The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"Don't worry about it Shiloh. Not everyone wants to be involved this war. But we have all been forced into this war." Koji told him and left to join Jeremy's side again.

Ryne noticed how Koji and Jeremy were very close and smiled. "If I didn't know any better, I'd mistake you as a married couple Koji and Jeremy." He joked.

Elisha got the berries and kneaded them to make an improvised jelly for Ryne to eat his elven bread. "go Ryne, try it," she said smilnig moving closer to him as the night grew colder.

Ryne nodded as he spread the jelly on the bread and ate it. "It's really good. Best thing I ever had."

"I doubt it, but thanks," she said smiling brightly at him, "how have you been sleeping at the camp?" she asked gently.

"It's been fine. My back hurts if I sleep weird though." Ryne explained as he put a hand on his back while the other on his belly.

"perhaps I could help with that?" she asked and smiled wishing to touch his child again if he would let her. "how...far along are you Ryne?" she asked

Koji blushed deep red and cleared his throat at the mention of being married. "Here, allow me to help you with your back Ryne...". He offered and pulled out a herbal salve that would heat up on the touch of bare skin. It was used for sore muscles it had a strong mint scent. Koji got up and started to massage Ryne's lower back for him with the salve to work the tighten muscles out his back.

Ryne moaned at the massage Koji gave. "Thanks Koji. And 12 months Elisha." He explained.

Elisha eyed the werewolf as he had ruined her private talk but didn´t said a thing.

"12? and...for how long you got to carry? I mean, as I said the way to Shadowforge is a long one," she said standing up and using her magic, she made of the tree a small bed appear, a queen size, enough for Ryne to lay comfortably, it was made of the wood of the tree and the matress of the vines and leaves, it was really soft and comfortable, a tent was also formed out of the leaves in order to keep Ryne warm during the night and give him some privacy.

"I can carry as long as I need to as long as I eat labour fruit. I have to make sure I eat some tomorrow. I have to eat it weekly." Ryne explained

"but doesn't the child grow?" she asked thinking the goddess sneaky in making Ryne take this measures (she knew she wasn't one to be talking) yet the goddess was "supposed" to be kind.
"well at least you can sleep comfortable tonight," Elisha said pointing to the bed and tent she made out of magic for him.

"The child does grow. The baby is just small though. Still, it's big enough to sit on my bladder and cause me back pain." Ryne said jokingly.

Elisha smiled "well at least he´s small come, lay down in the bed, I can massage your back till you fall asleep" she said.

Koji chuckled softly at Ryne's comment and worked more the salve into Ryne's lower back continuing to work the rest of the knots out of Ryne's back. He saw it as practice for the future if Jeremy ever agreed to have his pups as well. "May I touch your belly as well?" He asked after he finished with Ryne's back. He wanted to bond with the child and tell him or her the new stories he had learned from the Alphas. Because of their power, he almost could have sworn that he was able to hear the child's voice in his head.

Ryne smiled. "Alright. Let me lie on the bed and you can read to it while Elisha massages my back." He suggested.

Elisha smiled and helped him to bed "tell me how it feels, I can make it more soft or harder if you need," she said helping the pregnant human boy, the tent of leaves kept the cold out making it really warm and cozy for a person in such a gravid state as Ryne.

Koji glanced at the dark elf for moment before nodding his head. "Alright". He replied and carried Ryne to the bed carefully. Before working on massaging his belly as he started to whisper the new fairy tales to the unborn baby. He smiled as he felt the baby kick softly in response to the massage and stories.

Ryne moaned as the baby gave a sharp kick. "I think your story got it excited Koji." He said playfully.

Elisha beggan to rub Ryne´s back in silence feeling an outsider at how easily Koji and Ryne talked while she had to think every word she said and it was trying yet necessary. "sorry about the cold hands," she said as her body was naturally a few degrees lower.

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