A Debt Repaid (First Come, First Serve)

"It is, but it's no issue for me." The doors slid open as Lúcio stepped inside. "Feel free to pick what you like. I havea few errands to run right quick" he said as his phone buzzed right on cue.

Justin nods and looks at a few outfits he find two that accent his Native American bloodline and one that's great formal wear. He feels out of place as a few of the rich people give him a dirty look.

Lúcio stepped outside from the store, pressing the green button on his phone's screen.

"Hello" he simply said as the voice on the other line mumbled a bit. "This is Aratheusa, doctor. There seems to be a slight issue I need help taking care of that I hear you're now specializing in?"

He smiled as he glanced through the window, seeing Justin pick out a few things while also seemingly getting the glares of hell from other figures, though none of the latter mattered. Justin would be sure to live a different life if all went well. If it didn't, Lúcio would not kill him. So far, the other male had proven to be far better than some of his other dates so far. Some were too clingy and others were moochers. He offered Justin the notion so only time would tell.

"I need it ready by dinner if you can" he simply responded. "That's in about three hours

Justin waits for Lúcio by the door. he counted what money he did have it bothered him to not be able to give something back to his kind host after all the money the male is going to spend.

Lúcio stepped inside the shop again, smiling as he slid his phone into his back pocket.

"Have everything you want?" He stared over at some cologne. "I think you may like this scent." He asked the clerk for a sample of which she handed him the scented paper. He inhaled it a bit before handing it to Justin to see if it was something he preferred. If it was, he would add it to what was already being purchased.

Justin inhales the perfume interested by its sent. "It smells good, I can cover this one at the least. I don't want to mooch off you. I feel like your going pay for a lot as is."

"You sure?" Lúcio simply asked. It was the first time someone had volunteered to pay rather than leech off him a good while. Perhaps it was a right decision after all. "Very well then."

When they were finished up, Lúcio stepped outside, opening the door for the male once more. "We're going to a nice spot later on, but I wanted to take you to the penthouse first if that's alright."

Justin pauses then nods. "Ok." He slides into the seat. "So why are you taking me to your pent house?"

"Just taking us there to relax for night unless you want to head back to your home?" It really did not matter to Lúcio. "Or are you up for taking in some sights somewhere else?"

Justin blushes "I hate to sound ungrateful but I have some one depending on me at home. You can meet him if you want." He hopes Lúcio won't be mad or even worse get rid of his pet.

"Not at all. Just tell me where." He was not annoyed in the slightest. So far everything was going according to plan if Justin was aware of not. Lúcio by all accounts was no monster, but he was uncertain on how his potential bride would react if the truth was let out. He smiled warmly while hefting up a bottle of aged cerrano. "Want a little?"

Justin is surprised as he is offered the expensive drink "sure thanks." He tells lúcio the address. He lives in a small old home one of the few surviving small homes that remain in the city. The house itself and it's small yard are in good condition.


(I'm here, but it's Finals week, so I've been progressing some roleplays bit by bit. I will try to get to this as soon as possible.))


Lucio followed Justin's instructions or at least he relayed them to their driver. They had arrived at his house at last. The place looked relatively nice and cozy despite the current surroundings. It must have meant the male did whatever it took to keep the place maintained, which was a plus in the young mob boss's eyes.

"Well here we are."

Justin nods "thank you." He gets out of the limo. As justin steps out of the limo a smallish raccoon runs straight for the Native American. Justin doesn't seem to notice the creature as he steps away from the limo.

(Bump? Just don't want this forgotten like the others.)

(It's not forgotten...I'm literally tied up mostly this week with finals to where I'm literally limited to the phone and attempting to get around to it. If not I'm not going to post until the week is truly over with.)

(Ok I'm just over concerned sorry

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