Werewolf Mpreg Town (open to everyone)

Luca notices that Eric needs a minute so he fills him a glass of water and heads to the kitchen to get Dustin and Jason's meals. He comes back out with the plates on his arms and a pitcher of tea in his hand and walks over to their booth and sets the steaks in front of the two. He refills both their teas. As he is doing this he couldnt help but keep stealing glances at Dustin. He had wanted to ask him out since they met in class once. "Enjoy guys" he says, as he is about to walk away he stops and looks at Dustin, "Hey would you want to go out sometime? "

While waiting on Luca to bring their food, Jason said, "Hold on, I thought you already had a date lined up for tonight, now you're wanting to ask out the fine bone I was checking out too?" He then gave Dustin a grin saying he was only half serious. Of course, soon after Luca came out with their meals and then asked Dustin out, rendering his point mute.

Jason frowned, but he did hope one way or another, Dustin found his alpha.

"Hey, I would just like a Cider today nothing special" Eric said to Luca looking kinda exhausted today.

"I have a date with a guy tonight to see if we are mates, but if it is another dead end I can come back tomorrow and we can set a day for a date", Dustin said to Luka sadly. He honestly felt horrible saying that to Luka but he didn't want to stand up that guy. The steaks we're delicious and he was now stuffed.

Luca smiled and said "Alright and Good luck on your date" he was a little dissapointed but he still had a chance but if not it was worth the shot. He quickly returned to Eric and poured him a Cider and refilled his water. He polished the bar, then went over and took away Dustins plates when he saw that he was finished and returned to restocking for the dinner service.

"Hey guys mind if i come over to you? “ Eric asked in the direction of Dustin, Luca and Jason. He felt like these guys would be nice to sit with and also two pregnant guys and an alpha just seemed right for him now

Luca looks over at Eric "Thats up to them I'm on the clock for another half hour" he said grinning slightly at the thought of finishing his day of work. He walked over to Eric "can I get you anything else? " he noticed that Eric seemed uncomfortable so so Luca figured he'd see if he could make him feel more welcomed.

"Well nothing to drink at least." He smiled shyly. Luca was right his type but he didn't knew if it was also backwards. "Is it oka when we would just.... talk a little?“

Luca gave Eric a warm smile and leaned on the bar to be at eye level with him. He admited to himself that the young omega was cute but he didnt feel right to flirt after just asking someone out so he keep the conversation friendly "Shure Ive got a bit of time to kill, Ive seen you on campus what's your major?" he asked his nose twitching at the sent of Eric's sweet aroma

"I am studying History. Medieval history is my specialty. I saw you there too. Whats your major? “Eric asked feeling more comfortable immediately after the Alpha talked to him

" Hey my younger brother is studying history there too. I'm studing to be in the medical field, Not shure what I want to branch of into though" Luca said as he relaxed into the conversaiton. Was Eric smelling better he thought? He continued to hold his composure.

"Haha I don't know what to do neither after College" Eric laughed. Nipping on his drink and looking to the Alpha over his glas. He really thought he was hot

Luca chuckled with Eric. "well what ever I endup doing, I just want to be able to provide for my future family" The Omega was adorable, Luca lost track of time and had to clock out for the day. "oh hold on a sec I need to punch out." He quicly went to the back and came back pouring himself a glass of wiskey and satdown next to Eric.

Nowhere to go today? “ Eric asked. "Not that i would mind. I mean you seem like a very great person." He smiled at Luca

"Nope" Luca replied as he sipped his drink. "And I dont like starting conversations and not finishing them" He said smileing agian

Eric smiled back nipping on his drink again. He felt his hormones being crazy in presence of the Alpha. "You mentioned that you wanted to start a family sometime. How do you imagine that? “

Luca shruged, looking down as he swirled his drink in his hand. "Nice house with a loveing mate and plenty of kids" He grinned at the idea and closed his eyes leting out a content sigh befor opening them and turning to Eric. "what about you? You ever think about a family when your not studieing?

"Actually yes. And to be honest my imaginations are quite the same.." He loved the idea of carrying this Alphas pups more and more

Luca smiled and sipped his drink. "I guess that what everyone wants." He spent some more time driking and chatting before he looked at the clock. "Shoot ive got class in an hour. I hope to see ya around" he said to Eric Before grabbing his jacket.

Just as Luka was getting ready to leave, Dustin gets a text from the guy he was supposed to meet saying he accidentally found his mate and can't do the date anymore. He gets up and walks over to Luka. "Just got a text from the guy canceling the date we had tonight, so are you free tonight or tomorrow Luka", Dustin says smiling

((I can see that Luka ends up being the alpha mate for both Dustin and Eric))

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