Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

Ryne nodded. "Can you help me? It hurts." He said as he moaned in pain from a contraction.

"what position will you be more comfortable in?" he said seeing how the tip was just laying there in Ryne´s opening and moving back in, he cleaned Ryne´s belly sweat in trying to make him more comfortable.

"Can I stand? It might help." Ryne suggested. "I just need you to keep me up."

"yes, but you would later have to squat, or hold up alone for a few as I grab the egg," Kevan said as he gently helped Ryne up as they rocked together through a contraction.

Ryne nodded as he rocked with Kevan. He moaned as he pushed, the egg slowly coming out until it reached its widest part.

Kevan saw the egg slowly inch out, Ryne´s skin around it was tense and he could see the effort his husband was making "its okay, you are doing amazing, its almost out, a few pushes more and its out my dear" he said kissing Ryne´s neck as he rocked with him again as his husband embraced the next contraction.

Ryne moaned softly and nodded. He bit Kevan's shoulder, biting it softly as he pushed. The egg finally emerged, sliding out.

Kevan had to let go of Ryne quickly as the egg came out too unexpectantly "its okay I got it," he said quickly holding Ryne back and kissing his lips "you did it my love, such a good mother!" he said gently "you wanna stay standing?" he asked handing Ryne their new egg,

"Can I squat? It hurts to stand." Ryne said tiredly.

Kevan nods "of course dear, " he said as he moves the blankets and helps Ryne to a squatting position, as Kevan sits on the bed to support and hold Ryne up. The positions brings a lot of pressure to Ryne, yet a pressure he knows will help him birth his eggs, his back aches over the pressure and Kevan places a hot compress to ease the pain.

Ryne moaned in pain as he put his arms up, holding his pregnant body up. "It hurts. Can you rub my belly?" He asked.

Kevan´s arms snake down below Ryne´s arpits and are resting on his belly "sure dear, but keep breathing, you are almost done," he said gently as he rubs gently small circles in Ryne´s belly that is much smaller now yet he can still feel the shape of the eggs "how are you holding up my dear? how else can I help?" he asked

"I'm tired. Just keep rubbing my belly. It feels nice when you do it." Ryne stated before he moaned as another egg descended. "How many more?"

"six dear," he said as he kept Rubbing Ryne´s belly gently, his hands grew blue as he transfered some enrgy to Ryne so he wouldnt be so tired. He helped Ryne part his legs again and guided his hands to his opening"push my love, and you will soon feel our next egg" he said smiling at his husband.

Ryne nodded and pushed. The next egg began to crown easily. "I love you Kevan. So much."

Kevan kissed Ryne´s lips as the next egg began to crown gently the white shell clear in Ryne´s opening as it gently inched out.

Ryne moaned as he pushed. The egg slowly inched out and finally emerged.

The following egg wasn´t that far behind from the one that just emerged and as Ryne panted the egg gently entered his birth canal, making some slight pressure in Ryne´s prostate as Kevan took the new egg and cleaned it letting Ryne held it for a little while as he had done with the others

Ryne moaned in pleasure as he gripped the sheets. "Don't forget to rub my belly.

Kevan grinned and kissed his neck as he kept rubbing Ryne´s belly, as the egg continued to emerge the soft skin enveloping the hard shell in its way out.

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09-15-2018, 03:52 PM

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