C A change of life (close with justpush)

Edmund Radford had just inherited his family's land and titles after his father passed due to a heart sickness six months ago. He had no time to grieve his loss for as a new Lord, his mother and younger siblings expected him to find a husband and have his own heir.

He was a very sought after man during the season, fue to his position, wealth and looks. Mothers would introduce their daughters or carrier sons to himĀ  hoping he would fancy them and make a proposal. He danced with many young girls and boys, yet in the end it was his mother who actually made the final choice and a young well educated carrier man was chosen for him and become Lord of Haynes Park.

He was dressed in his best garments as he waited for his bethrothed at the altar to seal their marriage. He was a tall man with a lithe figure. He had raven black hair and piercing gray eyes. He was a man of few words, yet very methodical and determined once his mind was set on something.

Charles Cadogan was the apple of his parents' eye from childhood. He was given the best of everything, and his education was handled by the best of the best. Everything changed when a doctor diagnosed him with a uterus. He was twelve years old at the time.

Now, at eighteen, he stood with his father at the entrance of the church. Dressed in a beautiful wedding gown, he felt a little nervous. He was to be a wife and mother. He didn't know if he could handle such a role. His mother had spent the last few years focusing on making sure Charles could get around, knew how to embroider patterns on handkerchiefs and play the piano. He was supposed to be good at everything, something wife would not be ashamed of.

And his future husband... They talked for maybe five minutes. And now they were about to be married. As the organ began to play, Charles and his father started walking down the aisle. The young man's dress looked lovely on him.

Edmund didn't knew that he was expexting once the music began to play and his wife to be entered the church. Perhaps he had waited for Charles to wear a tux like him. Yet as he saw his bethroed in that dress he was flored. The dress brought out the lines of his figure special to men like him: the wide hips and curved waist.

Lord Cadogan hand him the hand of his to be wife and made a warning to him below his breath. If he was not mistaken Charles was the only son, and now he was becomimg his wife and taking his last name.

"You look handsome....pretty?" he said unsure of what Charlie prefered to be refieres as, if my masculine or femenine terms.

Charles looked at him a little embarrassed. He took his hand lightly when the two of them were already standing in front of the altar. Many guests had come to their wedding. After all, their families were truly the most distinguished.

"Thank you..." He replied shyly, and then they stood in front of the priest. Charles felt a little shy in this outfit. His mother had been pushing him to wear the gown. She wanted to show in front of so many people how pretty her son was.

The priest stood in front of the couple and then looked at the arriving guests.
"We are gathered here to unite with the holy knot of marriage Charles Cadogan and Edmund Radford," he said.

"Im not sure what you like... How should I talk to you?" he asked taking his hand and noticed how soft it was.

As the priest read the words, he took both hands in his. He was nervous. He didn't knew Charles and yet was meant to make a bow before God and people to love him till death due them apart.

" Edmund, do you take Charles as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, in fortune and poverty? Till death due you apart?"

Edmund looked down to his intended. His heart was racing "I do" he said

Charles felt that he did not have much time, since the priest was next to him. Therefore, he quietly whispered just a few words to him in response.
"Decide for yourself, Lord," he said submissively.

When it was Charles' turn to speak, he felt a mild distress. His cheeks flushed pink as all attention was now directed at him.

"Charles, do you take Edmund as your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, in fortune and poverty? Till death due you apart?"

With a slight trembling voice, he nodded slightly.

Edmund was not expecting for Charles to just let him decide. Yet he was concius this was not the best time to be having this conversation.

He noticed him struggle to answer. He didnt blame him. He was too nervous and unsure of all of this. Yet he followed what was expected and needed of him and slid a gold ring on Charles' finger once he said 'yes'

"By the power invested in me. I pronounce you man and wife. You May kiss the bride nos Lord Radford" said the priest.

Edmund flushed red. He barely knew the man before him and their first kiss ever would be seen by a church full of family and friends. Gently he moved the veil and saw his bride clearly for the first time. "can I?" he asked in a whisper. It felt like the proper thing to do. To at least ask Charles if he was okay with a kiss like that. He might be a stranger but now he had to protect him and for Edmund that also meant to respect him, even in the smallest things.

Charles quietly nodded his head, then closed his eyelids slightly. He knew that next would only be more responsible. He and Edmund will have to beget an heir. It doesn't always work out right away, so it could probably take them several attempts.

Their lips joined in a gentle kiss that lasted only a few seconds. Too much confidentiality was not well appreciated. Intimacy happened in the bedroom.

A slight applause sounded at their kiss in the church. Charles caught his husband's arm and they slowly began walking toward the exit.

"How should I address you now?" he asked in a whisper as they walked toward the carriage that would take them to the Radford estate, where the grand ball was to be held.

The kiss was tense but not bad. At least he thought it wasnt as bad as he would have imagined it to be. He even got to enjoy how delicate and soft Charles' lips felt agaisnt his own.

He gave his bride a nervous smile. Realizing Charles was the only one who could know how difficult and scary all of this was. He was much younger. Carrier boys needed to marry off young to have varius years of childbearing while young and healthy. Edmund wasnt a old man, but was the senior of the new couple.

"Edmund is fine, if we are now spouses a more closer manner of adresssing each other can only help." he said as he helped the younger man into the carriage "what about you? What makes you feel comfortable? You told me to decide, yet, I need you to be if not happy, but at least comfortable in this marriage too" he pointed out " Its only us now, some how all my life and my family's feautre is in your hands. Least I can do is... Make this as easy for you as I can"

Charles when they were in the carriage just the two of them became a little more confident. They were already married. It was as if he was now under the care of his husband, not his parents. He looked at him with a small, uncertain smile.

"My childhood caregiver used to call me Charlie.... But if you prefer it Charles would also be better. The caregiver was from overseas and probably couldn't quite tell the difference," he chimed in slightly, but then fell silent. He should probably be the quiet link in the marriage.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said so much," he replied shyly, and then adjusted the lace on his dress slightly. He felt the corset squeeze his virgin breasts and chest. He could also feel the underwear from his mother pressing uncomfortably into his body. On the one hand, he wished the wedding night had already arrived.

His gray eyes softened. He was shy but Charles seemed even more shy than him. "I like Charlie, shows enderament. I know you dont know me, but I will try to be a good husband to you" he said softly. "you dont have to be sorry for talking. I prefer if you do so. Im... Not good with people myself" he said with a gentle smile.

"wouos you like to change once we arrive?" he asked noticing how uncomfortable he looked.

Charles smiled gently and then caught his hands, placing them on his stomach. Somehow the atmosphere in the coach was more intimate than he thought.
"I should stay in this dress.... We have to listen to the congratulations at the banquet, and then we'll dance and.... There will be a wedding night," he whispered with a blush, and then began to play with his fingers tentatively.

"Was my kiss good?" he burnt out suddenly after a long pause and looked at him expectantly

Edmund raised a eyebrow delighted to see Charlie setting for himself what they wouold do and what would happen. He liked that he found. He nodded and blushed at the mention of the wedding night "are you okay with... Everything of that? I can wait of you would prefer to skip the wedding night, tonight" he offered.

He smiled with a feeling of shared intimacy "yes it was good. I liked it. It was sweet" he said and gently took his hand and kissed it in a silent sign of respect for him. "Im scared about all this, but I also feel lucky to have such a comprehensive wife"

Charles felt his heart beat faster when Edmund kissed his hand so tenderly. It was so different than usual. He looked into his eyes with a small flash of curiosity and innocence.

"It's our duty... I hope my inexperienced side of intimacy doesn't bother you," he replied with kindness. He did not take his gaze off him. They lasted like that for a long time, looking into each other's eyes.

"Could you be gentle today? I... I, for the first time, will show up naked and I'm a little stressed," he explained

"It wont brother me. Does ir brothers you I on the other hand do have some experience?" he asked being honest.

He smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "I'll be gentle and do all I can for you to not be nervous. Hopefully find your own... Pleasure to it" he whispered the last words as they were too intimate and as they arrived he helped him get down of the carriage.

The servants were waiting for their lord and new wife to receive them. "Careful" he warned as he guided him up the stairs of the mannor so he wouldnt trip on his dress.

Family and friends were already in the banquet hall and they cheered for them as they arrived. "I believe youd ay we must dance?" he asked gently.

Charles looked at the room in the mansion of his new home with delight. The decoration of the room was of a high standard. However, the delight had to fade into the background. The new Mrs. Radford looked at Edmund with a small nod.
"I think two dances will be enough for them," he whispered, smiling slightly, , as they walked gracefully down the stairs.

Charles' mother and Edmund's mother, meanwhile, stood side by side with satisfied smiles.
"Your Majesty has written to me to congratulate me..." whispered Dorothea Cadogan "He has stated that Charles and Edmund are the diamonds of this matrimonial season and is delighted with the fact of their nuptials."

The Radfords were well off and the estate and list of guests were a testament to it. Edmund guided his wife down to the floor to have their first dance. The younger man seemed to become Ethereal inder the light in the room. Two dances... Did that meant Charles wanted to get it all done with quickly?

Althea Radford smiled to her now son's mother in law. "I know. Its no surprise, they're handsome and the matrimony of any carrier boy is always such a blessing. I know your son's temperament will be a better match for Edmund than a woman's. I also left them a fertility potion in their new chambers. We need a heir Dorothea... We so badly need some good news after so much death in our family "

According to etiquette, during the dance, the partners' gaze should not drop. Charles looked into his husband's eyes with gentleness and such an irreverent smile. Did he want to settle this quickly? Fact, but he just wanted to take off those uncomfortable clothes and underwear.

Dorothea looked at Althea with a smile, clapping slightly at the sight of the dancing bride and groom.
"Of course... The heir is an important part of this marriage. I had a conversation with Charles on this subject.... Besides, I can assure you in writing that our private doctor confirms that Charles is in perfect shape to get pregnant."

Edmund's eyes never left his bride's he made him twirl and they danced to the rythm of the musians. Giving the impression they had dsnced together many times before even if it was their first time. "I meant what I said in the carriage Charlie" he reminded the young man.

"Im glad to hear that. I know it will take a few months, but we cant wait more than that. Also be assured Charles will have a personal doctor to look after him to aid in the conception of needed and pregnancy and birth of course. He will have the best medical attention for every pregnancy "Althea assured as pregnant men had different needs that women. Yet they could also perish as women during child birth, but Althea wouldnt let that happen to her new son in law.

Charles's cheeks turned slightly pink at his husband's words. His hands rested firmly on his shoulder and hip as they danced to the rhythm of a violin quartet.
"I trust you..." he replied with a small smile, and at the very end of the dance, he gently hugged his husband's neck, who turned with him around his axis.

Dorothea smiled gently. She started clapping when the bride and groom finished their first dance.
"I trust you, Althea... I also trust that you will take care of my son and allow me to also be there for him in difficult moments. Guide him in these intimate moments. Pregnancy will probably be something new for him and we need to control his hormones and feelings. I believe that Edmund would also ensure his safety if there was an heir on the way..."

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