Mpreg Demon

They both scream and cum as they feel more cum fill them, so they pull off of then collapsed off to each side of Kage. "We love you Kage." They says and snuggles up into him.

Kage smiled. "I love you too. Now, who wants to see our children?" He asked.

They both smile and said "We do." They then give Kage a kiss on the cheek.

Kage smiled as he opened a portal up, hovering them through it. Immediately, they noticed the home is giant like a castle. Thousands of children ran around, playing, reading or just sitting and eating. They all noticed Adam and Damian and they all ran towards them and hugged them. "Papa!" They all said.

Adam and Damian beam at all the children and starts to play and hug all of them. "thank you Kage." Adam says and gives him a kiss.

Kage smiled. "Papa! Can we rub your belly?" The children asked Adam and Damian.

Adam and Damian smiles and nods to them as the little hands rub their bellies.

Their children loved to rub and nuzzle Adam's and Damian's bellies. As they did, their bellies grew large as well as Adam's butt and Damian's breasts. "How are you enjoying it here?" Kage asked.

"I'm loving it here." Damian says with a slight moan then Adam nods in agreement "Yeah it is amazing."

Kage smiled. "That's good to here. But we must leave soon, I'm afraid. My world will make our children strong but it'll continually drain your energy. Overtime, when we come visit again, you'll gain an immunity." He explained.

They gave a small pout at having to leave but they knew they would be back to they gave a hug and kiss to the kids and they each gave a kiss to Kage in thanks.

Kage smiled as he returned the kissed. A portal opened and went back to the dorm. "Now then, I have a job for you two." He stated

They look up at him and Adam asks, "What do you need us to do?"

Kage grinned. "I want you two to bring a couple men into the dorm. As many as you can grab. I have something fun I want to do with them." He stated.

They nod, smile and give a kiss to Kage as they waddle out the door. A few minutes later they had about half the campus following them around. "This enough?" Damian asks as they make themselves comfortable on the bed.

Kage grinned. "Perfect." He said as the first man came up to him and started to kiss him. As the locked lips, Kage unhinged his jaw and swallowed the man. He ate the man and grinned as he rubbed his belly as the other men continued the process. Eventually, Kage's belly pushed against Adam and Damian as they were being crushed by his large belly.

They moaned as they rub up against his belly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm turning them all into babies. Demon babies to be precise. Right now, I'm converting them in my womb. Come here so I can wash it all down." Kage asked.

They moved over to him and started to kiss him.

Kage smiled at their kisses. He soon started to fall asleep as over 700 men moved in his belly.

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