C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

Chris isn't quite sure what happened after that, sure, he knew that he and Peter had sex, on the couch, but he didn't really remember anything afterward. They had ended up in the bed sometime afterward, Peter's body curled around his own when they awoke sometime the next day.

Peter stirred when Chris shifted beneath him, he whimpered quietly and turned his head then his body onto his other side with a groan, his stomach was full and he sighed heavily,"I don't wanna wake up yet."he whined lightly, eyes closing as his hand moved down to cup the bulge of his middle,"Lemme sleep..."he whimpered quietly, turning over and pressing his face into the pillow.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You can sleep." Chris gets up and heads into the kitchen to start on dinner. The infants were watching him from underneath the armchair nearest to the kitchen.

Peter curled back into a ball beneath the sheets silently, his hands buried beneath the pillow and belly free to extend all it needed as it shifted by itself. He came out when dinner was ready, found at the floor near the chair where his children were when Chris looked again. Still naked as he guided them up against his chest in his arms, assuming that they were hungry and being right as they latched onto the delicate skin around his nipple. He groaned, biting his lip but saying nothing more as he sat back against the chair leg.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

By the time Chris has his dinner on a plate both children had been fed and were slowly drifting to sleep. Chris had baked a few chicken fingers along with a few mixed vegetables.

The human watched as the infants sank against his heartbeat with comfortable purrs, he rubbed their backs gently and stroked where their thick heads of hair grew. He sighed quietly and his own eyes drifted shut after tending to them, though he noticed the smell of food drifting from the kitchen. Parker looked towards the archway and laid the two down in his lap,"Do I get any?"he asked Chris.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yes, do you want it in here or in there?" Chris called from the kitchen as he got Parker a glass of water as well.

"I'll eat it in here."he said as he moved against the couch more, gathering his children into his arms against his chest, looking down at their strange faces. Stroking their backs slowly as he sat down with them, whimpering lightly and nuzzling against his plump chest. Despite them hurting him so much, he loved them just as he did the ones he had to leave up in the ship.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris brought the plate and the glass of water into the living room, setting it down on the coffee table as he glanced at the creatures curreled against Parkers chest.

Parker barely realized that Chris was inside the living room again as he stood in front of him, though the smell of food dragged his attention away from them. The man looked towards the plate and water before laying the children down on his lap as he let them rest, small and lazy things despite having a strange level of intellect. He reached for the plate and took the chicken tender, wiggling it slightly and squinting as he sniffed it, gagging lightly at the smell. "What is this?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It's chicken. It's the best we have at the moment." Chris then made his way back into the kitchen to eat.

Parker frowned for a moment at the food and placed the plate down on the rug, he stroked his childrens fur lined bellies fondly,"I'll find food." He murmured to them, though they still drink milk he would need to eat as well to continue feeding them, his hands scratched gently at their soft heads. The children more like little shadows than anything, he smiled softly at them and moved them to lay them beneath the arm chair where they had made their dwelling space. Peter took the plate and stood up, walking into the kitchen to place it down on the counter,"I need something else." He didn't know what he needed, but surely if he left he would find out.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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