The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"Yes, that would be the wisest move to make". Koji replied as he nodded in agreement.

Ryne nodded. "Alright. We'll quickly get some supplies. I'm starting to feel hungry again anyway." He said as he rubbed his belly.

"Yes, and rest up for the trip for a while." Koji added with a nod.

(12-19-2014, 08:52 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne nodded. "Alright. We'll quickly get some supplies. I'm starting to feel hungry again anyway." He said as he rubbed his belly.

Elisha looked at him "you are sure?" she asked "if you are hungry I can share of my bread or go hunt something," she offered bored of how slow they were walking. 

"Yes, what's wrong haven't you ever visted a Riptor's village?". He asked with a arched eyebrow.

Kirak "if we are going to slow I can give Ryne a ride. Just don't grab my horns." He smiles and goes next to Ryne just incase he accepts the offer.

"No, I have never been in a Riptor´s village and I doubt you have Koji," she said glaring at him "I´m just pointing the obvious that this is a big waste of time, we are on a quest, not on a journey of visiting friend´s houses" she spat crossing her arms around her chest.

Ryne nodded. "Thank you Kirak. And Elisha is right. We should head there, re supply and head out." He said as he got on Kira's back.

Elisha grinned proudly that Ryne would give him the "you are right," and she smiled widely at Koji. She looks as Ryne is carried and pouts, knowing he would have been more comfortable in the dark war horse he had managed to tame.

Kirak nods and lets Ryne on. "Well ok I was hoping I could have time to gather some of my things. Besides sometimes you can find info when stopping to talk to people. Our clan elder talks about a lot of lost things so he might have info on your lost thing course he might not as well. Hard to tell with the elder, he only sometimes has knowlage beyond his many years." The drow is starting to push on his nerves, what is she so grouchy about when he is just trying to be nice.

"Thank you, I wouldn't mind talking to the others in your village and find out any information from them". He replied and snorted at the dark elf's comment.

Aster was against the notion entirely, but there was some truth in both those for and against going to the village. "Let's agree to break even then? We stay to acquire what we need and head out immediately. If there's some knowledge to be required, perhaps there isn't a need to be too hasty in walking out blindly."

"Yes good idea Aster". Koji replied and smirked at the dark elf to get her back for earlier. Even though it was childish to act in such a manner. Even though she did start it.

His eyes found themselves to the riptor again. He compelety stopped humming the the fire and it settled at it's original color reflecting in shilohs golden eyes. Being away fromthe crowd he still hadn't caught the riptors name only that it began with a k...he kinda hoped that they'd set out soon he had a bad feelig about stayin in one place to long knowing that they should move forwards towards thier destination.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji smiled and held Jeremy's hand as they traveled to the village together.

Kirak points out his village by a moutain "there it is. The moutain clan home. We will be there soon. Thanks for inviting me to your adventure I've long wanted to see more of the world. Just have had no idea where to start."

(12-20-2014, 06:13 PM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled and held Jeremy's hand as they traveled to the village together.

Jeremy held Koji's hand, and walked with him to the village.

"You're welcome". Koji nodded and fought the urge to wag his tail excited about seeing a village again.

Ryne smiled. "It's a beautiful village." He said.

Koji looked around interested at the village as his tail wagged at the sight of children and smell of fresh meat.

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