The Chosen (story rp, open.)


Aster had spent his day merely tending to the campsite's basic needs. He paid the date no mind; Koji and Shiloh were seemingly following the two and quite frankly it was not in his plans to try and stop something less he seemingly come off as revealing some sort of hidden feeling to stall them from the inevitable. Elisha was there to lure the male to Worsis and by all accounts, he was merely going to enable the thought right until they actually arrived.

He was fastening his bow, adding a knife to the edges as he tinkered away when his ears twitched at the faint sounds nearby. He simply got up and walked away behind a tree, the male observing on if there was another spy or another animal nearby. A simple method was to sync with nature again, his hands resting into the tree's gray bark as the life around him began to light up with their life force. It was then he noticed something nearby much larger, a Riptor to be exact.

"This week keeps getting better and better" he simply stated. First a Dark Elf that was seducing the pregnant male, now another creature of the dark secretly lurking. He would not strike first however as it may not be the beings motives to kill them.

"I take it the venture went well?" He simply asked the two when they returned.

"Of course. Now, Yūrei! I ask you one question. Who destroyed the Dark Elves land?" Ryne asked the goddess. "The Trinity of the Dark Elves destroyed Shadowforge." Yūrei stated, confirming Elisha's statement. "I see. That is saddening." Ryne said. "Indeed. We had no choice but to destroy Shadowforge. However, it was meant to ensure that The Throne is intact. The one you trust has lied to you and betrayed you." Yūrei said cryptically before the flames dissipated. "What did she mean?" Ryne wondered.

Koji heard the goddess and hoped that Ryne would figure out what she meant. It just made him not trust the dark elf more. After he finished the song he was playing and caught the scent of a spy hiding away in the forest. He decided to wait to see if the spy meant the group harm as he played more songs.

Kirak is surprised by this strange news. That was a goddess by the sound of her voice. What throne was she talking about though and what is this group traveling for. In any case the group is too big for a simple walk but too small for an army. Just who are these strange people.

Ryne sighed as he walked over to a seat, intending to rest his feet. He accidentally tripped and landed in the bushes. He landed on his back and unfortunately on Kirak. "This isn't a normal bush. What did I land on?" The pregnant male asked.

Koran groans in pain as the male had fallen on his head. He had managed to close his eyes in time to protect them from the branches the human had brought with him. Kirak's tail swishes angrily behind the male riptor. He carefully pushes the male upright in a gesture of peace so the others will hopefully not try to kill him. "You landed on me human. Sence you found me In a most rude manor I would like to know who you are and what your doing."

Ryne was surprised when he was pushed into a standing position. "Oh! I apologize. My name is Ryne. Me and my friends here are searching for the lost city of Aura. Can I ask who you are?" He asked kindly.

Kirak looks at the others "I'm kirak, a hunter of the moutain clan. What is so important about this lost city that is causes you to carry your eggs on such a journey and is your mate understanding of this?" The males clearly pregnut form confused him he was certain that humans hid the males during their carrying time. Though why the humans hide it puzzles him greatly isn't it natural for the mated pair to take turns carrying the eggs till they hatch, so why hide it.

(12-18-2014, 10:23 PM)DragonKnight Wrote:  "Of course. Now, Yūrei! I ask you one question. Who destroyed the Dark Elves land?" Ryne asked the goddess. "The Trinity of the Dark Elves destroyed Shadowforge." Yūrei stated, confirming Elisha's statement. "I see. That is saddening." Ryne said. "Indeed. We had no choice but to destroy Shadowforge. However, it was meant to ensure that The Throne is intact. The one you trust has lied to you and betrayed you." Yūrei said cryptically before the flames dissipated. "What did she mean?" Ryne wondered.

Elisha looked with recentment at the figure of the goddess and looked at Ryne with a face that said "told you so". She didn´t knew what the part of the throne meant or the rest of it. 
"do you believe me now Ryne?" she said, she was quite surprised when a riptor apperead she wasn´t sure if his presence will help take some attention off her shoulders. 

She silently helped Ryne up and took his hand gently. 

""Elisha, when Yūrei said someone we trust betrayed us. Kirak, I need to head to Aura and give birth to a child of the goddess of life, Yume. The child will stop the war and bring peace to Vangra." Ryne explained.

Elisha looked at him "yes? what does that means?" she asked squeezing his hand. She heard his words, and look away as it was her mission to stop Ryne from going to Aura, she could almost see Ryne following her into Worsis, the child being born there, but she would ask Malik to spare Ryne, she wasnt feeling okay with Malik disposing of the human.

Kirak blinks "so that's not a clutch of eggs in an egg pouch?" He blinks and sniffs the human "I don't know if just giving birth to a goddess will help but I guess if you think it's worth a try then more power to you." He notices the untrusting glares from the others and steps back. Using his tail to clean all the dirt off as much he can.

"Would you like to join us Kirak? Any help would be greatly appreciated. And by the way you managed to hide, you are an excellent Hunter and tracker." Ryne said.

Koji kept his distance and stood in front of Jeremy and Shiloh. He watched Kirak calmly and listened to the Alphas explain that he could be trusted and be of help with the group. He approached Kirak slowly and nodded at him. "Hello there Kirak. I am Koji, of the last of the Blue Moon werewolf Clan".

Elisha looked with a bit of recentment how Koji quickly acepted the reptile...and guessed she would still be under the spotlight after all. Holding Ryne´s hand calmed her though "Im Elisha Leaf," she said with a nod of her head. "If we want to go to Shadowforge, we should start our journey Ryne, mostly as we don´t have a horse..." she said wondering if really Ryne could make it walking to her old city.

Ryne looked between Kirak and Koji. He had known that Werewolves and Riptors had a fierce rivalry with each other, but he wasn't sure how these two would act.

Koji normally wouldn't have anything to do with a Riptor. But he did help Ryne up carefully and showed he meant them no harm. He decided to give the riptor a chance but he wasn't going to be buddy buddy with him right away.

Kirak nods "I would enjoy that. My clan is a hours walk away from here so if you want test there then it might be better for you then out here. But I'm very cureuois if you don't have an eg pouch how did the baby get in you?" He finaly manages to get his scales clean

"Thank you, that would be nice to refill up on our supplies and do some trading". Koji replied interested at the thought of seeing children again. He didn't care what race or gender they were. He always gave them the small figurines he carved and tell them stories.

"I have a womb in me. It's similar to an egg pouch but I give birth to a live baby instead of an egg." Ryne explained.

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