O The wolf in me (open but please read description in rp)

Shadow groans with relief and goes limp in the nest "Is...is it over? Am I done...?" He whimpers.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter set the pup down and went to his mates side stroking his cheek gently “You’re done, rest now” he said softly

"...can you check? Just to be sure..." Shadow asks softly, still shaking a bit.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter kissed his head softly and put his ear to his mates belly gently pushing on it with his fingers too “I don’t hear anything” he said softly

"R-Really?...it's finally over?" Shadow whimpers and tears up with relief "Finally..." He smiles tiredly and almost instantly falls asleep.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter smiled gently and pulled him in his arms gently

(So with the new pair did you want to do alpha and healer? Or something else? And if you do which would you like to be?)

(Alpha and healer sounds fun, can I be the healer?)

Shadow smiles and curls up in Hunter's arms.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Of course :) )

Name: River
Age: 20
He’s the alpha of the mountain wolves
Looks: (Human) Medium height but built strongly, black hair and bright blue eyes, tanned skin. (Wolf) Black with white socks and snout.

River growled a little heading to the healers limping slightly as they had just been in a fight with another pack and he had a deep cut down his leg. He made sure that all the others injured in the fight were seen to first, waiting outside the healers cave patiently

(Are they already a couple?)

Name: Cinder
Age: 22
He is one of the only remaining healers of the mountain wolves pack
Looks: (Human) tall and thin but stronger than he looks, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes with a medium toned tan. (Wolf) reddish blonde fur with cream colored eyebrow like markings over his eyes, cream tail tip, and cream front paws.

Cinder exits the healer's cave and sees River limping over "Hey, let's get that leg taken care of. Follow me, okay?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Maybe, or they could be childhood friends who suddenly have feelings for each other? But either way I don’t mind)

River nodded and followed him inside “Thanks Cinder” he said softly

(They could be both, maybe they haven't been a couple for very long)

"No problem, I hate seeing you in pain" Cinder says as he brings River to the back of the cave where he usually treats his patients.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Yeah, okay)

River smiled gently and sat down “It’s not that bad” he laughed lightly holding his paw up for Cinder to inspect “I mean, it’s not like that time I had the cut along my side and I was so out of it because of blood loss” he chuckled

"That's good, the damage doesn't look too severe so I think it just needs to be cleaned out and bandaged so it doesn't get infected" Cinder says as he uses a wet scrap of cloth to clean the wound before wrapping some long strands of cloth around River's leg.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

River winced a little at the stinging pain while it was cleaned “Thank you” he smiled gently at the other man “Do you want to meet me in the forest at the bottom of the mountains tonight?” He asked quietly and grinned cheekily at the other man

"I'd love to, if your leg can handle walking that far" Cinder smirks back at him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

River laughed lightly “For you, I’ll get through it” he winked lightly at him and hopped up “I better go, I’ll see you tonight, normal place and time yeah?” He smiled

"Yep, I'll be there" Cinder smiles "See you tonight"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

River smiled brightly before going to hunt some kill for the pack with the hunting wolves. Later that night he sat near the tree waiting patiently for Cinder

Cinder shows up a few minutes late "Sorry for keeping you waiting" He says as he limps over to River.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

River frowned going to him quickly “What happened? Why are you hurt?” He asked reaching out to touch him before pulling back worriedly

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