The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Elisha removed the green hood of her cloak and smiled "Im Elisha Leaf, daughter of Estelian," she said as she then greeted them in the old tongue, natural for any elf, light or dark.
"I thought you would know, I´ve come to offer my protection to you young human," she said smiling sweetly at Ryne.

She looked amused at Koki "rest, werewolf friend don´t you think you would all be dead if I so wished? I´ve been tailing you all since you started this journey, and no harm has come to either of you, Im weaponless and have no magic protection, I come in peace"

"How do we know you are here in peace?" Ryne asked as he had a bad feeling.

Koji snorted and flipped her off. "Yeah, and I am a princess in disguise." He replied showing her he didn't trust her or bought her sweet as honey act. "Also, I am not your friend. The name's Koji got it!".

(12-08-2014, 04:15 AM)nurse Wrote:  Elisha removed the green hood of her cloak and smiled "Im Elisha Leaf, daughter of Estelian," she said as she then greeted them in the old tongue, natural for any elf, light or dark.
"I thought you would know, I´ve come to offer my protection to you young human," she said smiling sweetly at Ryne.

She looked amused at Koki "rest, werewolf friend don´t you think you would all be dead if I so wished? I´ve been tailing you all since you started this journey, and no harm has come to either of you, Im weaponless and have no magic protection, I come in peace"

"You are lying" Jeremy interrupted her. He doesn't knew why, but somehow he didn't trust the elf. The way that she looked at him make Jeremy shiver.

Elisha let the werewolf flip her to the ground and smiled showing off her white teeth and that her cananies were a bit larger "I got it Koji ,friend and if you hadn´t told me I would have totally kept thinking you were trully a princess," she said grinning widely " but it would be easier to make introductions while standing up," she pointed out as she raised her hands in a way of surrender to show she had no weapons with her at all.

She turned to look at Ryne and sighted not knowing how else to prove it to them "I havent harmed you in all this time and I carry no weapons no magic shields..." she said "I come to help but I can go if you prefer me not here, but I really want to help, I just don´t know how else to prove it." she said thruthfully "if you want you can test me...ask a task of me and it shall be done," she offered.
She smiled turning to Jeremy "what´s your proof? my parents showed me to not give acussations without proof, don´t you know you can taint the name of a good and inocent person? not that Im claiming to be inocent, but Im a good person" she stated eyeing Jeremy trying to soften her glare on him to appear less menancing.

Ryne nodded. "Alright. I'll give you a chance. My name is Ryne. May I ask why you want to join us?" He asked.

Shiloh Inagis

He had stayed at the back of the group scouting for enemies that may of came up behind them. In his phoenix form he flew to the front watching quietly as the elven girl spoke his coat of feathers made from smoke unlike most others who were made of fire blended perfectly in with the shadows. He let out a caw to signal he was there before flying down circling ryne before landing by his side golden eyes looking up at him then to the girl who he didn't trust one bit.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji snarled at her comment and left her on the ground. "I don't trust you dark elf!". He growled standing his ground against her. He wasn't convinced by her act and was showing her that he knew she couldn't be trusted. He wasn't stupid or easily tricked by others. He had been betrayed once all ready by others he believed to be the closest things to brothers.

(12-08-2014, 04:36 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne nodded. "Alright. I'll give you a chance. My name is Ryne. May I ask why you want to join us?" He asked.

Jeremy felt a tightness in his heart. Though he had no proof of the guilt of the elf, he also had no proof of her innocence. As soon as she appeared, Jeremy began to feel a strange thing, a bad feeling in his chest, as if something terrible was about to happen. It was almost as if the shadows follow her. But he ended up staying silent, after all, this was a choice of Ryne, and who was Jeremy to judge it or not? considering his past and the people who judged him before, Jeremy felt ashamed by judging the elf girl just as he had been judged by the townspeople.

Elisha smiled at Ryne " well I got my reasons, I may share them with you later, but I belive them too personal to just say them infront of a rather unwelcoming group of people," she said staring at each of the party members with her honey eyes that shined even in the dark, she stood up so effortlessly it seemed she had floated to a stand up position.

She smiled at Koji and smiled " thanks, I will take that as a compliment," she said smiling "arent you a feisty one? " she said smiling and taking her things nonechalantly "well aren´t we going to that oken tree?" she asked proving to them how she had trully been listening to them all this time.

(12-08-2014, 04:58 AM)nurse Wrote:  Elisha smiled at Ryne " well I got my reasons, I may share them with you later, but I belive them too personal to just say them infront of a rather unwelcoming group of people," she said staring at each of the party members with her honey eyes that shined even in the dark, she stood up so effortlessly it seemed she had floated to a stand up position.

She smiled at Koji and smiled " thanks, I will take that as a compliment," she said smiling "arent you a feisty one? " she said smiling and taking her things nonechalantly "well aren´t we going to that oken tree?" she asked proving to them how she had trully been listening to them all this time.

"Sure." Jeremy said. "But i will stay by Ryne's side the whole time, to be sure that he will be safe. If someone try to make any harm to him, will have to kill me before"

Koji squeezed Jeremy's hand to comfort him. He had a bad feeling about the dark elf as well. He didn't pay attention to the feeling last time he felt it. And because of it, he lost his entire pack and was betrayed by the two werewolves he had actually called honorable brothers. Now, Koji was going to have to face them and wasn't going to show them mercy. They turned on the pack and helped the dark legion kill their pack including their own families. They had left Koji for dead in a pool of his own blood. But the anger, sadness, hate and other feelings Koji felt gave him the strength to bury his entire pack properly and seek out Ryne. He was going to kill them both personally and some dark elf bitch wasn't going to stop him from his goals. He smirked at her. "You're welcome". He decided to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. He could play games too and he intended to win this one.

(12-08-2014, 05:03 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji squeezed Jeremy's hand to comfort him. He had a bad feeling about the dark elf as well. He didn't pay attention to the feeling last time he felt it. And because of it, he lost his entire pack and was betrayed by the two werewolves he had actually called honorable brothers. Now, Koji was going to have to face them and wasn't going to show them mercy. They turned on the pack and helped the dark legion kill their pack including their own families. They had left Koji for dead in a pool of his own blood. But the anger, sadness, hate and other feelings Koji felt gave him the strength to bury his entire pack properly and seek out Ryne. He was going to kill them both personally and some dark elf bitch wasn't going to stop him from his goals. He smirked at her. "You're welcome". He decided to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. He could play games too and he intended to win this one.

Jeremy squeezes Koji's hand back, looking a bit nervous. He had always been a bit sensitive about what other people feel, and he knew what Koji was feeling on that time. he would have embraced koji he was not worried because the dark elf

as if that would stop me little one," Elisha whispered to Jeremy and chuckled "Im only joking, no need to worry, I bark more than I bite she said "any of you hungry? I got some elf bread, just one bite, it can take you a whole day walking and its really good" she said taking out a loaf of bread and taking a piece for herself "anyone ? its free..." she said smiling and ignoring their dark looks. Poor gentle souls, so insignificant and weak, and they thought they could intimidate her.

"so tell me Koji friend, you practice much the gentle and noble art of a princess much or is just when I´m around, I believe this act would the the proud princess?" she asked smling loving how easily the werewolf got angry. "want some bread?"

Shiloh Inagis
At the mention of food he felt his stomach growl. He shuffled a bit At his place by rynes side opposite to Jeremy an Koji. Besides hunger going through his mind thanks to the girl he wondered if they shouldn't continue on the the tree with her with them.. What if she decided to take out the others besides ryne? He'd be more vulnerable to attack with no one else to defend him. The bird shuffled from foot to foot again but stayed silent as the thoughts played through his mind.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji glared at her for getting closer to Jeremy. Before deciding that he wasn't going to allow the dark elf to get under his skin. "I just ate. Besides, until you like you I don't wish to lose my figure." He smirked at her. Would you like some boar's meat?". He replied and offered her a chunk of the dried game meat after giving some to Shiloh,

Elisha smiled "hmm a vain werewolf never saw one before" she mushed as she broke her loaf dividing it on for all the party giving one to Ryne and Shiloh, then Jeremy and Koji´s piece she enveloped in a handkerchief "leave it for latter then it will not rot or go sour" she said and smiled " boars meat sounds good, thank you my dear and lovely princess " she said grinning letting her livehood be contagious. "but Im an elf, we are vegetarian, so no meat, its disrespectful to us, to eat an inocent life when you can feel their life energy leaving their body"


He turned human sitting on the ground his long hair, now undone from his braid, tumbled down his back and touched the ground. His golden eyes surveyed the two foods he'd been handed, for now until the bread was proven safe to eat he took a bite from the meat savoring it's flavor as his lips twitched up in a small smile.

~Help me I'm human~

"You're welcome, besides your are fat enough without the boars meat". He smirked at her using a smart ass tone. Before smiling at Shiloh. "How does it taste?". He asked him knowing that no one could resist the smokey taste of dried game meat and slipped the bread into his bag.

Elisha chuckled "then it means I will go less hungry than any of you, aren´t I lucky?" she asked eyeing Kyo, he was not the only one with a smart mouth around here but she decided to tone it down a bit "go on try it its not poison," she said to the rest as she herself took a bite and encouraged Ryne to do so to.

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