C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

"Agreed. Hmm let's head over to the bathroom. You are right, this couldnt be too comfortable." With a quick shift of hands, Gil was holding Mitsuo bridal style. His cock slipped out of Mitsuo in the process and both groaned at the lost. Mitsuo seemed to have reflectively clenched his canal tight, for he moaned and his thighs squeezed tight, and there werent a rush of fluid coming out as would be expected when Gil withdrew. In steady steps, Gil carried Mitsuo who was laying in his arms to the bathroom, his belly bumping into his stomach as they movrd.

Mitsuo bit his lip when he was shifted in Gil's arms, feeling him slide out. He clenched himself tight, not wanting to make a mess all the way to the bathroom....but feeling Gil's cum inside him felt so strange. He put an arm around Gil's shoulders, his other hand slowly rubbing his belly. He felt the babies moving, kicking, making his belly shift slightly. "Mmmh...Lemme use the toilet while you start a bath. The tub is big enough for us both." He said, giving him a small smile.

Gil nodded and proceeded. The babies' kicks would occassionally be hard ebough that it transmitted to Gil's stomach. It was fun feeling kicks. Gil put Mitsuo in front of the toilet, letting.him.slide down his arms carefully. He had misunderstood his need to fo to the toilet and let him stood there to urinate while he went to start the bath.

The kicks were still light, but seeing the babies shift around each other did cause visible changes in the shape of his belly. He wobbled a bit as he was set down, giving a small chuckle when he was set facing the toilet. He opened the lid and moved to sit down, finally relaxing himself to let the rest of Gil's cum slip out of him. "Sorry....didn't want it to come out in the bath." He chuckled, blushing slightly.

"OH! right... haha sorry about that." Gil turned around and said. The belly between Mitsuo's legs looked massive, probably because it was propped up on his thighs. He hesitated before asking. "If this is too private, you could just ignore it... .though, do you, erm, do you stand or sit to pee?" He asked as curiosity rose. He eyed between his legs, Mitsuo's belly was blocking whatever possibility he had to take a glimpse, and somehwo Gil got embarrassed himself. "Right. Sorry i shouldn't have asked. Just pretned you never heard about that."

Mitsuo had one hand resting on top of his belly, gently rubbing the spot as he watched Gil. He smiled and shook his head, "honest mistake." He muttered, giving a dismissive wave with his other hand. He paused when Gil questioned him about how he urinated, blushing slightly. "Ah, I pee standing...my bladder is connected to my male anatomy. Umm...my clit is actually part of my dick...sort of a weird offshoot." He shrugged. "And I guess it'll be easier to pee sitting for now...can't aim with this in the way." He laughed, rubbing the sides of his belly.

He hadn't noticed yet, but his condition was starting to affect his appearance. While he had always had soft features, his jaw was always defined, as was his brow. But the hormonal changes were starting to soften those features. Even his voice seemed just a bit softer.

Gil knelt down between mituo's widespread legs, palming the belly that looked even rounder now. He then kissed it gently, and somehow the light touch stirred movements from within. Gil then leaned his head on the globe and smiled listening to Mitsuo talk. The transmission of sound was peculiar, like hearing someone talk underwater. He nuzzled his face along the belly and somehow was finding ti quite an amazing feeling. He almost asked Mitsuo to push, he wnated to know how it would be like if he had been birthing, but he bit back the request. He would be asking for that when it was the real deal, he was sure.

Looking up, he admired Mitsuo's face and thought it glowed somehow. Looked not exactly feminine, but more loving. Gentle. A motherly glow indeed. He was once again infatuated by the unique man.

Mitsuo tilted his head gently, watching Gil move between his legs to kneel. He couldn't help the warm smile when the man rested his head against his stomach. He wished he could hear what Gil could, the subtle beating of four tiny hearts along with his own. He gently brushed his fingers through Gil's hair, letting his eyes slide closed as he relaxed.

Though, the sound of the tub filling and the babies putting pressure on his bladder ended up making him pee a bit. Thankfully it was into the toilet under him, but he blushed a little, embarrassed by his own body. "Umm....well, at least it won't happen in the tub." He said, giving a small awkward laugh. I think it's full enough. The pair of us will make the water seem higher. And I shouldn't sit here long...don't want numb legs." He said, brushing Gil's hair idly as he spoke.

Gil could hear a slight hum, almost like the moan when Mitsuo had during one of the birthplays, when Mitsuo released his bladder. It somehow felt more intimate when the slight constrcit of his belly was felt first hand by his face, and Gil couldn't hide the triumphant smile to have his little wish coming true unexpectedly. He stood up with the smug smile still plastered on him and pulled Mitsuo up, holding him around his wiast and yanked him up. The shift in position seemed to have brought a new wave of pressure on his bladder as Mitsuo gasped and clutched his lower belly, though nothing really happened. Gil asked him with concern. "You alright?"

Mitsuo didn't realize what Gil's smile was about, but he let the man stand and pull him up. He gasped at the shift in weight, pressure put on his bladder, and thus his prostate. Not enough to get much of a reaction, but enough to send a jolt up his spine.

"I'm fine. Just the weight shift. Get in the tub and I'll sit on your lap." He said, giving him a cute smile.

Gil smiled and tugged Mitsuo close to him. "Is that supposed to be some kind of a reward, you sitting on my lap?" He asked and pressed a quick kiss on Mitsuo while getting into the tub. Gil got in first and held Mitsuo's arms while he gingerly got in, his hand holding his belly precariously. He looked very adorable to be so clearly unfamiliar with how to handle his bump.

Mitsuo chuckled softly at Gil's question, shrugging slightly. "Maybe." He said, smiling. He made a small pleased noise at the kiss. Letting the man sit in the tub before slowly following him. It felt so odd, having that heavy bump in his belly. Nothing like their birth play.

He slowly settled into the tub with Gil before laying back against him. "Mmmm." He purred, feeling the warm water relaxing his sore body. His bump sticking up above the water slightly, seeming to exaggerate it's size a little.

Gil hummed a litrle tone as he started lathering up Mitsuo, washing his body gently. He kneaded his shoulders and smiled hearing his content sigh. The soothing flavor of the soap and heat relaxed them both. "These 3... 4 babies.... they are gonna stretch you even bigger soon." As he spoke, he started cleaning Mitsuo's front, circling his breasts, not exactly touching on hi tits. It was obvious, even though thr growth was much dwarfed by his belly, that Mitsuo was developing breasts. They felt heavier, bulging even, and warm as they were growing quick.

Mitsuo closed his eyes and leaned his head forward as Gil started washing him, relaxing his shoulders as he massaged them as well. "mmm...haven't had someone wash me since I was very little. Its relaxing." He muttered softly. He looked down when the man mentioned his babies, looking down at the mound peeking up above the warm water. "Yeah...I'm gonna be huge. Four babies....wow...." He muttered softly, his voice full of wonder. He had spent so long pretending to get pregnant, but now that he was, it felt so different. He rubbed tight skin under the water. But he paused when Gil's hands moved to his chest, leaning back and giving a soft breathy moan. Feeling his growing breasts shift under Gil's hands, the flesh was soft, but the mammary glands within were firm, beginning to produce milk for his babies.

"Mmmh....I wonder. Will they be like me...with my unique anatomy?" He mused, splashing water over his belly.

"I guess so.... afterall they share your gene. 100% of it. Speaking of..... have you considered the possibility that, they, err, wouldnt be all, hmm, healthy?" Gil said uneasily. "Forgrt it. Pretend i didnt ask. That's too heavy for tonight. I just want to spoil you rotten, make all the worries go away first. This is our night. It's a night of celebration where the dream of both of us realised." Gil added, changing his mind. Of course he had imagined about this day, perhaps not with Mitsuo cloning himself, but having his boyfriend pregnant for real was always his dream.

Mitsuo looked thoughtful before nodding, "Yeah they probably will have this trait." He said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against Gil's shoulder. A small frown crossed his lips when the man pondered the health of his offspring, one hand moving protectively to his belly. "That's possible. But we can hope." He said, nodding slightly.

He smiled when Gil changed the subject, making an agreeing noise. "Yes. regardless of how it happened....it happened. And its amazing. Life, growing inside me. Their hearts beating with mine." He said, looking down at himself as he swirled his hands slowly around the swell of his stomach. "If I stayed absolutely still, I could probably feel them growing." He added, taking a slow breath and closing his eyes. "To think, I created them. I made people...real people..." He muttered, voice shaking a little. It was both exciting and terrifying.

Gil tilted his head to press on Mitsuo's, giving him his silent consolation. They would face that when that realy happened. It wasnt up to them anyway.

"Yes, you are thrir creator, you give them life and provided the place for them to grow, you nurtured them and supported them. It's, amazing. I dont know how to put it, but it's really, more than a miracle. And it's just the first month!" Gil also closed his eyes and placed his hands on Mitsuo's belly, feeling, like Mitsuo suggested, their growth. "How many of growth spurts? I cannot imagine how it would be for the next 3 momths..."

Gil leaning his head against his own really made him feel better. Knowing the man would be there for him, whatever the outcome...

Mitsuo gave a small laugh. "Yeah...I mean, without the serums I used, this could still happen....just at normal speed." He said, nibbling his lip. "I've just accelerated it." He added. He smiled when Gil put his hands on his belly, falling silent for a few moments. Until Gil asked a question. "Hm...I think I've had at least two. At least that I noticed. the one that let me know I was pregnant...and the one that happened when I called you." He nodded. "And if there are four in there, I guess I've got to be around five months growth." He said, nervously nibbling his lip. "I already look seven...even eight. I'm going to be huge." He said, sounding a bit worried.

Gil could understand Mitsuo's worry. Everything was happening so fast. One baby would be difficult to handle, let alone four at the same time. Even for normal pregnancies, quadruplets would be a huge burden on the bearer. Gil just linked their hands together and silently made his promise. "I would be here for you whatever happens. You would be fine. I would make sure of that." he said, determined. "Is this situation known to anyone? Like... will we be risking it if we let a doctor in and check on you?" He asked thinking of how Mitsuo's peculiar anatomy could be sparking unwanted interests in them, let alone the drug that Mitsuo had been using was fishy at best. "I have a feeling i would be doing a lot of reading and research in childbirth and delivery... I mean, more than what I have already gone through." he smiled. As a layman, he was quite confident to say he had abundnat knowledge in this field with hsi fetish.

Mitsuo sighed softly, looking down at himself. "My doctor knows about my anatomy....but she doesn't know about this." He said, frowning. "We should see her...make sure this is okay." He nodded. He spent the rest of the bath quietly relaxed against Gil. Letting the man wash him. After a rinse with the shower and cleanup in his room, he pulled Gil to bed with him. Enjoying the closeness and warmth of his body.

It took a couple weeks to get an appointment with his doctor. And by then, he'd had another growth spurt. He looked almost nine months now, and was feeling the strain on his body. He waddled into the office, knowing there wouldn't be any other patients. He and Gil were quickly ushered to an exam room before Dr. Benson would see them.

"I'm nervous." Muttered Mitsuo as he sat on the exam table. Both hands rubbing his swollen belly as the babies kicked and rolled.

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