Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

Ryne slowly woke up and noticed the egg move. "Oh Kevan! I think the baby is hatching."

"hmmm?" Kevan asked yawning as he woke and smiled seeing the egg move with activity "it...really is!" he said excited as the first crack appeared on the shell, not more than a very thin and small fissure.

Ryne sat close to the egg and watched with awe and fascination. "Come on little one. We're excited to meet you." He said happily.

The baby inside kept rocking and moving to work its shell making a little hole appear, the baby then rocked making its egg fall in the soft nest breaking its shell and a cry was heard of their newborn. It was a little boy curled on itself, covered in fluids and pieces of the shell, it had a scaled tail, the color of red wine, pointing Kevan as his sire father. He also had a pair of wings attached to his small back he was tiny, smaller than a human child.

Ryne's smiled brightly as he carefully picked up the baby, not caring of the fluids and simply removing any pieces of the shell that stayed on the baby. "He's so cute!" He said as his heart melted.

The baby was crying from cold and hunger and curled into Ryne´s arms seeking his mother´s protection "How should we name him?" Kevan asked as he was over the moon seeing his first son.

Ryne held the baby close and offered his small breast, milk developing over the months. "Can we name him Edward?" He asked.

Kevan grinned "Edward....I like it," he said coming close to see his son better. The little baby yawned and closed his lips against his mother´s breast and began to nurse, just as another two eggs began showing movement

(I think with just these first three we can play them, or you want just one?)

(I'm fine with that. Can the last egg Ryne had not hatch yet?)

Ryne smiled and looked to the other two eggs as he fed Edward. "Come on little ones. I know you can do it." He encouraged.

(sure, Ill mention the others hatching later, but that not hatching, sounds okay?)

Fisures and cracks went along the eggs, the children encouraged by the call of their mom as they could recognize his voice.


Ryne moved closer and smiled at all the eggs. "That's it! Almost there. Make mama proud."

One egg broke first yet the baby needed some help as it hadn´t managed to break her egg completely as her brother had, it was a girl, small and covered in fluid, dragon tail and wings, though her´s were black as the night, she had been sired by Burt.... she cried loaudly showing off her strong lungs. the second egg kept moving the baby trying to break its shell.

Ryne helped the newborn girl out and held her to his chest. "Drink up my little girl. Have your fill." He said softly.

the little girl began to nurse as Kevan kissed both Edward and the new girl watching as the third Egg was breaking its shell, a little tail went thorough, it was blue scaled.

"A blue tail?" Ryne asked but still welcomed the newly hatched baby.

As the egg kept rupturing a blue scaled baby girl was revealed, she didn´t cried as she was exhuasted but seemed to be looking for her mom. "sometimes children inherit color from their grandparents or great grandparentes," Kevan said knowing kids that were not red or black would be hard to tell who their father was, but wasn´t that the point? all of them were his, Burt had nothing to do with this.

Ryne nodded as he brought his newborn girl closer. "There there. You can sleep if you want to." He said softly to the baby girl.

Kevan took the new girl in his arms to let Ryne feed Edward and the other girl "these two need names my dear," he said "how about Azure, for the one I´m holding?" he asked as the name was fitting to her colour.

"it's perrct. Can we name this one Dusk?" Ryne suggested as he held the baby girl in his arms.

Kevan nodded "its a very fitting name," he said as both dragon babies nursed from Ryne´s breasts. As Edward finished Kevan handed Ryne Azure, and the rest of their children began to hatch, there had four boys and four other girls, yet the tiny little egg Ryne had birthed last, didn´t hatched.

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