Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260
Silas nodded slowly and pushed the food tray away from his lap, still hopelessly hard underneath the blanket "I might need something to uh..." he looked down at himself and sighed again. With Sidney's help, they got him upright and sitting on the edge of the bed. Sidney grabbed a grocery bag and filled it up with several ice chips and then handed it to Silas whilst standing guard so no nurses would see just what the duo were doing.

Silas grit his teeth, lifted the pair of loose shorts he was wearing and stuck the bag of ice into his pants. He hissed at the cold temperature "Fuckkkk." he groaned and rolled his chin back and forth against his chest. But, the ice worked and he went down almost instantly "Okay... I think I'm ready now."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"Sorry baby," said Sidney, helping him take off the hospital gown. The stitches were harsh black lines on his abdomen under tape and Sidney hissed lowly at the bruising. He leaned in and kissed him gently. "Are you hurting? Did they give you pain medication this morning?"

He went to get a damp washcloth to wipe Silas down. "Do you want me to shave you as well?"
Silas shook his head slowly "Not in pain... Not even sure if they're giving me anything for it." He looked at the IV lines he was attached too. He knew the slight yellow colored one was the antibiotics, one of the clear ones was a saline drip - although he wasn't sure why he was still on that one when he was clearly eating and drinking properly again. There was one other IV bag he was hooked up to, and didn't know which that one was "I don't know what the third bag is..." he said, pointing at the bag curiously.

He looked up at Sidney and nodded slowly "Shave, definitely. I'd ask for a haircut, but... last time you tried it..." he shook his head and smiled softly "I'll survive having longer hair for a couple of days. Stick with Phillippe doing my hair." - It was probably the labeled 'gayest' thing that Silas did and would likely never give up... Mani/Pedi and Haircuts at Jean Phillippe's salon and spa.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"I will take you to Phillippe to get your hair done and a mani/pedi as soon as you are allowed to leave," Sidney promised him as he began to wipe down Silas gently. He moved quickly but tried to be as thorough as he could considering he just had water to use. The shaving was easy if not as close as Silas preferred. With help, Silas stood and Sidney took off his boxers and changed them as well.

"We have to get a nurse to get a wheelchair but we can go upstairs now," Sidney said, rubbing his hand over Silas's face.
Silas nodded and sat back down on the bed, slipping on the fresh gown that Sidney had pulled out of the stack that was by the bathroom "What have they been feeding them? If not... my uh..." he looked down at his chest - which was slightly broader than normal, lack of lactational release having made them puffier and swollen looking.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"Donated milk," said Sidney. "You should be able to nurse when we go up if you want to try it. Don't let my feelings on it stop you from trying."

The nurse came into the room with a wheelchair. "Mr. Flint, are you ready to go upstairs?" She started by taking the hanging IV bags and moving them to the pole attached to the chair. "I'm going to have your husband help me move you into the chair. Just like we've been doing, try not to use your core and let us lower you down. We've got the pillow there to help keep you comfortable."
Silas nodded and with the help of Sidney and the nurse - and a lot of Greek curses leaving Silas' mouth - they got him into the chair as quick but as carefully as possible. Moving was still an arduous process for Silas, his stomach still very raw and tender from all of the stitches in him, both internally and externally.

He collapsed into the chair once he was sure he could do so, and huffed quietly. "When am I going to be released from here?" he asked, voice tinged with a slight whine to it as he looked up at both the nurse and Sidney.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"At least another day," the nurse said, patting his shoulder comfortingly. "But the more we can get you up and moving the better. Plus now that we can get you up in the NICU, you can spend time up there. It's good for the babies to be held and with three, you can rotate through them."

Sidney squeezed Silas's hand as they walked towards the elevator, the nurse pushing the chair. "I didn't name the girls yet. I wanted us to do that together."
Silas nodded and smiled tiredly up at Sidney. "I'd like that. We're still going with Megan and Maia, right?" Sidney nodded at his question and Silas returned it.

They went up the elevator and down the halls toward the NICU. They went through the decontamination process and put on the yellow sterile gowns and then were directed over to where the triplets were located. Alexander was asleep, but both girls were wide awake and screaming their little lungs out "They're so... loud and... wow." Silas said quietly as Sidney pushed him closer to their two newborn daughters.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"They have been feisty right from the start," Sidney said with a smile. "Little and loud. They like being held though so since Alexander is asleep we should each hold one of them. And maybe you should try feeding them if you want? They both have taken bottles and haven't needed a feeding tube. They just need to gain weight."

A nurse came over with a smile. "I see Daddy made it up today. Megan and Maia are both obviously awake and due for a feeding if you'd like to feed them. I can get their bottles ready for you and then help you get them out."
Silas looked at his two daughters and then down at his swollen chest, "I think I'd like to try it... I... Maybe it'll be a different experience for me." He said, looking up at Sidney, and then over at the confused nurse "Breast feeding them... I don't know if I'll like it, so get bottles ready for them anyway... but I would still like to hold at least one of them now."

The nurse nodded and smiled, carefully extracting one of the tiny little girls from her warming bed, and then adjusted her into Silas' arms carefully - The newborn was still just labeled as "Baby A" on her bassinet. She had blonde hair. As opposed to "Baby B" who had brown hair - at least that would make it easier to identify them.

Silas looked down at the squirmy little infant in his arms and smiled softly, not even caring that a tear started trickling down his face "I think she looks more like your mom... This one should definitely be Megan." Silas said quietly, looking up at Sidney.

All the while, the nurse was pushing Silas' gown aside and then softly instructed him on how to properly feed Megan. Silas seemed not at all uncomfortable with it, actually a bit surprised and in awe of the little girl suckling contently at his nipple.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney sat down in the chair and took Maia and a bottle so he could feed her while Megan nursed. Silas seemed utterly content nursing her, cradling the tiny baby in his large arms. She was the size of his hand and she seemed so happy to be held by him. Maia took her bottle greedily, flailing her fists against Sidney's hands.

"I think Miss Maia wants what her sister has. She's nowhere near as calm," Sidney said softly, stroking his daughter's back with one finger.
Silas looked over at Sidney and frowned a bit "I could probably handle holding both of them... They are small enough and I have two nipples..." He said quietly, he wasn't entirely sure he could do both daughters at the same time but... It wasn't bad - the breast feeding - it hurt a little but, other than that it seemed like a natural thing for him.

"Maybe you can work on waking their older brother up, he too will need to eat eventually." Silas said, looking over at their sleeping son "He do that a lot? All of the pictures I have seen of him, he is usually sleeping or just... staring off into space - does he do anything?"

It was a weirdly phrased question, but nine years later and even if Silas completely screwed up a sentence while talking, Sidney always seemed to know what he was saying regardless. The nurse who was helping them, however, seemed really confused and looked as if she were about to yell at Silas for asking such a dumb question.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney smiled at that. "I think he knows that his sisters are going to be screaming for the attention. He's quiet but when he's being held or touch he reacts to you. I think we're going to be glad at least one of them is chill when we get home and don't have the nurses helping us out."

Sidney brought Maia over to Silas as well, trying to see if he could feed both at the same time. It took some adjusting, and some pillows, but both girls latched and were nursing at the same time after a few minutes. Maia calmed down as well, pressing her fist to Silas's chest as she suckled happily.

"Well they both seem to like that," Sidney said with a soft smile. He took out his phone and started to take a video of the babies nursing.
Silas groaned and stuck his tongue out at Sidney "Not exactly picture quality here, Sid." Silas grumbled, but still he was smiling as he looked down at his two little girls.

It had been a bit awkward trying to get both of them into the right position, but now that they were... well, it was just going to further prove that it seemed to just be a natural thing for Silas. He was so enraptured in the two girls that he didn't even register their son waking up and babbling noises to get some attention himself.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"Absolutely picture quality," Sidney said as he turned the phone to the warming bed where Alex was all alone now. All three of them were being kept together in the same bed. "And look who is awake now. Hi, Alex. You can eat when your sisters decide they're done with Adda. He should have plenty left for you."

Sidney put down the phone and very carefully took Alex out, bringing him over to Silas. "Here is our little boy. You did get to meet him already but I'm not sure if you really remember."
Silas shook his head slightly and looked at their son, and then at the two girls at his chest - Maia seemed done with her meal, just contently nuzzling and grizzling at Silas broad chest "I do not remember much of that day... It was all a rushed blur." Silas said quietly.

Maia burped and then scrunched up her face, only a few seconds after that and not only did a god awful scent fill the air, but Maia also started screaming her lungs out, startling Alexander and Megan both into a screaming match of their own. "Oh boy... I remember this!" Silas said loud enough over their three wailing children, while also trying to get the two girls to calm back down.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"We'll swap," Sidney said, trying to pick up Maia and hand off Alexander at the same time. The nurse came to the rescue, sweeping in to get Maia.

"I need to weigh her diaper," she said as she took her from Silas. "We need to keep track of how much comes out."

Sidney nodded and helped get Megan latched back on since she didn't seem to be finished yet. Alexander was still crying, little bleating wails until Sidney and Silas got him in place to try to nurse. He seemed shocked at first, his eyes opening wide at the unfamiliar nipple, but he cautiously started to suck.
After that incident, everything seemed to calm down completely. Maia was snuggling up against Sidney's chest, alternatively chewing on his shirt and her fist. Silas was still holding Megan and Alexander, although they had both finally stopped feeding as well, having eaten much more than Maia. They did their business, the nurse weighed that as well, and things were all smooth.

Now, as Silas sat there, holding two of their three children, his head slowly starting to drop to the side and intermittent snores leaving him. He would snort awake again, causing Megan and Alexander who had also been falling asleep, to startle as well. The nurse came over "I think it's time that everyone go and get some sleep. Here, let me help you get them back into bed."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Sidney helped get them into bed, the three of them cuddled together in the warming bed. Maia went in the middle since she was the smallest and they all fell asleep rather quickly. Silas was drifting off again, and Sidney helped him with his gown.

"Should we come up when it's time for them to eat again?"

The nurse shook her head. "We will supplement with the donated milk. We definitely want them to breastfeed if they can but right now they need to eat very frequently. Mr. Flint needs to recover himself and trying to keep up with their feeding schedule will just set back his recovery."

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