The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"I was born into an order who studied and worshiped the original gods and goddesses. I learned everything I needed to know through Yume. I learned how to respect nature and understood the balance of life and death. When the war broke out, Yume told of a way to end the war and have all races join in harmony. She tasked me as I was her most devoted student." Ryne explained.

"races can´t live in harmony there´s too much hate and distrust for that," she pointed out she quite didn´t like this Yume, "she should be here, protecting you," she mumbled "if my lover was pregnant I wouldnt let him out of my sight," she said and blushed realizing what she had said "I mean...of course that is impossible cause male elves dont carry and generally...males dont carry but...yeah..."

"I know how you feel. But, she also knew that she had other duties too. That and she didn't want to interfere with finding someone to love." Ryne explained.

"what can be more important than her own child? and what you mean, isnt she your lover?" she asked with a frown now "I would really punch her on the face, or any other god really, I don´t know how you can worship them, they are cruel," she said.

"They are not cruel! They give us challenges so we may overcome them. They have a duty to continue our world's existence and to allow nature and emotion to continue to flow through world." Ryne stated.

Elisha nodded but didn´t belived his words, it would do no good to argue with him at the moment, "you wanna go swimming?" she asked not wanting to keep talking of the gods, she would like to ask him why the gods only answered the prayers of some and not of everyone, that was unfair and unjust. Challenges...more like playing with lesser being as if they were dolls.

"Sure. I could go for a swim." Ryne said.

Elisha smiled as she stood up and disrobed infront of him and blushed as she ran to the lake.

Ryne took off his shirt and exposed his large belly. He entered the water and swam towards Elisha.

Elisha giggled and splashed some water to him. " your belly is bigger than I thought..." she said shyly and blushing

"It's heavier too. The bigger though, the better." Ryne said playfully as he decided to float on the surface, his belly poking out of the surface.

"why is it the bigger the better?" she asked swiming next to him with a grin.

"If my belly is big, then the baby is big, meaning it's healthy. Can I ask you a question? Why do you believe the gods are cruel?" Ryne asked.

"cause they play with us..." she said "and they are unjust and cruel I see it in my land, in myself and even in you, we are not toys Ryne, " she said as she looked at him afraid she might have said too much.

Ryne looked to Elisha and floated towards her. "They don't do nothing Elisha. But they can't do everything. If we relied on them too much, we would become too greedy and only want more. If they did nothing, none of this would exist. Our world, our cultures were given the ultimate gift by the gods so we can do anything we want." He explained as he left off on a cliffhanger.

(you mean Ryne left or simply stopped talking?)

(Stopped talking)

"I don´t mean they to do everything, is just..." she bit her lip not quite knowing how to explain. "they never answer my prayers or my people´s prayers, they even went and had a laugh, making us look like this," she said and frowned "even you call us dark legion, we arent bad people you know?" she said beliving the truth relied in Malik. He was going to set things right, she knew.

"The gods know your people are innocent. This isn't the first war the Dark Legion took place in. A thousand years ago, the Dark Legion was created to protect Shadowforge when the Imperial Army was still in its early days. The Dark Legion made a deal with the God, Kurai, asking for power and protection from him. He gave them the gift of Dark Magic and gave the Dark Elves their name and appearance. But in reality, Kurai never gave them anything. Other than their appearance, he did nothing. They had the ability to use magic all along, all he did was give them hope." Ryne explained. "And with hope, they created powerful magic to conquer the harsh ash lands of Shadowforge and to protect its people."

"Kurai is a vengeful god, and your friends judge me and are scared cause Im a dark elf, just like the rest of the other kingdoms, its good they are afraid though....such weaklings...." she mused but sighted it was clear all her hurt and hate mixed up together with something that could only be hurt.
" can we just...stop?" she asked "you can´t talk of this you studied this but I have lived it, so lets not argue, please, I dont want to argue," she said

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