The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Ryne thought for a moment. "What can we do to prove ourselves heroes?" He asked the golems. "You don't need to prove it. However, your companions must answer our questions to enter." The golems explained.

(12-09-2014, 03:20 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne thought for a moment. "What can we do to prove ourselves heroes?" He asked the golems. "You don't need to prove it. However, your companions must answer our questions to enter." The golems explained.

"Okay, then" Jeremy said, trying to sounds confidence. "What are your questions?"

Koji's eyes seemed to glaze over and wasn't in control of his own body any longer. He led Jeremy pass the doors into a large open room. Only to have Jeremy vanish from his side. This was a test for Koji to face alone. The ceiling was filled with stars that shone brightly in the night sky. The ground under their feet was the softest green grass, all around them were thousands of plants, trees, and flowers that seemed to glow with power. Wild animals wandered the area and watched the pair as they continued towards the center of a pure white marble shrine where a large white wolf and a large black wolf were sitting beside each other quietly. The white wolf had pure light blue eyes without pupils and the black wolf's eyes were golden without pupils. They weren't normal wolf or werewolves they were servants of the Great Spirit herself that were also worshiped by Koji and his pack.

"Why did you come here?" The Golems asked as they raised their hammers, ready to strike if they didn't answer correctly.

(12-09-2014, 03:26 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  "Why did you come here?" The Golems asked as they raised their hammers, ready to strike if they didn't answer correctly.

"Im here because i'm tired of this war" Said Jeremy, being sincere and not afraid of the Golems because he knew that they wouldn't harm him if he was sinsere "I'm tired of having to prostitute myself to survive and keep my sister and cousins alive. I'm tired of being hated by society. I came here because i want to help Kyle to stop this war"

Aster reappeared when the group was ready to resume their course, the male following closely all the while the swordstaff he carried beginning to glow faintly while vibrating softly with energy. It resonated when conflict or darkness lurked. It could be whatever was beyond the portal or the female herself, but he was counting on the latter to have been the cause. After all, she had already lied about following them and being harmless.

As if to put emphasis on his thoughts, the guardians and their hammers demanded they halt. One of them clearly was not someone to be trusted unless Ryne could assure differently. The figures had proposed a series of questions instead to which the Light Elf was certain he would nail with flying colors.

"I came here to aid Ryne and his child in his task of delivering the protector of this world. Anyone that dares oppose the goddessess will shall be smited effectively." That was his answer and it was the truth. He was originally tasked with just tailing them because their words attracted certain attention. After relaying all that he had saw and knew to the council, he was now tasked with protecting the male, needing but to call the aid of the other Light Elves nearby if such a task was needed. It was not at the moment, but with several figures not being trustworthy, some would probably have to pull their own weight a bit more.

The wolves stared at Koji. "We have summoned you here to be judged.". The white wolf told him. "However, if you are found to be not to be worthy of our power and guidance you shall be killed". The black wolf told him. Koji nodded and bowed to them. "Yes, I understand the terms and punishment for using the forbidden spell on my pack. I am willing to accept any punishment I deserve for it. I wish to bring peace to these lands once again. There is a enemy among us who wishes my pack harm. I swore myself to protect them and the unborn child of the goddess the human Ryne carries. As well, the human named Jeremy who is my friend." He replied quietly and kept his eyes on the ground to show his submission and respect to the all-powerful Alphas who protected the gate to the afterlife where the The Great Spirit lived at and accepted the spirits of the werewolves when they passed away along with the animals to be reborn into the world once again. The two wolves stared at Koji and nodded at him. "Lift your head brother Koji. You shall always have our guidence, power, and magic along with the blessing of the Great Spirit. May you continue your journey in peace and call upon us when you need us". They told him in sync as Koji's body was filled with a very powerful ancient power that had been forgotten centuries ago. He panted and grounded his teeth at the feeling of the power. It felt like every fiber of his body was fire. As he could feel symbols of power, protection, and magic being carved into his body that would only reveal themselves when he knew it would be time to call upon them to banish the darkness. He squeezed his eyes tightly close and focused on a image of Jeremy smiling, singing and laughing among the entire group's smiling faces to help him though the pain. Before he was teleported back to his group in time to give his answer to the golems. "A man or woman no matter what species should never be judged by their title or status. But by the strength of their hearts, spirits and pride. I swore to protect everyone in this pack including the damn light elf. I have lost everyone I cared about in the past to the dark legion. I refuse to lose anyone else I care about in this world to the dark legion or any other threats. I swore on my life to protect the unborn child that Ryne carries in his belly! ". He called out to them.

(12-09-2014, 03:54 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  The wolves stared at Koji. "We have summoned you here to be judged.". The white wolf told him. "However, if you are found to be not to be worthy of our power and guidance you shall be killed". The black wolf told him. Koji nodded and bowed to them. "Yes, I understand the terms and punishment for using the forbidden spell on my pack. I am willing to accept any punishment I deserve for it. I wish to bring peace to these lands once again. There is a enemy among us who wishes my pack harm. I swore myself to protect them and the unborn child of the goddess the human Ryne carries. As well, the human named Jeremy who is my friend." He replied quietly and kept his eyes on the ground to show his submission and respect to the all-powerful Alphas who protected the gate to the afterlife where the The Great Spirit lived at and accepted the spirits of the werewolves when they passed away along with the animals to be reborn into the world once again. The two wolves stared at Koji and nodded at him. "Lift your head brother Koji. You shall always have our guidence, power, and magic along with the blessing of the Great Spirit. May you continue your journey in peace and call upon us when you need us". They told him in sync as Koji's body was filled with a very powerful ancient power that had been forgotten centuries ago. He panted and grounded his teeth at the feeling of the power. It felt like every fiber of his body was fire. As he could feel symbols of power, protection, and magic being carved into his body that would only reveal themselves when he knew it would be time to call upon them to banish the darkness. He squeezed his eyes tightly close and focused on a image of Jeremy smiling, singing and laughing among the entire group's smiling faces to help him though the pain. Before he was teleported back to his group in time to stop the golems. "A man or woman no matter what species should never be judged by their title or status. But by the strength of their hearts, spirits and pride. I swore to protect everyone in this pack including the damn light elf. I have lost everyone I cared about in the past to the dark legion. I refuse to lose anyone else I care about in this world to the dark legion or any other threats. I swore on my life to protect the unborn child that Ryne carries in his belly! ". He called out to them.

"Wow." Said Jeremy "What happend? Are you okay Koji?" Jeremy looked at Koji in his eyes "Are you in pain?"

"Yes, I am fine". Koji smiled and squeezed Jeremy's hand as he looked back into his eyes. The symbols and spells on his body were hidden away from sight and only would come out when it Koji was ready to use them. Koji was a bit sore from the ritual but he knew he would be fine as long as Jeremy remained at his side.

(12-09-2014, 04:04 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Yes, I am fine". Koji smiled and squeezed Jeremy's hand as he looked back into his eyes. The symbols and spells on his body were hidden away from sight and only would come out when it Koji was ready to use them. Koji was a bit sore from the ritual but he knew he would be fine as long as Jeremy remained at his side.

Jeremy hugged Koji. He didn't know why, but he felt that Koji needed that hug

Elisha eyed the golems as she observed what the others said and do, she was not at all concerned, sure she could pass the gates, yet she saw no reason to jump to be of the first ones to answer.

Koji smiled at Jeremy and returned his hug. The moment Jeremy hugged him, his soreness faded away. He hugged him back warmly and nuzzled him. He noticed Jeremy had a crescent moon pair with a sun on his upper back left shoulder. He had a matching one on his right hip hidden away from sight. He closed his eyes slowly and smiled softly. "Thank you, great spirit and alphas of the moon and sun. I shall not let you down". He silently prayed to them. Because Jeremy shared his mark it meant that Jeremy was now under the protection of the power Alpha deities forever and marked as Koji's soul mate.

(12-09-2014, 04:13 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled at Jeremy and returned his hug. The moment Jeremy hugged him, his soreness faded away. He hugged him back warmly and nuzzled him. He noticed Jeremy had a crescent moon pair with a sun on his upper back left shoulder. He had a matching one on his right hip hidden away from sight. He closed his eyes slowly and smiled softly. "Thank you, great spirit and alphas of the moon and sun. I shall not let you down". He silently prayed to them. Because Jeremy shared his mark it meant that Jeremy was now under the protection of the power Alpha deities forever and marked as Koji's soul mate.

(that's so cute)

Jeremy hold Koji's hand and waited for the Golems say if they were allowed to enter the place with Ryne


Koji smiled at Jeremy and squeezed his hand gently. He just wanted to make sure he wasn't going to disappear again from his sight. He stood up straight and waited patiently with Jeremy.

"Im here following the Chosen One, to take him into were he is most needed " she said and her words were phrased in a way that she was speaking the truth, she truly belived he was most needed in Worsis and in MalikĀ“s power, she truly belived her cause was noble and just.

Koji snorted at her answer and a had feeling it was a lie. He wasn't going to allow her to hurt Ryne or anyone in his pack. The child was going to be born in the city of Aura and kept with his mother.

Elisha eyed the werewolf at his snort, yet was not surprised at all, and she just smiled back at him, taking note how the werewolf never left the second human and how they were holding hands, and smiled finding one weak spot in the werewolf, his unique "button" her father always told her that the key in controling your enemies was into finding their "button" that little thing they would do anything for, for some it was money, power, lands and for other fools it was love.

The Golems stayed silent for a moment, enough for a mouse's footstep to be heard. The Golems lowered their hammers. "Very well. You may all proceed." They said as they entered their eternal sleep once again. "We can proceed." Ryne said.

Koji growled softly at her as a warning for trying anything to Jeremy. As they entered the library together. But he was just doing for show. He knew Jeremy was protected by the alphas and the great spirit from any thing the dark elf bitch could try on them.

(12-09-2014, 04:33 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  The Golems stayed silent for a moment, enough for a mouse's footstep to be heard. The Golems lowered their hammers. "Very well. You may all proceed." They said as they entered their eternal sleep once again. "We can proceed." Ryne said.

"So, lets go" Said Jeremy, smiling and walking in a funny way. The fact is that, even without knowing why, he was so happy he could start to sing and dance anytime, but, knowing that place was a temple, he tried to stay calm, resulting in a funny way of walking which was between leaping, hopping and walking, just like if he had too much energy and tried to contain it.

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