Mpreg Demon

Adam and Damian screams as they cum hard all over themselves and a little bit on Kage as multiple Kage's fill their wombs and start rubbing their walls or jerking off inside of them.

Kage and the clones smiled as they jerked off. Their wombs started to fill up as the children entered their wombs. "I have a request for you two. Go to the most populated place in this school."

Adam and Damian both nod their heads and slowly start to make their way to the courtyard outside the cafeteria. Almost half the school was there when they waddled in dragging their belly's across the ground.

Kage grinned as he started to cast some magic. Suddenly, every student turned into balls of light and went into their wombs. Kage moaned as his belly expanded inside both Adam and Damian.

The two very pregnant males moan and grow hard as their wombs are filled even further. Then the bell rings signaling that it has become 12:00 and more people started filling into the courtyard.

Kage smiled as he continued his magic, sucking more people in. Their bellies grew larger and larger until they filled up dozens of districts.

They scream and moan in pleasure as they cum again and again. "Oh kage. What now?" They pant as they finally stop growing.

Kage smiled before he teleported to his dimension. "Push me out."

They both screamed and moaned as they pushed and the Kage copies start being pushed out of their asses and bellies and a couple were pushed from their dicks. "Oh god Kage." Adam screams in pleasure and Damian is on the edge of passing out from all of the pleasure.

Kage smiled as he left both his partners. He smiled as the copies started to wiggle their bellies in both Adam and Damian.

Adam screams louder and starts pushing 4-5 kage's out at a time as Damian passes out but still moans, wiggles, and pushes in him unconscious state. "Oh Kage I love you please, I do anything for you." Adam moans as another couple kage's are pushed out.

Kage smiled as his clones were pushed out. They merged together again and Kage's belly was absolutely enormous. "Anything? I can do anything?" He asked.

"Yes yes anything, just please give me more!" Adam screams and he wiggles and writhes at the feeling of so many inside of him.

Kage grinned. "I want you to push the babies into my penis. I want to carry them. And I want to be pampered." He stated.

"Oh yes, Kage oh you will look so good with your balls so big. I'll pamper the both of you. Whatever you want just name it." Adam says looking at Kage with passion then looks over at Damian whom is still passed out.

Kage smiled. "I want you both to do it. I want you to pamper me in every sense of the word." He stated.

"Yes Kage anything for you. But how are you gonna wake up this one?" Adam asks as he pokes Damian.

Kage grinned as he walked over, his massive belly and balls bouncing as he did. He shoved his giant cocky into Damian and started to pump into him.

Damian woke with a scream as he was suddenly full and looked back to see Kage pounding into him. "Oh god yes, i'm sorry for passing out Kage. oh so good." He moans and suddenly feels Adam rubbing up against him too.

Kage smiled. "It's alright. But, I want the babies, you and Adam are going to pamper me all the time to the birth."

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