Open Spell Mishap (open)
Seth listened to what Josh was saying all of the ideas seemed good. Nodding he liked all of the ideas before making up his mind and answering "The second one sounds good". Leaning farther back against his arms and closed his eyes he was sleepy but he wasn't trying to fall asleep. "But what if we both do?",Seth asked after awhile of thinking about it.
"if we both do and have enough time to get ourselves cleaned up then we can still do the show. of us should remain pregnant for the show?" Josh said, the gears in his head turning. "Think about it....when has a magician act ever had a actually pregnant man before? I could stand it if I don't go into the labor first, so that way you don't have to be the one to do it"
Seth ran his hand through his hair. "One of should stay pregnant", he said after thinking about it for awhile. He does think about it he had never seen many pregnant magicians neither male or female. "That is true there isn't any. OK ",Seth said.
"I'm actually quite liking this." Josh said as he got up. "I'll search for a way to help you go into labor or to just transfer the kits out of you if that's alright?"

Despite the weight an the fact this was a mistake, he actually liked it. Sure his slender form was nice but he got to know what carrying a life felt like. It was a rather nice warm and full feeling.
Seth pushed himself forward and so he was sitting a bit. Pushing himself to his feet he would probably get used to it but was not comfortable. "It is alright either one works though",Seth said once he was on his feet.

Rubbing his lower when he was standing up since it was sore. It was helping some what he stopped after awhile since it did stop. He rubbed his stomach when felt the kits move.
Searching through the book for an hour, he found a spell to use to transfer things form one place to another. While not quite made for this, he figured it was worth a shot. He had told Seth to be ready to cast a cancel spell in cause something went wrong. Hopefully nothing would. Speaking the words as he put his hands on Seth's stomach, he hoped the young would merely be transfered into him with no problems. If it worked, Seth would've felt a little less weight in their stomach as it would be just one of the kits being transfered.
Seth waits for Josh to find the spell. He hoped that it would work if it would work at the moment since it couldn't be that bad if it didn't work. Nodding since he read the spell before and knew how to cast it he had done it a few times before. Seth started saying the words of the spell as well he did the same it would help with the weight.
The only thing the spell would do was remove the kits one by one from Seth, casting the spell on Josh would do nothing as it would just result in the young being transfered back and forth. So the only spell that Seth needed to worry about was the cancel spell if hte time came. When the spell ended, Josh felt a increased weight to his stomach and he changed his position.

"I think it worked!" Josh said happily as he felt another being added and his stomach pushing out.

Seth should feel the opposite, feeling lighter and less full as their stomach hopefully shrank.
Seth let his hand drop when the spell was done. He was glad that had worked when he felt the weight in his stomach decrease at least. Though the spell wouldn't last to long since it was made for objects not this but he could do this.

It felt weird but he knew when it stopped he would either have less or none left. " Yea it did",Seth said rubbing his head sighing in relief.
"Well that's really good." Josh said as his stomach grew more an more while Seth's stomach shrank.

Sadly Josh wasn't able to take on all the kits, he got half of the original amount so at least Seth was down to a more reasonable size. While Josh on the other was a good bit larger. Feeling the kits kick about they were no doubt shocked with their new environment. Hopefully they would stay in there until it was time to be born.

"Well, I guess all we can do now is go over our own separate acts and make sure everything in place, holler at me if you start to feel any weird pains. I'll do the same if it happens to me." Josh said.
Seth nods as his stomach continued to decrease until it finally stopped. Hs stomach looked like it was back to normal but he could still feel the remaining kits moving around.

Stretching again since now he could without it hurting him to much to do so. He went and picked up his shirt and put it back on but left his jacket off since it would just be uncomfortable. It was smaller now so he didn't have to worry about so many kits any more. "OK",he said since Josh would need help when he did and when it happened.
Using a spell to make his shirt more strechable so it could cover his stomach, Josh went back to reading his spell book. This was quiet nice. It was surprising how one could enjoy something like this. Maybe it was due to the fact it was caused by magic? Perhaps. Reading the transfer spell, he noticed that it actually did go to the next page. That was odd, it seemed to have stopped on that one page. Turning it, he was soon surprised. There was a warning to not use it on living creatures to move young about. It would still work but to what they were transfered to would end up like a portal. Allow other things in.

"Well...that's interesting..." Josh said with a hand on his stomach.

The time slowly passed as Josh praticed for the show tonight, other than a few small growth spurts he felt pretty fine.
Seth picked up his jacket off of his book again and puts it on his shoulder. So he could look at his book and see it better stretching. He was feeling better now that he wasn't carrying so much weight any more which he was glad about it. He was worried though he just remembered about it when he did it once it had freaked him out. Since something had come through since he had sent an item somewhere and had brought it back something else cams with it.

Seth rubbed his stomach feeling the remaining kits move again. He did decided to look for something to perform later on in the night.

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