the forms out later... but right now I need permission to remove your husband's reproductive system altogether. This means that you two will no longer be able to have children. Do I have your consent to remove everything?" he asked in a professional manner, but his words were kind, sympathetic, not unlike most surgeons who just wanted their consent and to take off once received.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It will just effect having children?" asked Sidney, looking to Marc for confirmation. When Marc nodded, Sidney turned back to the doctor. "Then yes. Go. Save my husband."

The doctor left quickly, leaving Sidney with Marc. He turned to him. "That's the right decision, isn't it? I mean, we're not going to have more kids. He was going to have a vasectomy anyway after this."

Marc nodded and managed to get Sidney back into one of the chairs, although how long that lasted was unknown. "It's the right decision, yes. If you guys don't want any more biological children, removing everything now will save you both from years of medical procedures to remove cysts that could potentially be life-threatening, more so than even now." Marc said quietly, squeezing Sidney's hand "He'll still be able to get erections, he just won't... be able to..." Marc made a vague hand gesture and shrugged his shoulders "No more spitting."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney yelped as Marc squeezed his broken hand. He pulled it away, looking at it like he was surprised that it hurt. He held it out to Marc, swollen and starting to bruise. "I ... I forgot about this. I think Silas accidentally broke my hand. Maybe I should get that checked out."

Marc sighed loudly, this time in clear frustration at Sidney. "You both are idiots when it comes to labor - How many times do I tell you 'Do not hold hands when contractions are ripping you in half' - Do you listen to me though? No." Marc growled as he stood up, yanking Sidney up with him and walking him out of the waiting room, he told the nearest nurse to keep an eye on the room in case Dr. Roswell returned with news, and to page Marc directly in the ER.

Marc settled Sid on a hospital bed once he informed the ER Charge Nurse of the situation and then looked at his friend with clear disapproval on his face "Seriously Sid? You knew you had a 99.9% chance of coming out of this with a broken hand if you held onto Silas' hand... He could snap you like a twig if he really wanted too... Your hand is probably going to be fucked beyond all repair because of this."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I wasn't exactly thinking clearly. We were stuck in the traffic from that accident and I was trying to find my way out. I was just holding onto him when he realized his water had broken and he was bleeding," tears started to fill Sidney's eyes. "He squeezed my hand and just passed out from the pain and shock. Next thing I knew the baby was crowning and Silas wouldn't stop bleeding. My hand was the least of my worries."

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