Minimalist RPG Concept (Open)
MPREG Fantasy online minimalist RPG game

(I'm not exactly sure where this goes, but I think here is the most appropiate spot).

The following is my idea for a minimalist mpreg-themed online rpg game. The game will done in Skype through chat. If you are interested, please contact me through the pm system on in this thread)


This system uses a hyper-minimalist die-rolling system. For a moderatlely hard action, a six sided die is rolled. If a character has is skilled in that area or the action is easy, the character rolls two (or more) dice and takes the highest roll. If a task is espeically difficult, the character rolls two (or more) dice, and takes the lowest roll. As die rolls are done by the DM.

The roll results are:

6 yes, and
5 yes
4 yes, but
3 no, but
2 no
1 no, and

Combat is slightly, but not much more, in depth. Characters have 3 states, normal, wounded, and severely wounded. A wounded character suffers a 1 die penalty to most actions, while a severely wounded character suffers a 2 die penalty. On combat roll, a 3 or 4 does nothing. A 5 increases the injury level of the target by one, and 6 by two levels. A 2 increases the injury level of the attacker by one (in melee), and a 1 increases the injury level by 2.

Instead of classes, characters have backgrounds. A background should correspond to a person who at the start of their careers, and not in a position of power. Examples of valid starting backgrounds would be low-level mages or clerics, thieves, younger sons of nobles, soldiers, bodyguards, sailors, low level officers (ensigns or lieutenants), prostitutes, merchants, servants, and the like. A starting character should not already be in a position of power or begin with a long history of adventuring. A character can be older, but should have a skill set akin to someone around 20 years old. Characters should also of humanoid size: a half-ogre, goblin, or halfling would work, but a giant or fairly would not.

Regarding magic, this is a medium-low magic setting. Spells are either once per day or at will, and are either "instant" or rituals that require hours to cast. A spell casting character can start with up to 5 spells. Overly powerful spells are balanced out by a chance of catastrophic failure: you can have an at-will instant fireball, but it will be as likely to explode on your character as the intended target.

//Setting, AKA, Fluff\\

The setting is generic medieval fantasy, and the starting area is majority (although not exclusively) human, with other common "human friendly" races present, such as dwarves, elves, halflings, and the occassional "civilized" goblin or half Orc. Humans, by default, have real-world biology, except for the occasional ability to use magic.

(In the following 2 paragraphs, capitalized words are technical terms in-universe.)

Most of the common magic of the world works through Cults dedicated to the "Powers," once mortal beings who have obtained semi-divinity. The Cults work not through divine intervention, but rather, the production, storage, and distribution of magical energy. Every Cult has several Monasteries filled with Monks and Nuns who preform rites which transfer magical energy to the Power, who in turn, distributes it to their High Priests, who distribute in turn distributes it to the Priests and Clerics. A Priest is the contact point between the laity and the Cult, collecting alms and giving low-level blessings, while a Cleric is a warrior-mage in service of a given power.

Cultic Magic is often contrasted with Wizardly Magic. While Cultic Magic is mediated through a Power, Wizardly Magic is innate to the spell caster, and most humanoids lack any natural magical ability. Some wizards attended schools or apprenticed under other wizards, others have self-cultivated their magical powers. Cultic Magic tends to focus on healing and/or blessings, while Wizardly magic tends toward combat, deception, and the like.

Cults generally have a code of conduct for their members and clergy. However, the Cults are rarely sectarian or excessively prudish. However, one Power will on occassion have a disagreement with another, creating a feud between cults. Often, two different Cults will have similar focus and rules of conduct, not unlike two competing stores will be quite similar to each other. However, there is not a natural competition between the cults, and most Powers cooperate with each other against darker forces.

Male pregnancy does not occur naturally. However, many cults are quite willing to help with any fertility issue, and pregnant males are not unheard of.
*More Background Material*

The Cults are viewed as being outside of theology proper. While the Powers are aware of beings greater than themselves these "Greater Ones" rarely concern themselves with the affairs of mortals. Most of the Powers acknowledge some beings, titled the Creators, made the world in immemorial antiquity, and may have even at one time interacted with mortals, but these beings have long since left the world. Perhaps, one day, the Creators will again take notice of the world, but such a day may be tens of thousands of years in the future, or it may not come at all. Regarding the afterlife, most people believe in reincarnation, and ensuring an honorable rebirth for the recently departed is one of the Cults' main focuses.

The Powers typically avoid becoming secular rulers, as those Powers who strove to become kings often met a violent end, either through rebellion or at the hands of mortal kings who formed great alliances against them. Many of the Powers successfully reigned for centuries or millenia, but that is a brief period for an immortal being. The Powers typically aim for good relations with the mortal ruling authorities, and treat any sovereign prince as their equal in dignity. Likewise, the Powers rarely support rebellions, even against wicked kings, as they view tyranny as better than civil war and anarchy. They declare that governance of mortals is the domain of mortals, and have more important tasks ruling and judging.

The other major class of active super-beings are the Demon Lords, who are served by lesser demons, such as imps, succubi, nymphs, and the like. Although the Demon Lords are not evil per say, they are above human morality. Like the Powers, the Demon Lords rarely attempt to establish political dominions over man. However, they will occassionally mortals as their servants. Little is known about the Demon Lords, and they often multiple identities to hide their true nature. The Powers report that the Demon Lords seem to be even more ancient then themselves, possibly even predating the mortal races.

*Character Limitations*

The player characters' race and background can be more or less anything, with-in reason. Obviously, the character needs to be 18+ (or equivalent). Likewise, the extend of a character's skill set, fame, and power should correspond to a first level D&D character for playability reasons. If a character is too high ranking or too notable, it can be difficult to plausibly get that character into the party. Additionally, the character should be humanoid size or close to it: a character who is too tall to enter buildings severely limits roleplaying possibilities.

For aristocratic character backgrounds, being a younger child of the lesser noble will place the character safely inside upper classes without making the character too famous to be playable. Any "D&D" race would work, as would any furry for a player race, however, unusual races will attract attention. The attention won't necessarily be bad, but a minotaur or cat-person would have great difficulty blending into a crowd. A player character can be any age, but life experience shouldn't be used as excuse to make an over-powering skill-set, which would make the rest of the party relatively underpowered.

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