C Gang Escort (018Luxio and Lovebite)

Robbie shrugged as he looked down at the boy in his arms again,"I dunno."He replied,"I just thought that fathers usually want to keep their sons under their wing."He touched the baby's cheek with his knuckle, he smiled some more at his son,"I'll let you stay under me, I'll teach you the tools of the trade."He laughed softly in all playfulness, kissing his head and pulling him against his chest more, letting the baby latch onto his chest for a feeding.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He suckles hungrily, his tiny hands balled into fists against his father's chest. Nick watches them both for a few minutes before he goes to cleaning up the towels and everything.

Robbie looked entranced with his first son, he was quiet for a moment, then looked up towards Nick,"I think these two are all for now."He said, he wasn't hurting any more but it could change after a while,"Mind picking me up again, Nicky?"He asked, sitting up a bit more and collecting the baby boy in his arms more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Nick gets everything cleaned up before he comes to gather up Robbie and the newborn before carrying them into the bedroom and laying them back down on the bed with the girls. "Get some rest, I'll check on you soon."

Robbie nodded and thanked him softly as he was laid back down onto the bed, he looked at Nick curiously and laid down the baby boy next to their other newborn. "Where are you going? Don't you want to help me name them?"He asked curiously, letting his fingers run through the hair of the triplets before he kissed their heads,"Don't leave me with the bunch of one year olds to talk to. Your son may end up with the name Fluffy."He joked, smiling up at the bigger man.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I won't be gone long." Nick leaves the room then. He comes back nearly an hour later to find Robbie asleep. He sets the plate of food he had brought, Robbie's favorite, down on the bedside table before moving to shake Robbie softy. "Wake up sleepy head, it's time to eat."

Despite not wanting to, Robbie had fallen fast asleep along with the children crowding around him, looking like a proper brood mother. He groaned softly when he was shaken, opening his eyes groggily,"Food?"He processed what Nick had said, then turning his head to look at the plate of food,"Mm... Thanks."He said and reached to grab the plate, as a couple of the girls woke up and began climbing onto his lap.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Come on, I brought y'all something too" Nick takes a bowl of grapes that he had cut up and sat down on the bed with them.

The triplets squealed some and made their way over to the bowl of grapes to begin munching on them messily, Robbie watched and smiled slightly as he brought the meatball sub onto his belly to rest. "Thanks, Nicky."He said happily, looking at him and then down to his sub to take a bite out of it.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Nick nods as he watches the girls eat their grapes.

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