The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Shiloh Inagis

Out of all the people gathered before him he felt like he could trust the girl with them the most. She was like him so he felt more at home towards her.
" thank you... All of you, I probably would of been dead if you all hadn't came." he said a slight blush crossin his cheeks as he bowed his head and dropped the dagger from his dirt stained hands.
He still wasn't fully sure if he could trust these people but so far they seemed nice enouph..

~Help me I'm human~

Koji nodded at the male and started to look at the male's wounded shoulder. He tore the male's sleeve off so he could clean the wound. He cleaned the wound with a bit of water and started to generously smear a large amount of the herbal healing paste onto the wound to stop the bleeding. Also keep it from getting infected as well. Before using the torn sleeve to bandage the wound. "What's your name?". He asked as he locked eyes with the male. He could tell he wasn't with the dark legion or the Imperial Army.

Shiloh Inagis

He breathed out a sigh of relief as the pain in his shoulder ebbed away as the beards were appiled.
"Shiloh." he told Koji looking back into the others mans eyes only to blush again at his closeness to another person and darted his eyes away.
"T-thank you... For that." he said nodded to his woun now closed thanks to Koji.

~Help me I'm human~

"You're welcome, what were you doing out here in the first place?". Koji asked as he checked the male over for any other injuries.

Zahina came closer, giving Koji a nod of thanks. She laid a gentle hand on Shiloh's uninjured shoulder, rubbing it lightly. "So Shiloh? What are you doing all the way out here?" Actually she was surprised to one of her own at all. She hadn't seen on in such a long time.... she had started to give up hope for her race.

Koji nodded back at her and stepped away to get Shiloh space with Zahina. He was curious about the male and wanted to know how he got out to the forest.

(12-07-2014, 08:32 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji nodded back at her and stepped away to get Shiloh space with Zahina. He was curious about the male and wanted to know how he got out to the forest.

"You were amazing there" Jeremy whispered to Koji. "So brave, risking your own life to protect a strange. You are one of the best persons i ever knew"

Koji wagged his tail slightly. "Thank you, you very brave yourself". He whispered back.

Shiloh Inagis

"Well it was just by mistake really, my home is up at top of the mountains deep in my territory..I wanted to get out for a bit so I decided to fly around and practice for a bit..I'm not very good at remembering where I'm going and got lost after I hit my head a couple times. I never knew I was all the way over here when those men attacked me." he looked out through the trees where they were thinest and saw the tall mountain ranges miles away in the distance.
" It was stupid of me to try an leave home so suddenly like that without telling anyone where I was going or doing.." he raised a hand to tuck a long strand of hair that had come loose behind his ear.

~Help me I'm human~

(12-07-2014, 08:37 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji wagged his tail slightly. "Thank you, you very brave yourself". He whispered back.

"thanks" Jeremy said. Then he looked to Shiloh. "Are you okay?" He asked "Did that men did something to you? Did they hurt you?"

"It's alright, it's a big world out there. Sometimes you just have to leave your home to explore it. Perhaps find a even better one". Koji replied. "There are so many sights to see, foods to try, things to do and people to meet."

"Your safe here Shiloh for now. We are on a journey to find the City of Aura. Did you see an old temple when you were flying by chance?" Ryne asked.

Koji looked at Shiloh and nodded. As he waited for his answer hoping that he did see the temple.

"You live near here? Are there others with you?", she asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. She was on a journey here, she couldn't stray off. But just to know would be nice. She watched the male, staying close. She looked over at Ryne as he spoke. Oh the temple! Of course.

Koji wagged his tail a bit excited. "Where did you see it?".

Shiloh Inagis

"They got me in the shoulder with a knife but I'm fine now." he said with a smile then thought over rynes Question attempting to remember the details of his flight.
" I believe I saw some ruins of a old cabin or two northward but they didn't seem like temples I'm sorry." he said before speaking again Kojis words sparking in his mind.
"Could I maybe come with you all to find this 'aura city'? If I go home they only thing I'll do is sit around till I rot with my parents and five sisters."

~Help me I'm human~

"I don't have a problem with you coming along." Koji replied calmly deciding that he could helpful on the journey.

Ryne nodded. "Of course. Anyone who is willing to help is always welcomed." Ryne said.

"So... Welcome to the group" said Jeremy, smiling.

She nodded. "Yeah welcome! We can use the help, we have a while to go", she said brightly, grinning.

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