The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Jeremy turned to Ryne, the sadness stamped on his face. "I may not be tough. Not smart. I may not be skilled or fast. I can not even be useful. But I do have a strong heart and a brave soul, and I swear, with my whole being, with every cell of my body, I will protect you, and the life that you are carrying. I will not abandon you until this war is over, until you are safe, or until I die. that's a promise. "

She nodded her head eagerly, giving Jeremy a smile of encouragement. His speeches were lovely. "I can scout ahead, with my ummm abilities", she pulled a gold feather from inside her cloak, the setting sun lighting it up, "I'm a good fighter too and a healer so if you need any help, I'm here for you and your babe" The man might need a healer in due time.

"Thank you, could you keep a look out for that damn elf". Koji asked her hoping she would have luck finding the spy's location. As he sat closer to Jeremy and served out the cooked meat to everyone.

Ryne nodded as he kept his hands on his belly. "Ohh!" He gasped in surprise.

Koji looked at Ryne concerned. "What's wrong?. Is the child alright?". He asked

(12-02-2014, 02:52 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne nodded as he kept his hands on his belly. "Ohh!" He gasped in surprise.

"Oh" Jeremy got up and ran to Ryne, to protect him. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm okay. The baby just kicked." Ryne explained.

"Oops. I think I overreacted, right?" Jeremy said when found that he had been surprised by anything. Then he returned to his seat next to Koji

"You can feel the baby if you'd like." Ryne suggested.

Aster simply smirked to himself. The werewolf was paranoid, which was good. The Phoekin would have no luck either. The first time he followed, he perhaps was a bit reckless in revealing his nature from above, but here he was with Nature and the gods of which his elements stemmed. Hiding his scent away was one thing, but as a professional hunter, his talents gave him the tactic of surprise. Tracking a being that tracks others was not going to be easy, especially if he had any part in it. When Koji sent his owl up, the werewolf had fallen prey to an act which would perhaps set the rest of their night in motion.

It was good he was paranoid, but acting hastily was quite the bad move. The note would give him no luck on what was said as the other elves read it. It was written in their language after all. When the owl would return, it would return with small spores riddled on its body and the gift of spores was that they would spread easily through the wind alone. These spores were harmless, but they would leave the travelling company in a sleepy state of which even if they had managed to find the now tree bark smelling elf, they would have trouble actually locating his previous scent which was now scattered around with leaves he acquired before. That was in part of him deciding to send the owl off blindly after his own messenger.

Now all that lied was waiting around. The elf merely nibbled on the soft bread he had slowly, patiently awaiting from the trees above near the waters of which Ryne had stepped into to wash off at. He was at a distance to watch them closely but not too far to lose track of them when the morning would arrive. They could get angry at him, not that he cared, but the effects would not have happened had someone not been a bit hasty in their annoyance, but that was the simplicity of their beings right? Creatures that simply brought shame to the graceful and cunning beings that were wolves.

Ryne looked up to the trees, his instincts helping him find the Light Elf. "You know hiding isn't going to work. You aren't very stealthy as you think you are. I know everything about every creature on Vangra." He stated.

"Not for you it seems" his voice trailed from behind them as the sound of bark peeling from the trees were heard. "You seem human, yet there's something else to you. Your appearance is young, yet you have the wisdom even greater than an elder dragon." he appeared beside the male quickly and swiftly in the blink of an eye as he inquired fully, no weapon drawn, but the elven blades clearly seen alongside his bow. "What are you and more importantly, what caused that?"

His hand pointed at the belly. Of course he heard the male's explanation of being impregnated by Yume-Rose, but now it seemed too implausible. His hand extended to an open palm, light seemingly resonating in the palm as he rushed forward, intending to see if the goddess indeed had "blessed." The elf was hoping to have conversed through dreams, but now they were trying things his way of wanting to draw him out.

Ryne sighed. "I thought Light Elves worshipped Yume the most? Very well. Give me your hand." He said.

"Then you'd understand why we doubt she'd give a task to a human..." His brought his hand over to the smaller male.

Ryne simply guided Aster's hand to his belly and pressed his hand against it. The moment Aster touched it, he felt an incredible power course through him, the same type of power that emanated from Yume's temples.

Koji nodded and touched the pregnant male's belly gently. He could feel the child's strong kicks and strength. "Thank you". He replied and removed his hand. He started to rub his sensitive nose due to the spores from the returning owl that had gotten spread around. He knew what they were and smirked. "So he wants to play that way does he?". He thought and threw a small amount of herbs to clear the air of the campsite and counter the spores to protect his companions. He noticed Ryne looking at the forest and talking to the elf. He snorted at the sight and kept his ears perked up in case the elf was stupid enough to try hurting their leader or the unborn child.

Jeremy walked to where Ryne and the Elf were, stopped next to Ryne and said an excited "hi" to the Elf. Although the Elf appeared to be a good person, Jeremy had promised to protect Ryne, then he would be on the side of Ryne until the journey ended and peace was restored

Koji followed him and stood beside Ryne's side. He nodded at the elf. He didn't like the elf touching Ryne's stomach. He didn't trust the elf and locked eyes with him. "That was a cheap and cowardly move trying to use that trick with spores do bad for you it didn't work." He growled softly revealing that he knew about the spores.

Aster clutched the belly a bit tightly and tenderly before letting go. The energy was too pure for him to just leave to anyone, the mangy beast included, but for now he would do so while he informed his higher up of what was really going on. He would keep his distance as much as possible from the thing lest it found itself between a rock and a hard place...literally.

"Well I wonder what idiot sent his owl into the trees after another where such a spore dwells. How certain are you even in knowing the herbs you had were effective or did you just poison everyone instead? Either way, you've failed at something else it seems." His smirk was hidden after the questions and insults because either way, the mutt had failed at his task. His hand picked up one of the herbs and watched as his powers blossomed it into wolfsbane and to Jeremy, he did not know how to react to his strange delightful pleasantries. "Do you pick up the first thing you see in the forest, damaging nature in every part of the way rather than asking for it? Your kind really make Riptors sound like they're more than warmongering troglodytes. Perhaps that's why you sided with them."

He threw a few seeds out into the ground, watching as they began to sprout herbs of which his "friend" had decided to use in an effort to counter what dwelled above. At any case, he could not leave Ryne near something with incapable hands could he? The Army probably couldn't care less, but the other Elves, especially the council, would more than likely banish him worse than the Dark Elves.

"I have some tasks to perform in light of this. Rest easy." His words were more towards everyone else but the werewolf. Could they even trust it's words? The tree branches twisted around, shifting into the form of a door. As he stepped through, his body vanished once he stepped through. He really hated crowds, especially if around a race he was not particularly fond of. He needed to update his information at a nearby fort. He did not leave them without having some way to keep progress however. Nature would keep him informed while he recovered from the Magic he did use among ensuring he was the one, Light Elf at least, picked to escort the pregnant male on his task.

"Unhand me Aster! The Imperial Army, nor the Light Elves can have me or my child!" Ryne yelled.

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