Bound ( open to one other)

( looking for a dominant centaur. Please describe your character.)

It was busy in the breeders stalls, in the centaur trading grounds. Captured breeders were being led around, others in their stalls being bred at the very moment. Dominant centaurs ran the place, seeing most breeders, otherwise known as carriers, as just a means to their ends.

The greatest prize for the dominants though, we're the carriers that still roamed the lands, in all the beauty and grace they held.

There was one free carrier that was laying down beside a creek, far away from where the trading grounds were. He was washing a wound across his left hand leg, that he had gotten while escaping some trappers in search of more merchandise to add to the trading grounds.

This centaurs name was Rayne, and he was quite beautiful in his own right. His hair was as white as snow. And his features sharp and angled. His skin had no flaws, and it was a dark brown, from his African decent. His eyes, expressive with long eyelashes, were red and shined like rubies. His human torso was slim and he looked almost fragile, though he was anything but that.

His horse half was tan from the back, and faded to a dark brown as it went down his legs. Zebra stripes stretched across his coat, and his legs were long and powerful. His tail was braided halfway, and the rest flowed, tied by green ribbon to keep the braid bound.

He was a carrier of exotic status, only being nineteen. He was about five feet tall is his horse shouldes, and his human half gave him another four feet, making his height only fourteen feet, small for most centaurs.

He winced as he stood up, walking into the water and settling back down, returning to treating his wound. He had to clean it before it got infected.

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Last Post by orocroc33
08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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